So...what are you going to do without porn?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 18, 2014
It's not that. We all watch porn, specially mir players, but it's against privacy to register every one who wants to watch something. What if you sign up to a gay site and homosexuality becomes illegal years later? I'm not saying it'll happen in the UK but you get the point.

You don't think everything you do, visit, search, is already recorded and cataloged? Geez.
I hate to break it to you, but they already know what kinky stuff gets you going.

At least have a realistic example, as I can't think of anything that would make this detrimental to one's wellbeing. Especially as they already made it clear that verification would be done through a government contracted body, and no information will be passed to the 'service' providers.


There are so many loopholes that I don't even know why they are bothering at all, it's nothing more than a publicity stunt. the 'currently compliant' UK based sites are doing little more than a pop-up to ask if you are 18 yes/no... that's all this is.

Just to list a few they spelled out.

Not that anyone uses these for porn, I hope, but you get the point.
- Twitter, Reddit and image-sharing community Imgur, for example, will not be required to administer the scheme because they fall under an exception where more than a third of a site or app's content must be pornographic to qualify.

- Likewise, any platform that hosts pornography but does not do so on a commercial basis - meaning it does not charge a fee or make money from adverts or other activity - will not be affected.

- it will remain legal to use virtual private networks (VPNs)

They also have zero influence over anything hosted outside the UK, of which I'd hazard a guess at being less than .1%. So unless the ISP's are going to block everything, yeah... that's not going to happen.


Drinker Of Tea
Golden Oldie
Oct 7, 2008
Sheffield, UK
I really wouldn't worry about it. Its primerily aimed at detering under 18s away from porn. It wont stop 100% unser 18s but it will stop some. To them, thats progress.

Why are you even worried about them collecting data about what porn you watch? About 90% of the UK watch porn so your details will be up there with the rest of us. Its only abnormal if a minority are doing it.
They are definetly already collecting data on what type of porn you watch anyway. I always see anual Top 10 lists of most watched porn categories by each demographic. Some of those lists will supprise you, for some reason incest is a popular category :oops:


Jan 10, 2009
You don't think everything you do, visit, search, is already recorded and cataloged? Geez.
I hate to break it to you, but they already know what kinky stuff gets you going.

It's not being recorded, actually. A lot of metadata, yes, but not your whole internet activity.

That's what I call slave mentality or learned helplessness. They are already doing bad things so I don't care event if they do something worse.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 18, 2014
It's cute you think that you are still anonymous.
Slave mentality? You're right, I really don't care. not like they will change. Nor am I doing anything untoward to care about.

You're making a huge deal out of nothing. I'll stick to my first comment.
If you're ashamed of what you are doing, then you probably shouldn't be doing it. Grow up.


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
It's cute you think that you are still anonymous.
Slave mentality? You're right, I really don't care. not like they will change. Nor am I doing anything untoward to care about.

You're making a huge deal out of nothing. I'll stick to my first comment.
The problem is you give them an inch they will take a mile. whats next? The uk government this year alone has already put pressure on privet company's to ban and restrict what people see online and have had a hand in several people being removed from social media.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 18, 2014
The problem is you give them an inch they will take a mile. whats next? The uk government this year alone has already put pressure on privet company's to ban and restrict what people see online and have had a hand in several people being removed from social media.

By that, you mean 'encouraging' social media platforms to remove content such as self-harm, anorexia, etc? How exactly is that a bad thing? If you had experience in such matters you would rejoice in such a notion.

Removing far-right & Neo-Nazi extremists? I'm not going to explain why. Go and read the actual reason.

That said, the government abused Facebook/Twitter, etc just as much during the elections/Brexit. Why? Because the people using these platforms allow themselves to be manipulated, instead of spending 10 minutes reading actual facts.


Golden Oldie
Feb 9, 2008
LOMCN HQ with Tai, eating bagels.
Honestly, I quit Mir and now I just put the same level of dedication and late night grinding into dating apps.

I can honestly say, I've heard the phrase; 'bang average Tao', considerably less.

For anyone else considering taking up one of these new servers, such as - Feeld or Hinge - 'GiantWorm', 'EbonySword' and 'HelmetofHero' - all have VERY different meanings than what you might have become accustomed to.
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Final Heaven
May 25, 2013
I've been preparing for this for some time.

I've been printing out frame by frame shots of porn video and I've got them all bound up into giant flickbooks ready for the imminent pornpocalyse.

That combined with my Cassette tape recordings means I'm all set!


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 4, 2010
I've been preparing for this for some time.

I've been printing out frame by frame shots of porn video and I've got them all bound up into giant flickbooks ready for the imminent pornpocalyse.

That combined with my Cassette tape recordings means I'm all set!

Yeah except its not gonna happen anymore:)