Basic launcher


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 28, 2005
found my old HD , found pretty much all my old projects might aswell release them
download :

couple of notes though
  • This works with launcher.ini , u can always get rid of this **** and make it work with xml its better infact i didn't even use the ini library hah :D
  • This was designed for three heroes server u can adjust the Highrate.exe bit to whatever ur exe is called
  • I had intentions to upgrade it now that my coding is pretty much better than when i started doing this but i have no time, feel free to upgrade/manipulate whatever u want just leave the oldskoolgaming copyright please!.
  • Remove GameID buttons/functions from the codes ,replace mir2.ini functions with the mir2.ini u have as our mir2.ini is probably different than most files i dunno.

some ideas i had to do on this is to have an announcement bit which can be either retrieves info from vbulletin announcement forum or have an mysql/sql database set up for it, and a process list dump to check for cheats, could work on these later on if u need them





You'll need Visual studio 10
.Net Framework 4

The text that you have entered is too long (29330 characters). Please shorten it to 20000 characters long lol

Well ill put some functions that u need to change for ur server to work on here

   #region GameServer
                string hostname = "YOUR SERVER IP HERE";  //  <<<<<<<<<<<<
                    int portno = 7200;
                    IPAddress ipa = (IPAddress)Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostname)[0];

// Put your autopatcher dl link here
                MessageBox.Show("AutoPatcher.exe Doesn't Exist In the current directory \nYou'll be redirected to               AutoPatcher Download Link");

   private void btnHomePage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Process.Start(""); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  public void Mir2reset()
                    // PUT YOUR MIR2.INI IN HERE!!!
                    string dir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\mir2.ini";
                    string[] lines = {"[Setup]"
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(dir, lines);

// Listen the above function is ur mir2.ini u need to replace every bit of code with this set up if
//u have a different ini since i didn't use the ini library it could get abit repetitive and boring replacing this ****

I really don't have much time to explain every bit of code, just reply if u found ne problems ill try and assist

just open the project in vs10 and see what every button does and replace what ever u want

if i were u id remove every bit of text reader function and replace it with proper ini's functions or even use xml


If God Only Knew!
Golden Oldie
Mar 8, 2004
i beleve its a patcher same as a auto patcher only it checks your files every time u go to log in ect makes sure u have all the correct files b4 u log on basicly its a exe that allows u to download patches and a client with no need to download from any following upload websites think iam right but not 100% sure
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 28, 2005
Nope this is not an auto patcher, this is a launcher for game to login with multiple accounts , us as gamemaster we always have more than 3 accounts , ull just store your accounts on this and pick what ever account you wanna log in with

it is not complicated its very simple i may have not written a proper topic about it just made it look complicated


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 28, 2005
Its no problem man, its kinda unfinished project as i said i wanted to add some stuff to it , you could add an autopatcher to it why not (Y)