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  1. Hidden Mist [2.3] Discussion

    thanks for the quick update ellmo ™DIZZYWIZZY™
  2. Hidden Mist [2.3] Discussion

    yeh i cant log in either
  3. Hidden Mist [2.3] Discussion

    any chance some1 could upload just the exe for me plz coz for some reason mine has dissapeared? thanks in advance
  4. DarkRealm a New Beginning

    Haha i used to host the ORIGINAL DarkRealm quite a few years ago now hehe brings back memories. Good Luck with this Wock
  5. =<DarkRealm 2.3 (High Rate Server)>=

    Cant believe you used some1 elses server name and was told about it b4 u opened server almost a year ago! I was the creator of the original darkrealm which i was at the time u was advertising this server making the 2.3 version which again u new about! Yet u still went ahead and used the name of...
  6. Dark Realm!!!!!

    hmmmm ok corrupt?? i never leveled them at all. i left the server wiv a few ppl i thought i could trust while i went away and i came bak 2 find so much **** had gone on! thats the reason darkrealm went down!!!! like i sed ™DarkRealm™ will b returning bigger and better than b4. dont mock it...
  7. Dark Realm!!!!!

    TBH i am the original creator of Dark Realm. i am currently in the middle of making my new version and ive just noticed that sum1 has used the name. I just wanted to let people no that The orginal DarkRealm is on its way and its gonna b huge!!! Ive been working on this server 4 about a year...
  8. Dark realm

    omg sm1 has stolen my server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmfao was in the middle of creating the new and improved dark realm and this come out lmao cheers!
  9. db error?

    ive tried changing it all but still same problem. the dbsrvr dont connect 4 sum reason. is there anything else that could b causing it?
  10. db error?

    can sum1 plz hlp me wiv this? ive tried changing everything 2 make this work but i cant find where the problem is. here is the error. dbserver... gate connected gate disconnected gate connected gate disconnected gate connected gate disconnected gate connected gate disconnected gate connected...
  11. The return of DarkRealm is near

    as title says... ive been away from server making for a while now and ive noticed being honest the lack of fun servers out atm. ive decided to remake DarkRealm as 2.3. server will be med-high leveling med-high stats features will include loads of new items+the original items loads of new...
  12. error with sql

    right ivenow tried everything i feel is posible... ive re installed the whole sql again. ive made sureevery path and link is correct yet i still have the same problem. device activation error. the physical file name 'c:\programe files\microsoft sql server\mssql\data\lom2_data.mdf' may be...
  13. error with sql

    ive tried everything i still cant seem to fix this. plz sum1 hlp me:cray:
  14. error with sql

    ive followed all the guides on this but cant get it to work. im trying to restore the databases but it keeps coming up with an error... device activation error. the physical file name 'c:\programe files\microsoft sql server\mssql\data\lom2_data.mdf' may be incorrect. file 'lom2_chardata'...
  15. Sql

    ive installed it now m8 but i cant find service manager where is it?
  16. DarkRealm 2.3 coming soon

    As title says. Ive been away from servers for a while, but have decided to give The good old DarkRealm another go. Server will be medium to high leveling Medium to high drop rate medium to high stats loads of quests to do will be adding all the caves from original DarkRealm plus a lot more...
  17. Sql

    right ive been away from server creating 4 a while now but wanna get bak into it. i dont know what im doing wrong but i cant install and run mssql! can sum1 plz post me a complete setup guide on installing it properly and running my 2.3 server data files on it? thanks a lot in advance.
  18. DarkRealm 2.3

    its not off topic i asked if any1 knew how 2 get them working 2 hlp if they would lol. so if ud like 2 hlp me out id appreciate it just add me [email protected] cheers
  19. DarkRealm 2.3

    no coz there r gems and orbs in game now that do exactly that just need 2 get/make them 1st.
  20. (DM2) quest system and skills hlp plz

    ok ive just done that and it aint working m8 so the answer is no it dont work like that on 2.3.thanks a lot anyway.does any1 no how 2 get this user command working on dm2 plz? also ive just updated my files wiv svn and now my entrapment image is fked it does the lightning image instead of...