Why this over DOTA2?

smoochy boys on tour


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 12, 2010
Tbh I never even felt like playing this game but after browsing steam and talking to a friend in work I downloaded dota2 realising it was free.

I loved it. Must have played 100 hours in my first month.

Well I believe that this league of legends is very similar. So my questions goes;
Why league of legends over dota2?

I haven't played dota2 for a few months now btw. Kind of got bored.


Drinker Of Tea
Golden Oldie
Oct 7, 2008
Sheffield, UK
I have played both and they are both very good games. Especially if you play them with a bunch of mates. I play more DOTA 2 now though as thats what we just seem to play more.

Although these games seem very similar they are still very different. With DOTA you can select any char you want right from the start which can be overwhelming but gives you a more diverse approach. The only downfall I think is the lack of maps.

For LoL I find it a hell of a lot easier. The last hitting is easier and map control is easier. The chars are more balanced and they have more map options. The only thing I don't like about LoL is the community and the fact that you will get reported for doing the slightest thing wrong. Unfortunately there's a lot of immature kids on there compared to Dota which is why I believe we seem to play Dota over LoL


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 13, 2004
First of all, I used to love Dota, played loads of hours a day when i found out about it, then lea0gue of legends came, and it was like incredible tbh....then i've found that horrible **** game you call dota 2, everything is **** from the graphics to the gameplay i just think its horrible and its verry easy to leave the game, in league of legends it isnt like that


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 28, 2009
First of all, I used to love Dota, played loads of hours a day when i found out about it, then lea0gue of legends came, and it was like incredible tbh....then i've found that horrible **** game you call dota 2, everything is **** from the graphics to the gameplay i just think its horrible and its verry easy to leave the game, in league of legends it isnt like that

Say what now? Let's just not forget that LoL is made after Dota and that Dota 2 is far superior to LoL in graphics/gameplay.

The only issue with Dota 2 is that some heroes are really unbalanced and that it's kinda harder than LoL (In Dota 2 you lose gold when you die compared to LoL where you cannot lose gold in any way - apart from buying items, of course). Anything else, LoL is inferior.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 13, 2004
Say what now? Let's just not forget that LoL is made after Dota and that Dota 2 is far superior to LoL in graphics/gameplay.

The only issue with Dota 2 is that some heroes are really unbalanced and that it's kinda harder than LoL (In Dota 2 you lose gold when you die compared to LoL where you cannot lose gold in any way - apart from buying items, of course). Anything else, LoL is inferior.
lol 32milion players say otherwise, and lets not forget about the official competition that gave out huge amount of money....where is dota 2 at ? when will it ever get close to what LoL has ? NEVER, and personally i think that graphics are ****, i really hate it how dota 2 looks....but that is just me


Drinker Of Tea
Golden Oldie
Oct 7, 2008
Sheffield, UK
lol 32milion players say otherwise, and lets not forget about the official competition that gave out huge amount of money....where is dota 2 at ? when will it ever get close to what LoL has ? NEVER, and personally i think that graphics are ****, i really hate it how dota 2 looks....but that is just me

You do realise Dota 2 has massive competitions too which give away hundreds of thousands of $. Either way like I said before. Although these two games have the same genre, they are very different from each other and everyone likes different things.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2003
Kent - UK
I prefer hon to.. LoL/Dota are to easy... anyone can win at it, and I struggle to see how people are so bad at them..


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
I prefer hon to.. LoL/Dota are to easy... anyone can win at it, and I struggle to see how people are so bad at them..

I agree

I play HON my gold/exp k/d is way lower than when i play DOTA2/LOL

On LOL i just own everyone.

Hon is deffinatly harder and has a higher skill level.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 13, 2004
Numbers do not dictate which is best, LOL is the most popular because it is made for 12 year olds, its simple and easy to play.

if its soo easy to play have you acomplished anything in it ?have you reached challanger? have you participated in any official tournament ?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
Dota 2 is the best by far. LoL is for casuals, kids and pedos, HoN was great but the balancing wasn't done properly and it's past it a bit now (and I played HoN for some years before Dota2 came out).


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 11, 2005
Northern Ireland
Dota 2 is the best by far. LoL is for casuals, kids and pedos, HoN was great but the balancing wasn't done properly and it's past it a bit now (and I played HoN for some years before Dota2 came out).

This. LoL is baby Dota. For scrubs who can't handle snowballing and denying creeps because it detracts from their free base teleports and shitty rune pages. Newbies will flock to that which is easier, not all can handle the steep learning curve of the mighty beast that is Dota.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 13, 2004
It must be true, cos they both said it at the same time like.

those 2 prob never played a ranked match and just hate LoL

This. LoL is baby Dota. For scrubs who can't handle snowballing and denying creeps because it detracts from their free base teleports and shitty rune pages. Newbies will flock to that which is easier, not all can handle the steep learning curve of the mighty beast that is Dota.

i doubt that minion deny is the problem but w/e lol

Dota 2 is the best by far. LoL is for casuals, kids and pedos, HoN was great but the balancing wasn't done properly and it's past it a bit now (and I played HoN for some years before Dota2 came out).

lol at HoN and what you say about LoL you clearly hate the game and have no idea how to play it


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
those 2 prob never played a ranked match and just hate LoL

i doubt that minion deny is the problem but w/e lol

lol at HoN and what you say about LoL you clearly hate the game and have no idea how to play it

I've played Ranked, tho i don't need to play 600 hours to deduce that it is easier to play than Dota/Hon, this is not an opinion it is a FACT,all 3 games are exactly the same gameplay/mechanics wise, how-ever LOL is so much more n00b friendly, such as no gold lost on death, free base teleports, ect ect, i could go on but really dont have the time.

No idea how to play it? you talk as if its something akin to proving string theory is real, its a MOBA, a 14 year old kid with a limited IQ could play it, actually a lot of them do....

How-ever that being said, doesn't mean i dont enjoy a game of LOL every now and then, when i am on a bad streak on HON, its nice to play something more forgiving.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
those 2 prob never played a ranked match and just hate LoL

i doubt that minion deny is the problem but w/e lol

lol at HoN and what you say about LoL you clearly hate the game and have no idea how to play it

How would any seasoned MOBA player not know how to play LoL? It's designed for casual gamers, you have to pay for proper gameplay content, in the gaming industry that's basically like putting a sign up saying "we're a joke franchise" LoL is the iPhone app of MOBAs.

It has wider target and take-up audience because of its accessibility and ease of use. Riot actively stop their competitive players streaming other MOBAs because it'd be like taking a virgin to a *****house. LoL leaves out crucial game concepts like creep denying and proper HP/MP balancing to make the game more accessible, you've probably never played another MOBA or found it immediately too hard (most likely scenario here) because you have to worry about more than just mashing buttons. In dota if there's an ss call you fear for your life and hawkeye the minimap trying to work out positioning whilst not losing out on valuable last hits and XP, in LoL you say OH WELL I'LL JUST TANK IT ALL WHILE RUNNING AWAY LOLZ. HoN is even more brutal in this regard, but their hero balancing has been a bit off in the last few years due to the S2 heroes. See, I know MOBAs really well, that's why you're trench tear LoL player whilst I'm 4k MMR (top 1%) Dota2 player. A 3k MMR Dota2 is easily a gold/approaching plat player, to give you some perspective. I was about 1850 before I left HoN iirc, these ratings probably mean nothing to you as you're a LoL pedo, but to give you some perspective I got to Gold tier after trying LoL casually (without properly learning the heroes, they're called heroes not champions btw), and this was in the old rating system, I believe they have diamond now in the newer seasons, before literally LoLing and going back to a serious game.

Mana, proper hero balancing, strategy, synergy, a few words that mean nothing to Riot but everything to Valve.

but yes, sure, LoL is superior, please stay there. We don't need your kind in Dota.

gg l2play ty


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
My only Issue of why i prefer HON over DOTA2

DOTA2 is full of foreigners and its very rare to be matched with a full english team.