Search results

  1. Missing some Ledu files...

    Hi, i'm missing (almost) all of the L- (ledu) files out my data folder. I have searched hi and low on the forum but i cant seem to find them >.< is there any chance somebody could post them? cheers
  2. Spells DB

    Hi there, is it possible if somebody could a) post a newish version of their magic db, or B) post the rows of the new spells,eg, the effects,etc etc. Thanks :) also, how do i make the spell buk? :P lol thanks p.s. Using Ledu client and new M2
  3. New Rungate?

    Hi, i found this on a chinese site, dont know how new it is? maybe some use to someone,testing it soon. BTW, looks different to normal ringates that i have seen. Here is a screeny:- Download Link :ppunk:
  4. HLP!!! Graphics messed up...

    I open mir.exe and the graphics are all over the place...dodgy colours and things not in the right place... any1 hlp? tnks.
  5. PLZ HELP!!!! lolz

    Please help me... I'm using the old style server (I THINK ITS THE OLD 1, dnt u use sql now? only just come bk 2 private mir after a long break...) m2server.exe comes up with a prob... in a messgae box it says "STDitems.db (sum korean junk) code=-100 any1 hlp? cheers!!!
  6. Mobs stats PLZ READ

    any1 got the stats of boss mobs (eg) WT,ZT,ES,ET i need their dc,ac,amc etc I have monster.db on my other pc but my other pc doesnt work and i'm not allowed DB Commander on this 1 lol TY in advance
  7. magic.wil/wix

    plz will some1 send me the magic.wil/wix....comressed [email protected] Cheers