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  1. Torozor 2.0 High Rate Server 24/7

    Boring server after a while. Server is pretty dead these days with usually no more than 20 online, and half of those are AFK'ers or the server's high levels who just stand in HZ all day. No reason to group with people here either, practically all the kit you will ever need drops off normal mobs...
  2. Torozor 2.0 High Rate Server 24/7

    Anyone know if the old torozor quest guides are still around anywhere. Aint played torozor for a long time and cant remember much of the quests, thanks.
  3. Torozor 2.0 High Rate Server 24/7

    Dunno if you know about this, couldnt be arsed checking all the posts but i keep getting firewall added to my spell book whenever i use the teleport guy, ive got several pages of it at the moment :S
  4. Bleach - Anime [May contain spoilers]

    Bleach is well worth a watch, its more of a fighting anime than story though. Even though the plot is interesting its nowhere near on par with Naruto's story, and the fights are more brute power than ninja style tactics etc. Give it a go you wont be dissapointed.
  5. The Return Of EvilMir 2.3.....

    It's not that that you need to worry about with a Virgin connection but the fact that they cap you to 500k/sec down and 15-20k/sec up during peak times. Ive seen my net die from overload because ive had torrents going and this cap kicks in, anything above 10k/sec upload from then on screws over...
  6. Increasing FPS?

    Im wondering if there is any way to increase performance in Mir2? Iv'e tried messing with driver settings etc but they have no effect at all. My machine isn't so bad but in a crowded area im only getting 20-30fps :| Athlon 64 3000 GeForce 6600GT 1gb Ram
  7. Project69 [2.3] Discussion

    Re: Project69 - The Long Road to 2.3 ... is over. A decent server and i have top respect for the host but's boring. Even after 2 years or so from the last time i logged in it still feels and looks the same with some minor extras.

    I would have to say Devil server. Still beats alot of the servers being made today, and it's years old now :D Torozor was a good server as well (When Sooden was running it, no offence to current owner but it's barely online :S), had the most quests ive ever seen in a P.Server, and most of...
  9. Zanarkand V2?

    Nice to see it's still on it's way :)
  10. Zanarkand V2?

    Is this server still being made? The last time i visited these forums it was apparently in development...