JD'S Online Server Counter Testing for Mir3

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mapadale can you show me the link the the rules where it says that please ?

i totally agree with dd lol

Thats in the section rules:

"Donations: (NEW)
Servers where donations are accepted are allowed to advertise on LOMCN. But where servers accept donations and players can choose items are not allowed to advertise on LOMCN."

Global forum rules:

No advertising other game or MIR forums without express permission from staff
Server forums for [SINGLE] MIR servers are fine and do not require permission
Servers where donations are accepted are allowed to advertise on LOMCN. But where servers accept donations and players can choose items are not allowed to advertise on LOMCN.

JD please submit this for an admins approval, thread locked untill then.


Mad Dog Geo
Jul 4, 2007
Redditch, UK
I agree with mapa ont his 1, if a servers banned from advertising here JD then i think its totally fair for them to ask you to remove them but everything else is just opinions imo.

As for listing Mir 3 Server types eg EI/PTW/JOB i think thats not at all usefull for as long as its mir 3 thats all people need to know as if they were going to play the server they would then go to mir 3 server advertisements and read what they need like a patch or whole client or whatever.

But yeah i think your doing a good job and variety is the spice of life dont liek it? dont use it? no need to say dont do it as someone will find it usefull and since it shows IP's that soemone will defiantely be me.
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