Recent content by DarkDominion

smoochy boys on tour
  1. Welcome To DevilWish 1.9 Server

    heres link to my full client and latest exe:- includes all new caves/items/mobs and lvl50 caves :) So unless DW has changed anything over christmas this is it all :) enjoy :D
  2. Welcome To DevilWish 1.9 Server

    ill try upload my client overnight for ppl who need aswell
  3. Welcome To DevilWish 1.9 Server

    yer gotta be log in gate down >.< I put ID/Pass in then it does nothing for 20secs-1min then i get a chinese msg box and it closes down on me. i know its not wrong password becuase it says "wrong pass" when you get it wrong :P
  4. Welcome To DevilWish 1.9 Server

    Any news on when server will be back up and running?
  5. How Can You Make EURO Items Bigger?

    Im sick of practically squinting to see the damn drops lol on EURO and with no HOLD ALT key to show drops name or large sizes its annoying and i miss alot of drops knowing my luck lol So anyone tell me how to make the items/gold bigger too see on EURO plz?
  6. Welcome To DevilWish 1.9 Server

    dreamcatcherei Its a Great Server BUT it really needs JOB/CLASS change in :( its too slow for taos/war too lvl and get high enough for all the insane stuff like wiz easily get >.< Any chance you can put JOB/CHANGE in? dreamcatcherei...