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  1. ElmoLite

    Exam results!

    Guy who come out of school at 16. Guy who put the effort in to stay the extra few years. I know who I'd rather employ.
  2. ElmoLite

    A small intro

    I'm guessing this is your first day of using AAF?
  3. ElmoLite

    What do you do?

    Mwaaaaaa :'(
  4. ElmoLite

    I was a complete fag - And I apologize

    More of a fag now tbh.
  5. ElmoLite

    InMe - I Will Honour You

    Boring. I stopped listening to The Pixies for this T_T
  6. ElmoLite

    My new Dell - XPS 730x

    Can't have 6gb of RAM on 32-bit system. But yeah, 6gb is overkill, downsize to 4 and get yourself Windows 7 RC 32-bit.
  7. ElmoLite

    What do you do?

    Musician. In Royal College of Music in Cardiff studying music composition. Not particularly enjoying it, but I'm learning I guess. I'm only doing it so I can get a degree and emigrate to Canadialand/Australia. Other than that, I gig and work part-time behind bar in Newport (South Wales). 1/8th...
  8. ElmoLite

    I've got

    Michael Jackson was a pedophile.
  9. ElmoLite

    What Interests You?

    LOMCN is full of bad writers. Get a decent storyline/plot that isn't "long ago bla bla happened and now it has no relevance to what's going to happen, hope you liked it" and is diverse and has many sub-plots, and I'd consider it. There's no creative imagination round here when it comes to stuff...
  10. ElmoLite

    How this guy hasnt been signed??

    It was okay. He sang in pitch the majority of the time, and had a nice enough vibrato, but it was slightly boring. Couldn't see him doing it live.
  11. ElmoLite

    If you had a million pounds.

    I could do what I said I'd do on a million ;)
  12. ElmoLite

    If you had a million pounds.

    Invest in a music studio, from the ground up, somewhere reasonably local, like Cardiff. Buy a nice car, nothing stupid like a lamborghini. Something practical, with a lot of space. And a land rover. Spend some money travelling the world with one other person, staying in some nice hotels...
  13. ElmoLite

    My 1st proper(ish) website.

    Don't be an ass, he's just trying to help.
  14. ElmoLite

    My 1st proper(ish) website.

    You have no idea on how to work with colours. A lot of JS work for your first site, eh? It's hard to put a critique on it, I just can't see it performing website duties: inform, sell, discuss. 1/10.
  15. ElmoLite

    What was the last thing you bought?

    I bought NET Magazine (Web dev mag) and Computer Arts Mag from WHSmith about 2 hours ago.
  16. ElmoLite

    Reading/Leeds Festival 2009

    Tis lucky musical preference is actually a matter of... well preference, isn't it?
  17. ElmoLite

    British Official Apologizes For Using Public Money To Buy Porn

    How can anyone take the british media serious these days. First the Daily Mail comes in to existence. Then, after everybody hating her for her racist comments, the media officially declare Jade Goody as a patron saint - The only person in the universe to ever deal with cancer.
  18. ElmoLite

    Reading/Leeds Festival 2009

    I'm going! Kings Of Leon Placebo Deftones Prodigy Eagles of Death Metal Radiohead Glasvegas Gallows Just... awesome.
  19. ElmoLite

    Untill the end

    Limp Biscuit can suck my balls, the sleazy rip off merchants. Fred Durst can't play guitar in my opinion.
  20. ElmoLite

    Simon cowell said im the next superstar!

    You're flat at times. But, was pretty good.