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  1. EuroM2 update log

    [2016/10/28] 1.重新制作了第四职业 刺客 2.修复坐骑系统刺客头发错乱 3.修复坐骑系统忠诚度系统 4.修正情侣系统 爱心图标鼠标指向信息不消失 5.修复刺客普通攻击会出现跳刀 修改为只单手用到普通攻击 6.修复刺客跑步动作错误的问题 7.增加BUFF提示图标系统 10个一行 8.增加组队屏幕显示队友名称和血条,超出范围名字变成灰色 9.增加组队队友捡取物品组队全体提示 10.增加挖矿提示 获得“黑铁矿石” 纯度:30 11.增加临时属性 时间的最后10秒屏幕提示 BUFF图标闪烁10秒 12.分别独立控制三职业和刺客的攻击速度控制 普通职业攻击速度上限为14...
  2. Does anyone know the European service assassin 1-60 level growth attribute value

    The current development of the assassin is very upset because there is no Assassin's property growth information
  3. New!Euro mir2...

    I am a Chinese programmer ..... I'm making a set of procedures for the restoration of Europe. Planning to write good open to all of you to play source code Program with the same as RUBYM2. 游戏代码源于韩国2005版源代码同国际服Mir2是同根同宗的..... 1.客户端绘图引擎替换为ASP3.1; 支持32位色的窗口化 和 窗口化alt+enter自由切换...
  4. Other We can provide information on the Usa Mir2 to me thank you

    I am a like of Mir Legend 2 (USA) [Gamepot] programmers. I'm going to re write a copy of Mir2. I hope you can provide me with the mir2 information in 2010.
  5. MIR3-gsp complete data

    NEW link: password:his0 forever Before the...
  6. Chinaassassinsource

    Fishing, tiger,Assassin,Litrefairy download: