Recent content by liam05

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  1. help please?????

    i have a problem at the min im trying to get on mir on afriends compuiter and it brings up a box when i click the exe saying acess violation at address 00e4c53gh in module "mir2.exe" cannot read adress or sumets can anyone help pleasde??
  2. Vote Please

    Don't do it again. Only reason you're not banned is because you didn't try to get ninja clicks. Click it plzz it votes for my dog plzz just click the link very much appreciated thank you:ppunk:
  3. Easy Quick Links.

    itis for some :) not me like but for some it might be
  4. Good ol' days

    cudnt of sed it better
  5. Any1 got these plzz

    a custom db just likee a basic one ive overritten mine so can some1 give me one please ? also i have tryed searching but can ppl find them threads on: adding monsters with help on the server files such as adding monsters from the files that are like l-mon1 like dat plz Help with ledu files...
  6. The New Life To Server :)

    i think hes trying to say he wants to host servers for ppl etc and he wants the admin to decide which is best
  7. Ledu Client Updated 27th March 2005

    cheers for that haz as i couldnt download milos for some reason
  8. Just Some Help Please

    so which is the basic one?
  9. Just Some Help Please

    does it matter which client you use? or not coz all my items and mobs are fked lol
  10. Just Some Help Please

    i have the server files all setup coerrect and everything is working but i would like to make a fresh start completly do i download the client from the euro website for a fresh start or is there any other i can download?
  11. Project69 - 3.5 years old with 99.99% uptime and the highest usercount EVER!

    i never traded the char it was given to me :D and this was b4 the char trading was banned anyway mert
  12. Project69 - 3.5 years old with 99.99% uptime and the highest usercount EVER!

    not the point i have paid for nothing then
  13. Project69 - 3.5 years old with 99.99% uptime and the highest usercount EVER!

    yes but what im saying is that why should i have to pay for a account transfer and lvl a char 10 lvls for it to get took away from me ? my friend has the receipt about the transfer and everything and that is wat im saying ash
  14. Project69 - 3.5 years old with 99.99% uptime and the highest usercount EVER!

    nah real luap told joe cthulu or wateva it is that this happened u pmed real lua[p the q n a