Crystal Invasion V2 II

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
Server name - InvasionV2 Mir 2
Server Files - Modified Crystal Source
Classes - Warrior, Wizard, Taoist, Assassin and Archer
EXP Rate - Medium -> High
Discord - LINK
Download Links -

Server going live at Friday 15th of December 6:00pm UK!

Invasion will use a lot of new assets with regards to monsters, skills, and item libs, item effects, item glow and improved monsters AIs
There are some new maps but there are also an amount of old fan favourite maps.
Whilst there are new spells in game, I have also recoloured some original spells to freshen things up a bit

Carnal Energy:

You will need to collect the small version of energies while hunting and use them to craft better version of energies which will
enhance your spells damage pvp and pve it will will also improve your pets damage and increasing your
buffs stats like rage, protectionfield, magicbooster and taoist buffs

New version of orbs which can be used on item to enable its tier feature, once tier opened you will need to hunt
monsters to increase your item tiers count each tier increase you will gain 2 critical chance

Stats System:
The system mainly a gold sink where you will purchase extra stats which expires in 2 weeks
Each row complete you are recieving a Trophy which applying special effect and increasing your power pve

Paragon System:
Once you are level 50+ you will be able to unlock
The system quests which will reward each class with special ultimate spell designed to improve your power against monsters.
Start to gain paragon points where you can increase your pvp, pve damage and defense

Crystal Challenge:
A new item slot introduced to players Equipment "Crystal"
Crystals only can be found in challenge rooms where you will need to fight against monsters there to gain the reward.
There are total of 20 monster with thier special rewards, You will have only 120 minutes to finish the challenge!

SabukWall will take place 3 times a week to encourage fights between top guilds, Winners will recieve a special reward as sabuk conquest holders.
BattleWar starts everyday at 8pm gmt to encourage fights between newbie guilds, Winners will receive Battle reward expires in 12hour.
LastManStanding unlocks at level 60 where you can join the fight with others, we will have only "1" winner as last man standing.

LMSFireWall added as a Qol change to prevent players exploit running or hiding for minutes avoid to fight
FireWall will be like PUBG zone which its size getts bigger by the time, it will damage players by 25% of thier hp if you are in the FW zone

Quality Item System:
New version of orbs that will upgrade or downgrade your item grade with 0 chance of breaking the item
-> Grade upgrade will add extra stats
-> Grade downgrade will remove the extra stats added

Socket System:
Item will drop with random amount of sockets added maximum 3 sockets, you will need to place shards into sockets to upgrade your item stat and increase its value
-> There are different types for the runes some will be upgrade your damage and others upgrading your defense

You can find various crafting materials throughout the world them materials will help you to craft many things
such as Orbs, Shards, Potions, Shields, Medals and Energies

QOL Change:
Catchup - Designed to help casuals to level up and reduce the lvl gap between them and geeks
UltimateEnhnacer, SoulShield and BlessedArmour - Combined into SpiritAid to reduce taoist F keys
Door Blocking - A buff will be gained when moving from map floor to another for 5 seconds that will stops you from giving or recieving any damage
Safezone smoother - Allowing you to walk through players and monsters to avoid getting stuck for a busy safezone full of pets and players
TrustMerchant - Buttons added to collect all sold and retrieve all expired items with 1 click instead of getting them 1 by 1
Guild Tax - Minimum of 5% and maximum 20% that will help guild members to donate funds while hunting and active guild buffs

Pickup Pets:
They will now only pick up monster drops and ignore PVP death drops and ignore the Safezone drops

Friendly Targets:
Recolored meteorstrike, blizzard, poisoncloud and firewall to have different color if you have a friend fighting with you BUT enemies will still see them in the original color

The server is built up of mostly new monsters with new AIs coded
There will be 3 types of caves to hunt:
Normal which can be soloed if you are the required level to hunt the cave
Group which require team of players to hunt, bosses will have a better drop file than normal hunting caves
PVP this one will be mainly to let players enjoy the fight for the boss drop


InvasionV2 will be using updated HD images for the majority of items
Each class will have its own items to wear means war will use war item and sin will use sin item
-> We are not using dc for both classes thats to avoid making some items worth better than others

Alot of new weapons and armours added to server with thier glow effects hopefully they contribute to a fresh experience along with everything else.

InvasionV2 have been updated with total of x15 new skill - x3 skills for each class
-> Some will be mainly pve only which helps you to solo bosses or level faster

Characters Skill List:

New Interface and Autopatcher:

As for additional features, all of the regular crystal features will be available, there are more to figure out while playing InvasionV2.


LOMCN Member
Jun 13, 2021
Reboot Changes:

Check boxs added to paragon dialog that remove/increase your points by 5 and 10
SabukWall map changed
SpiritAid resetting stats and duration now to avoid low buff stats overwrite high buff stats
New spells will be added to drop files
Improving all bosses, subbosses drop files
Improving catchup experience to boost casual and new players to the following:
-----> Max Catchup Exp Rate: 200%
-----> Normal Level:
You will receive 2% exp per level if you are 20 level lower than top level
If you are more than 20 level lower than top level you will receive 3% per level For ex.
Top level 100 - Player(X) level 80 --> Player(X) will receive 2 * 20 = 40% Exp
Top level 100 - Player(X) level 79 --> Player(X) will receive 3 * 21 = 63% Exp
-----> Paragon Level:
You will receive 2% exp per level if you are 30 paragon level lower than top paragon level
If you are more than 30 level lower than top paragon level you will receive 3% per paragon level For ex.
Top paragon level 100 - Player(X) paragon level 70 --> Player(X) will receive 2 * 30 = 60% Exp
Top paragon level 100 - Player(X) paragon level 69 --> Player(X) will receive 3 * 31 = 93% Exp

LegendryBosses Area:

FrozenDemon will be our first monster spawns as Legendary boss that has the best drop file
in server and worth the fight for it.
FrozenDemon will spawn only once a day at 8:00pm server time
Require team of players to kill the LegenadyBosses as it will be high "HP" and "Damage"


LOMCN Member
Jun 13, 2021
FrozenDemon has big power and special AI,
Avoid killing it with any break on death item as i will not refund anything broke.

Gameshop prices updated as the following changes
Torchs stats increased
AC,MAC,DC,SC,MC and Health potions stats increased
ExpPotion 10% increased to 15%
ExpPotion 20% increased to 30%

Recycle Item System Introduced:

Players mentioned that craft is hard as its too hard farming the materials, I though of re using the
low level items instead of leaving on floors - You can disassemble your low level items to gain
random amount of crafting materials which costs little amount of gold
Can not disassemble items below level 70
Higher item level gives higher amount of crafting materials
Items level 70+ giving 1 material
Items level 80+ giving 2 materials
Items level 90+ giving 3 materials
Items level 100+ giving 4 materials
Weapons and Armours giving 1 extra token than other equipment items



LOMCN Member
Jun 13, 2021
Reboot Changes:

Purchasing items from gameshop will NOT require collecting parcels from storage
Repulsion and ShoulderDash now will be working based on your level + paragon level
Crafting issue "Do not have enough gold" should be fixed
BDD bosses room randomteleport disabled
LastManStanding start time changed to 8:30pm servertime
FrozenDemon_LegendaryBoss spawn time changed to 7:00pm servertime
You will be able only to teleport in cave at 7:00pm
Invasion items created "Helm, Boots, Belt, Necklace, Ring, Brace" and added to drop files

All bosses and sub bosses spawn time reduced to match the increase in usercount


LOMCN Member
Jun 13, 2021
Reboot Changes

Ranking issue not updating correctly should be fixed
MagicReset now will display "Resist" instead of "Miss"
Fix added to stop receiving damage when random teleport middle fight
Fix added for hit registration which sometimes randomly do not cause damage or struck to the target
EnemyGuild mode now will attack red/brown names and enemy guild members
Buff potions in gameshop time increased, price is still same
Pickup pets option editted

Stats System Reset Button:

You will have "2" warning befor reseting your stats system because once it reseted i will not be
able to help you so be careful please.

Your stats buff will be deleted and will lose the stats you gaining from the system then you will
be able to re purchase the new stats and trophies.
If you did not reset you will not be able to purchase the new stats and trophies
Buffs reward improved to better stats and gold value to purchase increased
Trophies reward stats improved to match server progress and gold value to purchase increased


LOMCN Member
Jun 13, 2021
Reboot Changes

Trade Request while fighting is disabled
Global buff added for any upcoming events which can be editted during live with out reboot
Challenge Crystals HP increased to sort balance little untill we update server next friday
ScrollBoss added to mobs, sub and boss drop files it will not be hard to find but not easy too
Added NPCS in every KR that will spawn for you a boss which require "x" amount of scrolls to spawnTrade Request while fighting is disabled
Global buff added for any upcoming events which can be editted during live with out reboot
ScrollBoss added to mobs, sub and boss drop files it will not be hard to find but not easy too

Added NPCS in every KR that will spawn for you a boss which require "x" amount of scrolls to spawn


LOMCN Member
Jun 13, 2021
Disabled summon or recalling your pets on NPCS
FlameStrike Cooldown removed, PVE damage increased and disabled PVP

Back up


LOMCN Member
Jun 13, 2021
Invasion Update

Level Cap: 120 - Paragon Cap: 150
Items: "2" new set level 110 and 120
Special item set with out Weapon and Armour level110
Rare item set "InvasionV2" level120
Paragon PVE Damage Boost points limit increased to 60%
Paragon PVP Damage Reducation points limit increased to 50% to balance server pvp side
Hunting Caves Count: "6"

PVP Boss Count: "1"
LordOftown Count: "1"
TownArena contains 3 lords that players can fight for their drop
GroupCave contains 17 floor with total of 36 boss and subboss some of them will be solo and rest will require team of players to hunt
HuntingCave Page4, Page5, BDD and BattleGround drop files updated with the new item set
EnemyGuild mode fixed to only attack enemy guilds and red/brown players NOT in your guild
SlashingBurst and ShadowStep will not be losing if the spell used on invalid location
The above changes have been added
Medals level 110 and 120 added to craft
Shields level 110 and 120 added to craft
Challenge bosses damage and hp increased
Crystals stats improved
Lot of new quests added for the new caves
Carefully hunting HornedLord spawns in Horned_Town "Take off your stone" as i'll not refund any
PowerPads, Wolf level 100 added to gameshop
Experience made easier for newbie players to catch up faster
Pets recalling should be fixed
Guardian added to safezone to prevent players spawning thier pets on NPCS
Maximum IP limited to 10


LOMCN Member
Jun 13, 2021
Sultan cave required level to enter reduced to 100
SultanTrinket lvl reduced from 110 to 100
HornedTown required level to enter reduced to 100
HornedTrinket lvl reduced from 105 to 100
MythicCavern required level to enter reduced to 100
Exppotions 15% increased to 75% you can purchase with gold to help players catch up faster
Exppotions 30% increased to 100%
Server Exp Rate increased to x1.5 as everyone mentioned that leveling after 100 is hard for us as med-high rate server
Level 110 and 120 item changed so every item type require different level so weapon level 110 - armour level 109 - helmet level 108 etc...
DailyQuests page6 exp reward increased
Marriage Cooldown check removed


LOMCN Member
Jun 13, 2021
Reboot Changes:

Items level 1 to 100 drop rate increased in page 1-5 bosses and subs
TierOrb(110-120) added to craft
CraftMaterial Drop rate Increased in SubBoss and boss Drop files
New potions with extra HP and MP added to potions NPC
Bosses drop files from level 50 up to level 100 reworked and improved to help new players
MirTrinket added to EvilMir drop file
Miss will only now display for Accuracy VS Agility
Block added to display for Defense VS Power
Page6 mobs flinch and low damage bug should be fixed it was doing low damage instead of miss due to targets high defense vs mobs damage
Heaven items shouts on drop removed
Paragon points usage reseted to set PVPDamageReducation limit back to 40

-Map changed to bigger one "1 Floor"
-Spawn time changed to 8:00pm server time as poll result
-Drop file improved to match the update implemented in server

HornedCommander rocks damage reduced

Spiritual System:
A new system coded will be added ingame at Sunday 14th of Jan. "Info will be posted for it once added"​


LOMCN Member
Jun 13, 2021
Reboot Changes:
BlueSanta and Gingerbreadman experience increased, gold drop increased to 400-450k and materials drop improved to boost new players
BlueSanta and Gingerbreadman added to BattleGround, MythicCavern, TreeVillage and Page6 caves spawns
Challenge bosses gold drop rate increased

PVPBalance changes:
Last patch seems made the pvp balance worse little with the huge defense increase such as the
gain of hp when you level up, item ac/mac stats and "Trophy, Crystals, GreenWolf" HP% thats all
made pvp balance worse little for that reason i have made the following changes waiting your feedback for the changes
-Spells damage increased little
-Crystals and Trophy HP reduced

Spiritual System:
Main reason is to keep the item value not to die fast specially low level item so i though for the system where you will need to collect the required items to complete the spiritual item and gain its reward stats such as "DC/MC/SC/Crit/Agil/Acc/Luck".
Gained stats will be appearing between "( )" in your character stats page
You will be only able to do it once
The system now is only stats reward i will update it shortly to include experience reward and chance to do the spiritual more then once​


LOMCN Member
Jun 13, 2021
Reboot Changes:
Spiritual System "HP" Stats fixed
BlueSanta, Gingerbreaman energy craft materials drop rate increased​


LOMCN Member
Jun 13, 2021
Reboot Changes:
Changes aiming to attract new users to join us in InvasionV2.
Start level increased to 50
Characters now start with items level 50 and spells learnt up to level 50
New characters given medal and shield level 50
Paragon and Spell quests story line reduced to only 1 quest to help new players learn their Ultimate and Special spells
BlueSanta and Gingerbreadman removed from server spawns
ChristmasTrees and Snowman removed from LegendaryCity spawns
AngryReindeer and SerpentLord added to server spawns as a gold source, nice experience amount and crafting materials
Shields and Medals crafting materials amount required reduced
Paragon and Normal experience list improved to make leveling easier
TierOrb success chance increased from 40% to 50%
All Spiritual gold required reduced to 50,000
Spiritual bene oil required amount reduced from 5000 to 2000
Crafting materials drop rate increased in bosses and subbosses starting from Page4
LightningArrow pve damage increased
Wizard clone burning poison damage increased
SpittingToad and Shinsu now will apply burn poison to monsters ONly


LOMCN Member
Jun 13, 2021
Invasion Update

Level cap increased to 130
Paragon cap increased to 180
Total of new 10 caves "6 HuntingArea - 1 Group Cave
- 1 Town Area - 1 PVPBoss - 1 LordOfTown"
Group cave is 8 floors with 8 bosses
Total of 5 new items level 130 1 item set for each class
Special new item set level 120 stats higher than InvasionV2
Shield, Medal and TierOrbs level 130 added to craft
Deva and Clone random 1 hit to death should be fixed
FrozenDemon_LegendaryBoss drop file updated with the new items added to server
Page6 bosses, PVPBoss, TownArea, LordOfTown drop files updated with the new items added to server


LOMCN Member
Jun 13, 2021
Invasion Update

-Level cap increased to 140
-Paragon cap increased to 200
-Total of new 10 caves
-6 HuntingArea
-1 Group cave 8 floors with 12 bosses
-1 Town Area
-1 PVPBoss
-1 LordOfTown"
-Total of 5 new items level 140 1 item set for each class
-Special new item set level 130 stats higher
-Shield, Medal 140 and TierOrbs level 140 added to craft
-FrozenDemon_LegendaryBoss drop file updated with the new items added to server
-Page7 bosses, PVPBoss, TownArea, LordOfTown drop files updated with the new items added to server
-New skill for each class BladeStorm, FlameStorm, ToxicCloud, DragonRaise and DevilDragon
Paragon PVE Reducation limit increased to 40%
Paragon PVE Boost limit increased to 80%
-Added a fix for the crit bug
-All Drop file improved



LOMCN Member
Jun 13, 2021
InvasionV2 closing,

Server been running months with no players even after that **** happens to my PayPal and the amount of refunds happened
the amount of refunds happened. Exp and Drop rate is now x10 until server closed.
Thank you.​