Search results

  1. 3.55 and stditems

    Can you access more than 10 images in the Weapon etc files using 3.55? I say this because the 3.99 client patch contains 11 images in M-Weaopon5 but I can not seem to get the correct shape number. Or is this maybe only something that 5.0 server files provide? 10th image in 5th file = shape 49...
  2. Norton and 3.55

    Anyone using these together without problems? I was at first, but since norton updated, I have to disable before it will allow loader and netcheck to work..! Wondered what other firewalls people are using that work well with the server files? Oh and note that norton reports trojans, therefore...
  3. Netcheck Problem Fixed

    Okay, persistence pays off. If your netcheck is not performing the check properly when you load the gameserver, i have reached a solution after 3 reformats, a memory and HD change, hours of searching lomcn and chinese sites, and after using 5 different registry editors. Firstly i will say this...
  4. 0 stats - question/help

    0 stats and the serial contained in 3.56 - question/help Hello, I get ingame and all the stats are 0. I think this is due to my previous post about netcheck not working. I have searched and tried the following solutions so far: Using the 3.55 database that came with it. Deleting the...
  5. netcheck problems

    hi all, had my 3.55 server running for about a week now (offline, purely for development with other servers), and all was good. Then last night, the loader reported there is a problem with my hardware key and wanted me to re-enter or set to defaults. So after about 3 comp reboots and using the...
  6. Numa Mudwall war...

    ok, ive bin thru majority of the files now... got both sabuk and mudwall (Taosung) seiges translated and working!! now for the numa war. i have found the main files that operate this war, and have had a little trouble translating them, as i have not done this in official mir. anyhoo it seems...
  7. NPC flashing and Server Hexing

    ok i cant stop my npc's flashing on screen and its not due to lag etc, any1 hav a solution pls? also i am having some trouble hexing, can any1 help me pls? i am using hex workshop v4.23 i mainly want to hex gold in bag, numba of wiz pets, how easy it is to tame pets, max lvl, sabuk, andany...
  8. To Miles!

    miles i dnt mind u locking my post, but if u read it i did explain that i have already searched on forum and tried about 6 different methods now, and none have worked, therefore i asked if anyone knew how to do it manually! i still hav not fixed my problem, but please read through the post m8...
  9. making server public!

    ok i have my server, ready and i can connect, but do not know how to configure to let others connect over the internet? i have tried about 7 different methods from guides and some suggestions on here, but no luck wen others try to access the server....can sum1 pls provide me with a step by step...