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  1. [CD3.55] Humplus Problem

    Hello and I have the following problem: In the table HumPLus some characters leave me with this date format: 2016-01-08 11:49:30 Year-day-Month and other 2016-08-01 11:49:30 Year-month-day I understand that the good is the second. But that makes me such cona some characters ?? is that when it...
  2. [CD3.55] Jifen Problem

    Hello I have a problem with Jifen. Not that all accounts to this list do not join, and does not update again 0 points each time they connect. thx
  3. [CD3.55] Input date

    Hello I would like to add a date to sql. For example you can go to an island for up to 5 days. I do not care either by sql or txt.Se peude do something like ??
  4. [CD3.55] Vip experiencie

    my like me for example lvl 1 = 0%. I can change the percentage of each level, there is a table or something? gracias josiko
  5. [CD3.55] Vip experiencie

    Hi. Where I can change the VIP experience? thx
  6. [CD3.55] probelm with takew

    yes yes I put TakeW + item +position i tried al position and nothig!!
  7. [CD3.55] probelm with takew

    I have tried all the numbers and none is !! any ideas??
  8. [CD3.55] probelm with takew

    It would also be not to let me go if you take me but not work. [@main] #Say blablabla <Enter/@entrar>\ <Paso soy un cagao/@exit> [@entrar] #If Chekitem Talisman(L) 1 CHECKITEMW Talisman(L) 1 #Say LLevas pociones, talismanes o drogas #elseact mapmove xxx x y
  9. [CD3.55] probelm with takew

    Hello, I want to make a npc you remove the talisman that is in place, but can not, alone with remove this on the bracelet
  10. [CD3.55] Fps Group And Respawn 1 Boss

    get a boss per person in the group, I just want to leave 1 Thank you
  11. [CD3.55] Fps Group And Respawn 1 Boss

    the idea I have is to appear in another room. Or as I can do that you can not enter a room if not dead boss but not by npc thanks all
  12. [CD3.55] Fps Group And Respawn 1 Boss

    If that and tried but I get so many Mobs as there are people in the group, I just want to leave one boss thanks
  13. [CD3.55] Fps Group And Respawn 1 Boss

    Hola, Soy nuevo por aqui y tengo la siguiente duda. Como puedo hacer que un boss haga salir otro y al mismo tiempo de fps a todo el grupo// Hi, I'm new here and I have the following question. As I can make a boss make out another and at the same time the whole group fps.