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  1. notme

    Reunited [2.3] Discussion

    Re: Mir reunited HAve downloaded and when i try to run the exe rather that ge the sucurity screen asking to allow or not. It shows the following. Moved the following file mir2.exe W32/Crypt.A!genr Quarantined 2011-12-01 18:05:14
  2. notme

    Reunited [2.3] Discussion

    Re: Mir reunited where is the client download for this server ????
  3. notme

    Reunited [2.3] Discussion

    Re: Mir reunited Is Bon the old John Chriton
  4. notme

    World of Warcraft is no longer the king

    not surprised 1 iota, been on that game since it 1st came out. Trouble with it, is that a new expantion makes everthing you done so far irelivant. You strive to gear up and when they release an expantion all the stuff u are wearing IE epics are obsolete with standard green that drop from any...