[3.55] Game Launcher


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2007
Have you tried to write your own mir3 launcher? I tried couple of times and I didn't worked :/ But if we exchange our observations and experience we could succeed :P

I noticed that:
*default launcher is packed with PE_Patch and it's hard to disasseble it

*running game without launcher causes strange "map of China" screen :P

*when running normal, at first holleymir3.exe has "Legend Of Mir 3" title but when we click FIRST (NO MATTER WHICH) LETTER it changes title to "[holley mir3.......... with date"

*launcher starts holleymir3.exe with parameters "-u -c"

*if you write program which runs game with this parameters it will look good but game won't change title and it will be black screen after server notice

*when you write that program (^) and run default launcher in backgroud game will work normally

*launcher exe name can be changed

*default laucher checks if anyone app has the same title as launcher's exe name (if yes it throws that client already runs)

*in 5.0 holley client there is new launcher and it don't change game's title and runs correctly (game draws normally)


#launcher and game don't communicate on ports (95% sure)

#game don't check if launcher class exist (sure)

#maybe launcher puts hook on keyboard and waits on first click (almost impossible)

What are your observations? Share your ideas :P