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  1. What are the latest mir server files released please?

    Thanks for the reply. Which one would you recommend?
  2. What are the latest mir server files released please?

    Hi all, Been out the mir game for a looooong time.. So many files out these days and so many releases that people have kindly let out, but unfortunately I'm not entirely sure what the latest version is? Is it still TD's DM2.3 files? Any links would be extremely appreciated. Cheers Matt
  3. Wil editors

    Smashing! Cheers :) *thumbs up*
  4. Wil editors

    Hey, Sorry for the post in general chat and what not but i've just spent the last 20 minutes trying to find a half good wil editor. Does anyone have a link to one that's in English please? - I can't read question marks. All the ones I've tried so far are all in question marks or Chinese. I'm...
  5. Nemesis Server 2.3+

    Re: [LOMCN Approved] Nemesis Server 2.3+ There's not been a character wipe in agesssss and there doesn't intend to be one. With the regular backups, there shouldn't be any problems :)
  6. Nemesis Server 2.3+

    Re: [LOMCN Approved] Nemesis Server 2.3+ Played since the beta days and still really enjoy Nemesis. New quests are soon to be added to spice things up as well. Job quest is on its way as well, (2mb txt file worth of coding) So yeah.. Lots of quests :P Check it out :D
  7. GroupMoveMap

    Bump please?
  8. GroupMoveMap

    Have a slight problem. When testing the "GROUPMOVEMAP" command, it actually works on 2.3 and teleports the group onto the map (as long as leader clicks the npc) BUT, on reboot, the npc has come up with the following error message, could this be due to the param4 5 and 6 not being added? Thanks...
  9. Ledu client shortcuts

    Had a search on the forum, but couldn't find any posts with the shortcuts included. I've worked out a few shortcuts, such as: A - while mouse is over a char (quick group) Alt - show item name / hide But does anyone know any more please? And if possible, the font change shortcut. Thanks in...
  10. DiamondServer 1.9

    These last few posts are pointless O_O spammers + n00b0rz :p
  11. NPC Commands + What they do!

    Arh nice one ta v-much
  12. NPC Commands + What they do!

    Is it possible to do a time method thing for example #if time 2200 #act goto @gdgj kind of thing, so that at 20pm the npc will look 4 that method. I know u can do it on ei scripts but not sure about 1.4 ta in advanced
  13. MirDB - Edit Characters!

    ta very much
  14. MirDB - Edit Characters!

    Dont suppose anyones got another link do they? the first mirror has ran out of b.w and the 2nd lomcn restricts me from viewing :(
  15. I Need Your Help Fighting Cheats

    So wht about macros.. how can u detect those? theres loads of different ways you can make them, and sometimes its only just for walking around a map on a tao lvling your self. Would you class that as cheating still?
  16. mir priv serv messed..pls elp

    I had that problem once it was cos i was using the 1.4i files instead of 1.4 :S dunno if thats any help to you or not >.<
  17. job GM commands

    Could someone post them please as i don't have a copy of the server files, all the link's ive found while searching are dead :( Thanks in advanced.
  18. JOB Server Files

    Aye i need them 2, all the links ive found are broken :(
  19. hum, think this is an m2 server prob ><

    alrdy got that turned off, still cant get it to work for some reason :( Thanks for the help tho guys :) i'll just keep trying and i'll tell u if i manage to fix it :D
  20. hum, think this is an m2 server prob ><

    This is what i get when i load up the m2 server :S ¼ÓÔزå¼þ¹ÜÀíÆ÷³É¹¦... ÕýÔÚ¶ÁÈ¡ÅäÖÃÐÅÏ¢... ÕýÔÚ¼ÓÔØ¿Í»§¶Ë°æ±¾ÐÅÏ¢... ¼ÓÔØ¿Í»§¶Ë°æ±¾ÐÅϢʧ°Ü£¡£¡£¡ ÕýÔÚ¼ÓÔØÎïÆ·Êý¾Ý¿â... ÎïÆ·Êý¾Ý¿â¼ÓÔسɹ¦... ÕýÔÚ¼ÓÔØÊý¾ÝͼÎļþ... СµØͼÊý¾Ý¼ÓÔسɹ¦... ÕýÔÚ¼ÓÔصØͼÊý¾Ý... µØͼÊý¾Ý¼ÓÔسɹ¦...