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  1. DB Wait Error

    Im running it online and that is my IP
  2. DB Wait Error

    Ready to load ini file.. !setup.txt loaded.. Loading client version information.. Ok. Loading StdItem.DB... StdItem.DB loaded. Loading MiniMap.txt... MiniMap information loaded. Loading MapFiles... Mapfile loaded. Loading Monster.DB... Monster.DB loaded. Loading Magic.DB... Magic.DB loaded...
  3. DB Wait Error

    [RunDB] DB Wait Error 13:45:34 Thats what it says :(
  4. DB Wait Error

    I tried to fix the shinsu problem and changed dogz to shinsu but now when i load my server i get a DB Wait error i changed shinsu back to dogz but im still getting the same DB Wait Error i even got some new DB files and it still does the error It wont let me change anything at all without...
  5. wedding npc

    Here are some commands for doing a marriage NPC just mess around with them and if need be reffer to one of the already made NPCs for some help on were things go and that :) Hope this helps @main CHECK CHECKOPEN CHECKUNIT GENDER = If they need to be a spasific gender then use this CHECKLEVEL...
  6. Routing Your SpeedTouch Router:

    Ok this is how to Route your SpeedTouch Router to Host Your Server: Open up Internet Explorer and paste this into the Address Bar This Web Page Should come up: Then Click the Advanced Drop down menu it should now look like this: Then Click NAPT on the Menu and it...
  7. Character Creation Error On My server:

    Thank you soooooooooooo much i changed the path in that HeroDB and now it works :D I LUV YOU SO MUCH :D
  8. When I Load My Server Up:

    well i aint changed nothing on the stditems so it musta come like that when i downloaded the files off :(
  9. When I Load My Server Up:

    Nope...the server files are off If anyones got MSN and got the StdItems would you mind sending them me?
  10. When I Load My Server Up:

    the paths all seem to be right arr :(
  11. Character Creation Error On My server:

    Tell me if this is a set up DBe Admin:
  12. When I Load My Server Up:

    the paths are correct :(
  13. Character Creation Error On My server:

    nothing opens coz it says not ready on the mir2Server box thingy :(
  14. When I Load My Server Up:

    ive checked them again and every1 is in the right order how do i check the path of the StdItems?
  15. Black:

    I get through the gates ok and then i click start to get into the server but nothing comes up its just black not even the little welcome box comes up :( What do i do to fix this on my server??
  16. When I Load My Server Up:

    They all in order and ther isnt any1 done twice and ther isnt any space at the bottom :( arrr
  17. Character Creation Error On My server:

    There aint no Mir.DAT in the envir folder :( and schoeys right :(
  18. Character Creation Error On My server:

    All the IPs are right and its still doing the same :(
  19. Character Creation Error On My server:

    Thanks :) the only problem is now when i press start when ive selected my character it just goes to black :(
  20. When I Load My Server Up:

    When i load all the things you need to for your server to start up on M2Server one it start to initialize but says not ready then the IP can any1 help me?? Heres a pic of what happens: (Ive Blacked out me Ip)