Recent content by saber

  1. Torozor 2.0 High Rate Server 24/7

    P.S just a little info, Sooden and woroden are 1 in the same person, nice to see our files still being used /Saber
  2. Apocalypto Server v1.9 Ledu

    i logged on for 8 hours and got to lvl 35, all you need is game points and if you know where they drop your on a winner. /SAB
  3. Oriando server 2.3

    wheres the Proof /sab
  4. Oriando server 2.3

  5. Oriando server 2.3

    Yep the servers bent as a £9 note /sab awaits ip ban :P
  6. Oriando server 2.3

    on another note, why is there /1000 points for lvl 1 fire ball any particular reason? and fix the duras lol /sab
  7. LinX NOW ONLINE!!!

    Shouldnt swear like 1 then LOL /sab
  8. LinX NOW ONLINE!!!

    What forums? i only use lomcn, and why am i a a-hole for letting people make there own minds up, your a very deranged little boy, with lots of issues. /sab
  9. Crusade V2 Online 5/7/06

    lol whats wrong with that, next you will want wizzys to have no spells. /sab
  10. Crusade V2 Online 5/7/06

    it has been, i know i did it, and i told the Gms how, the scripts are slighty wrong, so i would keep shush till you know whos done what. best regards /sab
  11. Crusade V2 Online 5/7/06

    says you with 2 posts and you cant be bothered to leave your ingame name. lol /sab
  12. Torozor Returns!!!!

    Who said nobody , i said people in general are never happy with the outcome of the server whether its EXP or items, events, corrupt Gms ect ect. it all gets to the server owners. /saber
  13. Torozor Returns!!!!

    maybe me and sooden got bored of making stuff for people that were not appreciative of our work, hence why we gave up in the end. /sab
  14. Torozor Returns!!!!

    lol, torozor ftw, me and sooden might make a new server yet :middle: /sab
  15. Disturbed 1.9 is now absolete

    Re: Disturbed (Foundation v2) - Server is now private. Register to forums to play. server down atm anyways edit: my ip >> ME.SOO.SEXY.47.133 /sab