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  1. I have a problem with EI can any1 help?

    well the problem is, i can't see the bagground of my bag, the the place where i see my chars items, guildboard, exit menu, minimap and the some other things......... they aren't black or anything, i can see right through them, and i can see the items there are in my bag, and the letters on...
  2. ScreenShots

    just wanna ask some of u people out there to post some SS of EI :) i would like to see the game and so on :)
  3. PvP Server

    The concept of the server is pretty simple. You start as a level 7 character, and leveling is easy as ****. 65k exp for all mobs, all items bought with gold, which is obtained from gold mobs. 4 areas PvP areas. 2 non potting (1 where you drop, 1 where you don't), and 2 potting (1 where you...