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  1. Unseen Serpent Mir 3 GSP

    No point in even putting this online.... P2W
  2. MirEmerge - Crystal Files

    Looks good but slightly out of tradition... Taoist and Electric?
  3. Pillar Of Light (Crystal Files, Custom Rates) MiR2

    Are you dumb? The majority of players would like you to respond to their concerns of the server game play becoming unbalanced and have for the last 10 pages of this thread offered up their suggestions to help balance the classes in game. You obviously don't care for the integrity of the...
  4. Pillar Of Light (Crystal Files, Custom Rates) MiR2

    A server full of warriors.... sounds fun
  5. Release Mud3 Fusion Server

    Thanks :)
  6. Release Mud3 Fusion Server

    I did say that all the files were readilly availible from but they said they wanted translated ones or something. So to stop the constant nagging I gave in and sold the Mud3 folder to my old server Fusion. There is nothing in there any different or not worth having than the files...
  7. [CD3.55] GuildRecall,MT

    In your MapInfo.txt [0 Bichon 0] NORANDOMMOVE NOITEMMOVE NOSPELLMOVE NOMUTUALFLY NOCASTLEMOVE NORECONNECT(0) NORANDOMMOVE = RandomTeleport wont work NOITEMMOVE = MasterTeleport wont work NOSPELLMOVE = Wizard spells like Teleport and Geomanipulation wont work NOMUTUALFLY = Marriage rings wont...
  8. trade core char/items for a hasekura char/items

    The integral does'nt seem to be bugged anymore just the FP was playing me around a bit but that seems to be fixed now aswell, Thank you anyway.
  9. trade core char/items for a hasekura char/items

    That was a quick year. It was nearly 2 months ago. Also everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Please don't ruin it for everyone else.