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  1. Clairen / Katlin

    Look Fubu Just Because I Got U Banned A U Dint Like It This Is What I Want To Do And U Reck It 4 Me Your Nowt But A Cheating Dick And Ppl No I Aint A Thief Well Fubu No's That He's Stolen Befor Aint U Fubu And Dont Lie Like A Noob
  2. Clairen / Katlin

    Yea what ever u just dont like me because u cheated on Insom and i keept calling u a cheat and BTW Fubu Why would i want to Steal some 1's server files when i want to play server as well i have a level 36 Warrior and i been wanting it up so the way i want to get it up is buy hosting it and my...
  3. DragonPheonix

    i will host i was supost to host SoLiD but it keep's cutting off add me to msn [email protected]
  4. New Server

    i made a few new item's to my old server But u can have but the thing is u will have to Have them from my DB ? if u want them add me to msn [email protected]
  5. Host Needed

    is server going to be up then i want to play ^.^
  6. SoLiD Server BETA

    New Host it is me if u need to contact me plz add me to msn [email protected] SoLiD Server *Enchanced SabukWall Fighting (WarElephants,Catapaults on roof *Over 30 Sets *Low/Med/High Exp *Low/Med/High Stats *Custom HomeZone *Other 30 custom hunt areas *Lvl 7 Start *Events...
  7. Chronicle Server [BETA] Online till sunday.

    i have added u will you send me exe plz
  8. Euro Mir3 exe

    i need a Mir 3 server ut 1 in English no CHINES -.-
  9. SoLiD Server BETA

    Hi ppl Need Data files some 1 send on msn [email protected] :wierds:
  10. SoLiD Server BETA

    it would be nice if i could get the map's and Data but no GM will post them Y wont he post the Map's and Data will some 1 else post them plz ?
  11. an idea for some1

    well i got my own server Doa and i am working to add a diffrent server to it it is like D Server P Server but is going to be called Dead Server Alive Server dont no if you lot would want to test it when it is up most prob in December it is takeing ages and i have only got 1/3 of the way by...
  12. EnterTheDragon Improved exp

    me got to play this server and i agree with xxXenaxx ^.^
  13. RealDeal

    no it aint i aint a gm on that server at all so if i was u shut it or i will report u ok u nowt but a sad person and i aint botherd if it is down (Well i am because i liked the server) but the point is i aint a gm ask LiFco ffs even if i was u would be jellious
  14. New Server

    i will help if u want add me to msn [email protected] add me and i could help with thing's
  15. GuildWarz Server

    What Is The Ip And Where Do I Get Exe From????????
  16. RealDeal

    LIFCO if u dont want to host hun i will go on msn
  17. Doa soon be up again

    quake no u aint being a gm and like i said Jeff every 1's char's and all unbanned and all put back to there normal level and if u carnt w8 till december then that's tuff but if u keep moaning thephoenix then i will not put it up at all so w8 4 a little longer
  18. EvilLair server coming2 pc near u soon

    quake no u aint being a gm that all u want aint it to be a gm if he dint let u be a gm u would not play the server and u would be crroupet
  19. Doa soon be up again

    Guess what lvl my char's were well they wernt a level because i dint play n doa but i am putting it up soon Katlin 255 wizard GoldenGirl 255 warrior SilverStar 48 Wizard
  20. DBC 2000 prob

    ok ty