Aesir Mir

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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Jan 2, 2019
Hey guys, thought I'd give a progress update:

1. Chinese writing on BIg Map - todo, low priority
2. Can’t delete characters - maybe todo, why is this needed ? (not sure its possible with how the classes are done now)
3. Torch needs a boost as to dark in caves - fixed
4. No big maps in caves for door locations - todo, low priority
5. No list of all available class skills (a skill teacher as such) - in progress
6. Not enough pots drop in caves imo (unless u want it like that it fine) - in progress
7. Ancient caves exp is so much higher than normal caves ppl will never go to the normal caves - intended, there will probably be a slight nerf on live but not much, early game is not meant to be a grind
8. Windows 10 chat bug is present so u can only see text when In windowed mode - fixed
9. Pvp hit and run doesn’t work and u have to walk two steps before running again - in progress
10. Potion purchase bug is present where u buy pots and then u can’t - need more information about this
11. Lottery winnings suggest 500g as lowest prize where I received 100g so that can’t be true - need more information about this, lottery has been nerfed as previously it was too easy to turn a profit
12. Npcs for pots and RTs etc are to close together and can’t click the proper one (in castle bichon) - fixed
13. Resolution and fullscreen values not defaulting to correct values - fixed
14. no indication what subclass can learn what spells - fixed, description of books updated to reflect who can learn
15. autopatcher throwing error - fixed
16. books selling for too much - fixed
17. lvl 22 item sets selling for nothing - fixed
18. knights accuracy abit low - fixed
19. added some % values to aura buffs
20.added global shouts to help indicate useful commands
21. fixed some crafting script errors
22. Adjusted some low level bosses agil - IW, RME etc
23. Fixed hell keeper, hell boss/subs AI
24. Added multi class items to fill out the power curve on classes (mostly at lower levels for the benefit of the paladin here)
25.Fixed SD/Repulsion bug where you could attack in safezone
26.Dying while in barb defy death in sz prevents death drop - in progress
27.Added subclass change option as suggested by community
28. Added poisons etc to BW npc
29. Updated guild member caps
30. Fixed in AI's in hell caves, red cavern
31. Reworked luck- harder to achieve a higher luck
32. Reworked gemming- gemming is now uncapped, you can add as many of any stat you can usually add with a dimishing chance of success (There will always be a chance of success now)
33. Nerfed Blade avalanche damage as it was too high
34. Fixed pkpoint check scprinting error in numerous npcs
35. Nerfed slowing/freezing chance on cryomancers iceflame, icewall and frozen tomb spells and added mr weighting

These are the changes I can remember, most of the time I've spent fixing drops and adding items for power gaps i.e. big gaps in levels where certain classes didnt get new items.

Big shout out to the people that have been been on helping me test functionality and pointing out bugs, you guys have been invaluble with finding bugs and game knowledge :)
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Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
Hats off for the hard work tbh and listening to us 👍🏻 Nice on the class change option aswell this is a real comfort to know you can eventually change if you don’t like 👌🏻


Feb 21, 2013
10. Potion purchase bug is present where u buy pots and then u can’t
not first server I seen this, thought it design

come back later, can buy


Feb 21, 2013
"7. Ancient caves exp is so much higher than normal caves ppl will never go to the normal caves - intended, there will probably be a slight nerf on live but not much, early game is not meant to be a grind " why ancient caves then, make normal ancient?


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Jan 2, 2019
"7. Ancient caves exp is so much higher than normal caves ppl will never go to the normal caves - intended, there will probably be a slight nerf on live but not much, early game is not meant to be a grind " why ancient caves then, make normal ancient?
I think ancient caves are part of of the files, i've actually nerfed the exp abit since writing this


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Jan 2, 2019
Little short update this time. It contains the spell list requested by the community though.

Added some tweaks to the gemming system.
Added hellboss with fully functional ai
Added resources for maps, items and monsters for 80+ content
Reworked three end game paladin spells into passives to help ease spell slot issue.
Nerfed experience in hell cave.
Added a ton of defensive coding measures to prevent crashes.
Implemented proper "damage" indicators for defy death and magic resistance (also implemented MR in PVP).

Added Spell list to book npc in bw:
Fencing IronMaiden RelentlessEndurance
Slaying GoldenDragonStrike AnointedAura
Thrusting StalwartShield Fealty
ShoulderDash AuraOfThorns ProtectionField
Entrapment CounterAttack ImmortalSkin
LionRoar BattleCry ShieldWall
FerociousSmash InvisibleCuirass SlashingBurst
CrossHalfMoon Roar Fury
BladeAvalanche Rage IronMaiden
FerociousSmash ShieldWall

Fencing BladeWaltz CrossHalfMoon
DeathSentence ProtectionField DefyDeath/RageBeyondDeath
Slaying Frenzy BrutalStrikes
Thrusting BladeAvalanche ImmortalSkin
MeteoricLeap CounterAttack Fury
ShoulderDash SlashingBurst BersekersCharge
LastBreath Entrapment Rage
LionRoar MeteoricLeap BersekersCharge

Healing LayHands BattleFervor
SpiritSword Smite SpiritBurst
HolyShieldSelf HolyShield SummonHolyGuardian
BlessedShield SummonGuardian SummonPriest
Bless DivineProtection VolrunsFury
Enfeeblement SmitefulAura HalfMoon
FlamingSword TwinDrakeBlade Conviction

Healing MassHealing BlessedArmour
Hiding SoulFireBall SoulShield
Revelation DeathWatch Curse
EnergyRepulsor Hallucination UltimateEnhancer
Purification PetEnhancer MassHiding
SpiritSword Poisoning Portal
SummonShinsu SummonUndead FreedomOfMovement
Reincarnation HeightenedPoison ConsecrateGround
PoisonCloud Plague RaiseTheDead
HolyGround ZinorsBlessing ZinorsRebirth
DimVision ReactiveHealing SummonSpiritWraith
ZinorsShield ShieldOfFaith Fanaticism
SummonSpiritWraith ReactiveHealing

FireBall DispelMagic MeteorStrike
Repulsion VolrunsStrike FlameDisruptor
ElectricShock Armageddon MagicBooster
VolcanicEruption GreatFireBall IceStorm
HellFire PowerSurge Immolation
ThunderBolt IceThrust MagicShield
CallLightning Teleport FlameField
FireBang Blizzard Mirroring
FireWall MeteorStorm Vampirism
CounterSpell Lightning TurnUndead
FrostCrunch ThunderStorm LifeLeech

FireBall Lightning FrostShield
Repulsion HexdronsDistraction MagicShield
ElectricShock GlacialStorm FlameDisruptor
GreatFireBall Blizzard Mirroring
SummonShieldWall HellFire FrozenTomb
DispelMagic ThunderBolt SolariShield
Teleport IceField SteelCore
IceWall PermafrostHurricane FireBang
FireWall TurnUndead FlameField
Meditation MagicBooster MeteorStrike
IceStorm Vampirism IceThrust
FrostCrunch Cryofreeze ThunderStorm
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Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
Might want to give a breakdown of the spells B)

Also the potion bug is to do with weight;
so say if your shop sells potions
HP 1
HP 10
HP 20

Someone tries to buy pots from the 20 stack but doesn't have the weight to carry 20, it just doesn't let you purchase them (if you drop an item to make you able to carry it, you can then double click the pots thats "20" select like 14 then pick your item up again.

- that's if its the same bug as others had.


Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
Not 100% mine was weight related it happened a lot and I always thought it seemed to be when I click it all to fast...might have been a coincidence tho


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Aug 19, 2018
sound liek the cyro needs some cool downs on how often it can slow, and maybe add some anti poison/slow on the knight/warr


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Jan 2, 2019
fenarir.. Druss? are you irish?
lmao yup thats me :)

sound liek the cyro needs some cool downs on how often it can slow, and maybe add some anti poison/slow on the knight/warr
35. Nerfed slowing/freezing chance on cryomancers iceflame, icewall and frozen tomb spells and added mr weighting
do you mean you've checked it out recently and your of the same opinion that it needs nerfed? I honestly didnt test it that much and I suspect i'll have to revisit the chance to slow later anyway and tweak it


Known Cheater
Oct 31, 2018
@AesirMir do you remember our in house league matches we all used to play.

sure you used to play sona, always used to say to me "are u maaaaaaaad bro" haha
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