Game of Thrones season 8

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Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Remember when everyone thought Bran was the night king?

Also danaerys just ******* lost the plot in episode 7, made no sense.

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 18, 2014
Remember when everyone thought Bran was the night king?
Who thought that? It never made sense to me.
'Time travel' always makes people come up with random ****.

Also danaerys just ******* lost the plot in episode 7, made no sense.

That was kinda the point; tho could have been a little less subtle in the end, the last 3 episodes didn't really do her justice in the grand scheme. It was inevitable none-the-less. You really didn't expect it? She has always inevitably acted on impulse first. From the very first moment she had any real power to act. Regardless of whether everyone else told her it was a step too far.

Her character is wonderfully written, inner turmoil and all. People just seem to largely overlook the sheer levels of unnecessary violence and brutality she inflicts, cloaked in the name of 'freedom and all that is good'.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Who thought that? It never made sense to me.
'Time travel' always makes people come up with random ****.

That was kinda the point; tho could have been a little less subtle in the end, the last 3 episodes didn't really do her justice in the grand scheme. It was inevitable none-the-less. You really didn't expect it? She has always inevitably acted on impulse first. From the very first moment she had any real power to act. Regardless of whether everyone else told her it was a step too far.

Her character is wonderfully written, inner turmoil and all. People just seem to largely overlook the sheer levels of unnecessary violence and brutality she inflicts, cloaked in the name of 'freedom and all that is good'.

No I didn't expect her to kill women and children. Moments of blind rage don't usually last for hours. It just seemed to go on and on.

Also, Cersei got off SO lightly


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 18, 2014
This explains it rather well.

There was a strong theory that Daenerys Targaryen would go full-on Mad Queen rage-monster at some point in the series. But tonight it finally happened in truly horrendous fashion. The worst fears of King's Landing, all her allies, and basically everyone except Drogon and Grey Worm were all confirmed: Dany heard the bells signaling that her siege on King's Landing was successful and that the city was surrendering. And yet, her rage and fury consumed her, and she just decided to set the whole city on fire. So...why? What triggered her massacre? In the scenes leading up to her actions, she didn't seem so much insane as isolated and enraged. What pushed her over the edge?

Honestly, there weren't any words during that sequence, so you're forgiven for being a little confused. It initially looked like Dany heard the bells and decided she just didn't care about anyone but herself-which would be channeling madness/egotism pretty profoundly. But according to the creators D.B. Weiss and David Benioff in the "Behind the Episode," once Dany saw the Red Keep, which apparently the Targaryens built during the time of their rule but which had been taken away from them, the unfairness of that huge familial loss washed over her. Presumably, the decades-long grudge for her whole family and herself took over. She took back the city by fire as if she were trying to avenge her Targaryen ancestors-and channeling their craziness, in the process.

If you'll remember, Dany had a vision in season 2 of herself walking towards the Iron Throne, but it was all burnt and ruined. That vision came true tonight: Dany has made the decision that she's going to be Queen of the Ash, and she's ok with it.


Jan 10, 2009
This explains it rather well.

Still doesn't make sense. She was not the type that kills innocent. Maybe she acts like a crazy bitch with anyone who crosses her and doesn't bend the knee.

That's why her acting in the last episode doesn't make sense either. That's not Daenerys. And if you look to an older behind the episode, you will see D. B. Weiss saying she's not her father and bla bla bla. They probably kind of forgot about it.

Here an uncomplete list with season 8 inconsistencies:
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 18, 2014
Clearly we were watching different shows.

Also, that list is hilarious. I loved the show but **** me, people need to get a life. We all know it was rushed.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2009
It wasn't the ending I wanted, I've not been so disapointed in a series concluding since Lost.
At least there wasn't a magic wheel this time.


LOMCN n00bie
Jun 8, 2019
Raging meglomaniac father, hints of inbreeding, abused as a lass, sold in to sexual slavery by her brother for reasons I cant remember. She did watch him have his head boiled in melted gold without batting an eyelid. High maintenance demanding blonde type to be avoided.