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  1. 2.3 Server Guide - Idiot Proof 4 VISTA

    The problem Levi, is that the data in the table is wrong. For a start the map names are wrong except for those that pertain to Past Bichon and Evil Mir. Even when you fix the map names in the MonGen table it still doesn't cover all the monster spawns in the game. What we NEED is a full mongen...
  2. 2.3 Server Guide - Idiot Proof 4 VISTA

    I've noted that I'm only getting monsters being spawned in past bichon. I also noted that the mongen table references maps that don't exist... is there a working mongen I could get? I also want to note that I'm using MSSQL 2005 and there is no import export and there is no tool to do import...
  3. 2.3 Server Guide - Idiot Proof 4 VISTA

    Awesome man it works now thanks. sorry for being an idiot :P One more thing. I want to make it accessible to others, do I simply change the IP address in certain files to my IP? Any info would be fantastic, it's a great guide mate well done :)
  4. 2.3 Server Guide - Idiot Proof 4 VISTA

    I'm using this guide and I have a few problems. Everything works fine except for the mir2.exe wont let me run it or move it or anything cause I don't have the right permission? I'm even stating to run as admin... so I'm confused... The other problem is that almost ALL the files have viruses...