Recent content by jacktrends

  1. Discussion Phoenix Legacy Mir 2 Crystal

    Struggling to connect whats the ip please my patcher says error.ini coulnt be downloaded but its there
  2. Ariss Mir 2

    download not available?
  3. Lands Of Utopia [Mir2 - Crystal]

    there is a TM and also a market town... n00b
  4. Lands Of Utopia [Mir2 - Crystal]

    Since the update and removal of old caves and new starter cave was added Cant find blade storm or other n00b items/book lvl 74 with wooden sword stil and no blade storm lol
  5. Avoid (Custom Medium Server) Inferno Mir 2

    get the same message if i use launcher or client "Wrong version, expecting lib version 2 found version 0"
  6. Avoid (Custom Medium Server) Inferno Mir 2

    I Get Wrong version message when i try to play have used auto patcher guess its delayed?
  7. Legend Of Mir 420 [Discussion]

    download / patchers link dont work?
  8. Apocalypse Mir V2

    still getting Login is disabled. same for everyone i expect?
  9. WildDragon Mir2 [Crystal]

    Really still no way to make an account? have tried a few times but i get a message account creation is disabled!? Please advice ty ty
  10. WildDragon Mir2 [Crystal]

    bump. sad
  11. WildDragon Mir2 [Crystal]

    Hi, I cant make a new account? do i need an invite please?
  12. WildDragon Mir2 [Crystal]

    ty for taking the time, sorted x
  13. WildDragon Mir2 [Crystal]

    iv tried all the downloads and still can only get Client to open a window and do nothing, no sound. no image have tried each of the 3 - 5 downloads of the site multiple times over the last 2 days and someone please explain to me how im still struggling? ty
  14. Edens Elite Returns!

    Iv also done all 3 and get "game will now close" update your game downloaded the 7 gig auto patcher also any advice? server maybe offline anyway?
  15. Immortals War [Crystal] Discussion

    Cant find any of this content? where can i find boss land please? thanks in advance