some question need help

smoochy boys on tour


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 19, 2008
hi i have one or two questions

i want to do one script that whith one item ckicking in it its posible appear the store of de pj,
and dura of the item down whith each click.
i do that can you help me

this is the script call PAPER

<COLOR=GREEN @@@@@@ ALMACEN @@@@@@>\
Hola <COLOR=RED <$username>>:\\
Este es el almacen, Que puedo hacer por ti?\\

<Guardar items/@storage> \
<Salir/@exit> \

<COLOR=GREEN @@@@@@ ALMACEN @@@@@@>\\
Que quieres almacenar?\\

Then i have a line into baseitem


the script its ok but dura not down i know that i have to put this command but i dont know where

us_damagedura 1
mapmove $_param0 <-------i suposed that i need to change this line but i dont know how

and the other question is, i need to down the probably of obtain blackironore, ironore,etc...

54, BlackIronOre, 10, 25, 20
54, GoldOre, 5, 10, 2
54, IronOre, 3, 10, 20
54, SilverOre, 5, 10, 8
54, CopperOre, 5, 10, 8

this is the script but i dont know the last numbers what do, the first number is the map.

somebody can help me please