Recent content by Tyranoc

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  1. Tyranoc


    you have a link for that exe ?
  2. Tyranoc


    yeah need to know what exe it is.
  3. Tyranoc

    Paradox corrupt?

    i logged on and got gave 20 mill lol
  4. Tyranoc

    Client Released 95% english

    there shouldnt be any attack modes, always been peace group guild red n white attack all those attack modes must be new, brown attack mode or something
  5. Tyranoc

    Server test need help.

    Exe and inis
  6. Tyranoc

    Server test need help.

    lol pking to lvl, class tbh
  7. Tyranoc

    Server test need help.

    Found some hens and no exp was gained when i killed them, just get this mad chinese msg
  8. Tyranoc

    Server test need help.

    any chance of a few mobs to lvl cos it dont look like mirroring has enuff mp to work at lvl 1
  9. Tyranoc

    Server test need help.

    edit: got on by restarting, couldnt make the characters i tried to make first time tho
  10. Tyranoc

    Server test need help.

    i get to login gate but cant make an account it does that daft link to legendofmir account maker
  11. Tyranoc

    Server test need help.

    ok ill try now
  12. Tyranoc

    Newer Sets

    cant w8 to play a server with all this stuff, will be great
  13. Tyranoc

    LOMCN Server

    Now that the problem that was encounterd has been fixed does this mean work will soon start again on making that awsome looking server we have seen screenshots of, the reason i ask is it seems the LOMCN server section appears to have been removed.
  14. Tyranoc

    Gamegate.exe - mwahaha

    should just give the lomcn team a copy ( if they dont already have)since there making an awsome server as it is
  15. Tyranoc

    Equinox Server, your thoughts.

    as long as there isnt stupidly high stats im up for it