Atlantica Online


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
Atlantica online is a game ive been playing for the last few weeks and its a great game. with a lot of unique features and good grapics heres some info

First things first No charater will be the same as anyones elses stats wise and there is a lot of stratigey for this game more so in higher lvls

You have your main charater witch can be one of these classes

Swords Main
Spear Main
Axe Main
Gun Main
Archer Main
Cannon Main
Staff Main
Musician Main
Powersaw Main (Unlocked when one of your other main charater reaches lvl100)

You also have the choice of up to 8 other mercanarys to get into your party there is a choice of 24 classes with more being added

there is also a Jackpot system in the game While under the affect of this license, all your loot items will be accumulated into an item obtain window. In this window, you can press two buttons: Collect all or Jackpot challenge.
Collect all -> you just obtain your items into your inventory
Jackpot Challenge -> you can select an item. After you have selected an item, if you click on the “Jackpot Challenge” button, you can acquire the item that you have selected as a bonus.
Depending on values of sacrifice items, you can obtain extra amounts of the selected item.
If you don’t have enough inventory space, the items will be mailed to you.
Maximum number of obtaining items is 99,999

Mass PvP you can PvP with a squad of 3 partys vs 3 partys if you want on here

Crafting in this system you can do many things make everything if you level for that skill is high enuth and you have he matirials there is a chance of the item optained to be between +0 to +5

There is also an enchant and enhance system in the game for upgradeing equipment

This game is well balanced in the leveling as you can both level in quests and killing monsters unlike in some mmorpg's

As for the stats the reason why its very unlikely you will have the same stats as someone else is simple ok you stats increase when you level but also you gain stats points but you cannont pick where to put them like in other mmorpg you use an item called a growth vile witch will increase one stat +5 per each point these are not only limited to your main charater you can use them on your mercanarys too

Skills ok so most mercanarys have 1-3 skills and you main has 3-5 but you will not use all these skill most players pick 1 skill and maxs it out useing the skill books

This game has a very good beginners guide and it is hard to get lost in this game the only downside is there are many maps and they are very big and there is alot of traveling when you start (when you optaine a teleport licence it will be come alot quicker to do some quests)

Ok so there are now 2 types of battle on there to explain how they work whould take little too long so ill tell you what games they play like

The first one any mainly used is turn based witch plays like these games

Final fantasy 2-10
Grandia 1-2-3

Ok the second one is still turn based but you can move you charaters like in these games

Final fantasy tactics
Luminous ark

This game is a very good game id say its one of the best F2P games out at the moment and leveling is not as hard as people may think

As for the downside there is item mall what can make the game a little unbalanced e.g mounts / outfits / wings/ exp potions how ever all of these can be obtained from the market ingame if you have enuth money to pay for them

There is Alot more feature in this game ive just posted a few to let you guys know how it plays and stuff
Here is a link to web site

Here is a link to game play

All i can say is if you bord and what something to play give this a shot You can find me on Dalphi sever
Ingame name Sanshiro


Not worth playing at all, to many glitchs with the game and way top many exploiters, the game is also very unbalanced.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
what you mean glitchs and explotiters? and how is it unbalanced?

i know it favors the gcoin system but at the end of day everyone can buy stuff without gcoins its just very costly

and most mmorpg have some sort of p2p or item mail now.