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  1. Avengers Mir

    Server Name :AvengerS Server Type : King Start Level : 1 Starting Gold : 10,000 Exp Rate :HIGH RATE Money Rate : RANDOM Account Registration :Via WEB.PAGE Descriptions: -Kits HIGHT RATE -ItemsHIGHT RATE -Mobs HIGHT RATE -Maps HIGHT RATE -Differently glowing armour outside . -GlobalShouting at...
  2. Fisticuffs Mir3

    im having trouble downloading it. everytime i get to about 50% it stops
  3. Hasekura Server Issues

    Hi, just clearing up a few extremely inaccurate statements made in this post. 1) Aztec was not made by coolaid to steal information or player accounts at all. In fact coolaid didnt even make aztec at all (though he did help with the scripting thanks coolaid.) 2) Anto has never been on Aztec...
  4. Hasekura Server Issues

    First, @ Exodius as far as im aware the only person banned from the server in this thread is graphite. Second, I'd like to add that I have never seen any of the armor's, glows, or spells displayed on the gallery on the website:P