Recent content by SykoWizard

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  1. DarkFall Online

    Well darkfall is a year in.. more or less, there is finally a free trial you guys should check it out at ive been playing 6months or so and i have to say its a good game FRUSTRATING AS HELL but amazing at the same time but thats what comes with a full PVP full loot...
  2. Mir 3 Open Beta Announcement

    calm down boy, it was only a question.. its been mentioned once on this forum from what i see, but i see no official links supporting this
  3. Mir 3 Open Beta Announcement

    seems good so far, anyone know if there's a wipe planned?
  4. DarkFall Online

    thought id give this thread a bump, open beta's just around the corner.
  5. *** [OldSkool] - [2.3] - [Med/HgihRate] - [DediHost] ***

    any mirrors for download am getting <100kbs dl speed
  6. Atlantica Online

    is it too late to get a key? this game looks good,
  7. Alcoholic Drinks

    cider - guiniess - larger black snake bite. anything with alchopops dont count, there too sweet you'll throw up from the sugar before the alchohol
  8. Alcoholic Drinks

    jack hammer - JD + redbull
  9. I Hate Chavs

    ill give you my mir accounts if you can do the truffle shuffle....
  10. Greeen Name!!!

    gold status with less then 100 posts, thats forum dedication
  11. What Great Britain Wants ! (aka I'm a Racist)

    i worked with eastern europens (alot of people call them polish, alot of them are not there from slovakia, latvia etc etc)for a year, i was an I.T. tech in a factory and a large % of the factory floor workstaff where eastern european, what i found was they are hard workers they are really...
  12. Rohan Online

    need a good pc to run? can ya turn graphics really low down?
  13. who plays archlord ?

    played for a while got to 27 and spent all my cash on reinforcement pots. was going for +8 and it reset my armour, found out its a bug so i thought **** it and deleted the game
  14. DarkFall Online

    taking a longer time to cast = increased casting speed/time blah? anyway ya know what i mean :)
  15. DarkFall Online

    its been in development since 2000 it seems.. as for a mage in plate armour, as far as im aware your casting speed is greatly increased if your wearing heavy armour. and spells can be interupted where i found originally alot of reading but it does sound awesome...