Artificial Mir 2

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LOMCN n00bie
Aug 27, 2013
For context, I am effectively a new player to Legend of Mir 2, I played Euro mir on my brothers account and played for a short period Mir Revenge and first iteration of Old Skool. Since then I haven't played any other Private Server prior to Artificial Mir. Within Artificial Mir (AM/Arti) server, I am known to have played RedShot, TheEnd and (not the original owner) Veya. I have played 3 of the 5 classes at the top end of the game and have been an avid member of the server since launch.

As there have been posts regarding the server in the past, I won't drudge too much in to the history of it all, yet I would feel remiss if I hadn't provided some insight to what's led to the degradation of a server many had hoped would be a long standing place of enjoyment.


Removed section regarding Bias due to lack of evidence

Excessive and blatant cheating

This is a problem that I am sure is found on any Mir Server. There have been incidents of clear cheaters acting in the past that have been banned. Yet in recent weeks, there have been multiple occasions where evidence has been provided of players using Anti-Flinch and various other cheats (this will be provided at the bottom of the thread for others interested).

This has led to a massive imbalance in players feeling disenfranchised and leading to the quitting of a number of players. While this is always going to be an issue within any game, when there is a complaint of the same players on multiple occasions cheating, this would at least prompt some form of review of said players and inspection when possible during normal game play. Not only does this ruin the experience of players who participated in the fight, it leads to a horrific debasing of an individuals integrity and the motives of the server, overall leading to a very undesirable atmosphere.

While it should be that players should be fully investigated prior to any long term actions being carried out, there has been negligence of an astounding degree in regards to player enjoyment and the response to cheating that has allowed a large group of players to act as they desire to.

With this said however, the GM's have been responsive in talking with me privately regarding the cheating, it still poses the problem of communication issues which has led to a steep decline in user engagement.

Long Standing Bugs/Exploits

There have been many long standing bugs within the server, some which are harmless, while others are far more malicious. Yet the main issue that presents itself within this post, there has been a shocking lack of communication about the resolution to these bugs.

Most notable are but not limited to:

- SW not commencing from Relic use at NPC.
- Refining weapons allowing for an exploit to prevent the breaking on high value refines. (*) showing next to weapon indication the refine hasn't been checked, this is present on many of the same characters using cheats. While there hasn't been any clear evidence put forward of the exact exploit, the only weapons that show these (*) are weapons of high value + stats (SOWG's, BoM's and so on).

at the minute I am unable to bring to mind glaring bugs/issues yet these two are large enough that being left in game for weeks on end with no commentary from GM staff is cause enough for concern.

Poor Communication / Undelivered timelines of content

These two issues go hand in hand and have been probably the largest factor to server decline, in my opinion. Yet I do share empathy for the GM's of AM regarding the communication as being a new player, my experience of the player-base has been remarkable in the toxicity found towards those they wish to provide the content they expect and hope for.

Yet this does not provide excuse to allow for lack of delivery on content with no information being provided to the active players, regarding any issues with Real Life matters delaying the timeline etc. It has felt that with the departure of TKO and the christmas break, the GM's have decided to limit communication to the forums, here in LOMCN. There has been some activity within discord to private messages and support tickets, yet this still leaves a vast number of players in the dark and unsure if the time-value of continued play proves favorable for them.

I, personally, have had a great time interacting with the GM's and can respect their efforts in putting together a server for all to enjoy and wanting to model it on their vision of what Mir should be, yet there has been a great disservice done to many of the players who have bought their Gamegold and put in the time to achieve their goals.

In conclusion, while I personally have enjoyed my time on Artificial Mir, there has been a plethora of issues plaguing the server and with the large UC at the beginning, to drop from 700+ in November to now 250 at peak times, speaks for itself.

The GM's are clearly capable and have managed to build something many of us have had fun and invested into, at the beginning. Yet as time wore on, the quality of the server dipped substantially. If I were given the opportunity to start over again. I would steer clear of the server, regardless of my personal interactions with the GM's, as many of the promises have been left lacking and the communication on a whole has made many players feel as a pinata of purchases.

Best regards,


PS Give ****in MayDie the CHM he deserves.

Reference of cheaters:

There is more but I am not willing to trudge through the messages to find them. Yet given these videos, we were asked to provide more evidence to warrant any action.

Edit: Video in question of the last major Lord event prior to weekend of 9th Jan

There had been claims of GM intervention which led to unfair advantages for one side over the other and information being passed on through the inspection of player movements from GM side. I am not endorsing these claims yet this is to provide context and allow other users to draw their own conclusions.
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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Nov 26, 2012
The only piece I can't personally agree with in this insider information and bias, by all means if Joe can provide proof go for it, however it was well known at the time that lords would be done around 8pm on the weekend, it was publicly said in discord at various times when there was moans about the chinese not being able to get it, or it wasn't fair on the people that "had a life" etc.

As above the rest I can't argue on, like you I've spent farm much more money than I realistically should've, had fun doing it don't get me wrong, just feels a bit weird how it's become.


LOMCN n00bie
Aug 27, 2013
Understandable, it is a rather serious claim with far from decent evidence for it. To combine that however with previous lord fights, there has been instances of TKO being the only guild present in numbers yet still having multiple lords spawned, the case in WV being what i'm referring to. In which they managed to kill every lord available (being 4 if i remember correct) and we have yet to see so many Lords spawned one after another like that. They are now spawned at once in multiple regions, after massive outcry from discord.

True we had a vague idea of the Lord spawn times etc. I have never seen anyone else say 'be ready to fight this day, this time' for lord.

EDIT: Again, I am from an opposing guild that lost out on the bosses, so take what i say with a grain of salt. I try to be objective but I may be remembering it wrong or presenting incorrectly.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Dec 4, 2018
I have no idea who or what this fag is talking about to be honest chriz probably said there will be one same time next week... as for fielding players u need to get a grip cause I couldn’t give a **** how many players we had or would never know how many we were going to have 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 u turd
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But ye the servers is shite I agree on that GMs are also terrible
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Who out u up to that post SG


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 20, 2014
Being a TKO member and also being present at the lord spawns and sabuk wall fights I have a different opinion.

The lord spawns in WV ( the weekend previous to the yt vid you posted) , the reason we killed all the lords was that we outnumbered BS by a fair margin. especially with archers , no one could even get near us. iirc chriz did not spawn lords one after another for TKO to kill . I can remember RTing around the map after seeing the shout, and all the lords were dotted around already (maybe he did this so other guilds could have the chance of drops), but with our numbers online at the time , BS got steam rolled and we killed everything.

After the lord fight , iirc chriz said he planned to do a lord spawn each week.i cant remember where this was said (probably on discord).

We had the same information as everyone else


LOMCN n00bie
Aug 27, 2013
Appreciate the insight Ludacris, will provide a note next to that segment


Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
Although the points raised here may or may not be correct, saying it’s dipped from 700 to 250 is a false misconception.

Every man and his dog knows at the start because of guild private zones ppl had 15 clients fishing for gems that the realistic count was around half that. Maybe just over 400.

I mean that in the best possible way because if they have 230 players now from 400 actual players at start that ain’t half bad going.

I havnt played in ages so I have no clue if ppl are still fishing, just thought I’d say about the 700.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 30, 2004
Grizz you sound like a salty bitter little BABY like the rest of all opposing guilds. You spout utter shite to make it sound like you are hard done by. Server is almost dead and buried and your still in here talking crap.

On the other hand the GMS are USELESS they are more interested in sitting back and letting it die out slowly and still earning abit of dollar for the sad twats that are still buying GG for this DEAD server.

Logham-your a d*** sucker
Chriz-Your a n****
Somatical- your a jumped up bullied little sad tw@

Goodnight and god bless
  • Haha
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LOMCN n00bie
Aug 27, 2013
Although the points raised here may or may not be correct, saying it’s dipped from 700 to 250 is a false misconception.

Every man and his dog knows at the start because of guild private zones ppl had 15 clients fishing for gems that the realistic count was around half that. Maybe just over 400.

I mean that in the best possible way because if they have 230 players now from 400 actual players at start that ain’t half bad going.

I havnt played in ages so I have no clue if ppl are still fishing, just thought I’d say about the 700.

Yet that still shows there is many people who were committed to trying to make the most of the resources available who gave up doing so, yet this would have been used to their advantage as well. High UC makes more people want to join etc. Still believe that argument stands, yet you run around now, it feels empty outside of US and China. If the current Asian playerbase is similar to the last who got banned, then UC would drip easily below 200 if you banned the cheaters as they probably remove their mining bots etc.


LOMCN Member
Oct 12, 2020
Server was **** from the very start lol, could tell what kinda GM's they would be just from the beta lol


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 27, 2003
Only server to come up during COVID19. Clever GMs to spit it out given it was buggy as hell. Just waiting for a thanks from Chriz and the gang for helping clear 20% of their mortgage off.

No idea on why you are posting this ****. Just face it, servers done. Go play something else you virgin
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 19, 2015


I'm a massive prick
Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2017
Took the gms over a week to fix the sun pot exploit where u could carry 200:300+, and the limit was 40

green key exploit = buy a green key spawn boss tt and spawn again = free top end boss drops and people were allowed to keep them :D

SW being bugged and starting at 7pm, 8pm, also first SW was bugged and gm’s done it when the entirety of tko was online

All in all - Remedi made a better server


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Game Master
Mar 24, 2003
To be honest, the main reasons causing discontent among the players of this server are the complete lack of communication from the server team and the obvious cheating / exploiting / botting going on by the Chinese players. Both of these need to be sorted very soon.

It’s a shame you started the thread about TKO / GM favouritism because firstly, it’s really not a thing and secondly, if it was it’s really not anywhere close to being as bad an issue as mentioned above.

The server team are managing to reply to the odd PM from a select few people and answer support tickets I believe but can’t take a few minutes to write a post saying ‘this is what’s happening’ or ‘we have taken a look into this...’.

I appreciate they have worked hard on this server but a lot of people have spent a lot of money in the game shop supporting the server and feel like we are being left standing with our dick in our hands. Even a post on LOMCN would be nice if you don’t want to use Discord. The worrying thing is there are substantial talk of chargebacks / reclaims on PayPal and that will not be good for the server team or remaining players.

Spend 10 minutes of your ******* time to communicate with your players properly please!
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 16, 2003
I don't believe for one second the gms are corrubt and in favour off one group off players over another group.. But the whole server seemed like it was thrown together to milk the community off as much money as possible. They dont seem to off been offering back handed deals like another gm was on his server. But you only have to look at the GS to see that it is loaded with p2w advantages over the few who wouldn't put money in to it.

Add on the little effort made at all to updates and gm activit,y in my eyes I just see the whole server as something basic thrown together to make cash and lots off it, ad the mir community was screaming for a long standing low rate server. Every update, patch and event has had exploits to be milked as nothing was tested. But everyone who milked the exploits went unpunished as it would cut the UC in half evrrtime. Which then would stop the GS payments.

I'm sure there will be a new patch soon for this server as they must off noticed the UC and GS sales dropping weekly. With the talk on disc regularly now mentioning charge backs I can see the 3 gms left in a real sticky situation, and all from a total lack off communication. I hope people don't do it as thats unfair ad they paid the money willingly. But with no interaction from gms since 24th December except a hello on discord from one and a reply on lomcn forums by another. Its no way to treat the people who have literally put 10s off thousands into there pockets.

Maybe im just a sceptic and my thoughts off it just being a cash grab isn't justified..but there total lack of commnuication and effort and then the countless p2w items in GS Just screams cash grab to me.


Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
I wouldn’t like to say it’s a cash grab, they have put a lot of effort in like most GMs do. You don’t have to spend money to enjoy it, just play with ppl that are your own level.

It is a very clever gameshop I always said that...everything costs pence but there so much to get to be sufficient I was chucking £20 atleast per week into it and then as it’s all timed items it’s a cycle.

Most money I ever spent on a server is Artificial followed by Apocalypse but not on that scale.

Would you say it’s p2w? Yes.

Gameshop guard at start which doubled your level speed to 20. Premium fishing gear that bags you tonnes of gems and casting tools for best armour Ingame. Exp pots for u and hero, drop scroll, Teleport cave and map scrolls, premium dungeon passes that speed levelling up more.

A lot of it is P2w yeah. But Chriz doesn’t seem like a bad guy and not the cash grab type. Other two I think I only heard 1 post from them.

Spent hundreds on it to keep up no regrets. But if you compare it to an official game that might cost £70 for it all and nothing more...Mir can be an expensive hobby.
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Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
I wouldn’t like to say it’s a cash grab, they have put a lot of effort in like most GMs do. You don’t have to spend money to enjoy it, just play with ppl that are your own level.

It is a very clever gameshop I always said that...everything costs pence but there so much to get to be sufficient I was chucking £20 atleast per week into it and then as it’s all timed items it’s a cycle.

Most money I ever spent on a server is Artificial followed by Apocalypse but not on that scale.

Would you say it’s p2w? Yes.

Gameshop guard at start which doubled your level speed to 20. Premium fishing gear that bags you tonnes of gems and casting tools for best armour Ingame. Exp pots for u and hero, drop scroll, Teleport cave and map scrolls, premium dungeon passes that speed levelling up more.

A lot of it is P2w yeah. But Chriz doesn’t seem like a bad guy and not the cash grab type. Other two I think I only heard 1 post from them.

Spent hundreds on it to keep up no regrets. But if you compare it to an official game that might cost £70 for it all and nothing more...Mir can be an expensive hobby.

Never understood the premium guard thingy or premium dungeon, specially that there is no HuntGold.
Players with Premium Guard could go without pots on Prajna Island cave and do nicely profit by selling the dropping items for gold and keep potions (ofc you had to go 1-2 mobs).

Other annoying thing was when players was doing alts to pk fisher chars to avoid pk penalty on mains.

GameGold prices was afforable as on first month there was lots of GG sellers, however the pressure to mantain a fisher char or to hunt on a noob cave without premium guardian was high.

PS: never played but seen lots of streams,videos and such.
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LOMCN n00bie
Aug 27, 2013
To be honest, the main reasons causing discontent among the players of this server are the complete lack of communication from the server team and the obvious cheating / exploiting / botting going on by the Chinese players. Both of these need to be sorted very soon.

It’s a shame you started the thread about TKO / GM favouritism because firstly, it’s really not a thing and secondly, if it was it’s really not anywhere close to being as bad an issue as mentioned above.

The server team are managing to reply to the odd PM from a select few people and answer support tickets I believe but can’t take a few minutes to write a post saying ‘this is what’s happening’ or ‘we have taken a look into this...’.

I appreciate they have worked hard on this server but a lot of people have spent a lot of money in the game shop supporting the server and feel like we are being left standing with our dick in our hands. Even a post on LOMCN would be nice if you don’t want to use Discord. The worrying thing is there are substantial talk of chargebacks / reclaims on PayPal and that will not be good for the server team or remaining players.

Spend 10 minutes of your ******* time to communicate with your players properly please!
I put this to a few people to add any comments they wanted into the forum where there has been contact from GM. It is less so insider information than it is that Lord events dropped off at the same time they quit. I will put into it a greater disclaimer, yet this is was an issue someone asked me to include, and no it wasn't SG.

Yet I believe the main body of the post still holds weight. I would have preferred not to do this, yet outside of chargebacks, the only way to elicit action seems to have been bringing it to this forum.

Yes there is the talk of chargebacks etc, yet this is also a newer era of responsibility to gamers. Chalk it to whatever you wish, but when players are left feeling obligated to run at least: Drop pot, XP buffs and dungeon scrolls, it creates a greater sense of entitlement to the development of the server or at least some form of contact with developers. That is the overwhelming sentiment I've gotten from feedback.

The private responses does nothing to the UC of however many. The final straw for myself was being told that from the video TD put up of Xiaogong, there was more evidence needed to ban that player. I understand they want to remove any potential for bias being claimed in the banning of players but that is absurd in the case of that player in particular.