need a little help


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 14, 2003
have you got 1.4 or 1.9 server ?
if its 1.4 im sure there is a list in the server files,
if its 1.9 then the commands are in the m2server under one of the options or there is also a command list in the server files.
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Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
i have my server up and running but :) i dont no the gm commands can some 1 post them for me plz

Commands for 1.4

BabyHack said:
|Player Commands:|
@searching : Use of probe necklace
@Letguild : Allows entry to join a guild
@endguild : Leave current guild
@Authally : Allow alliance - Must face other guild cheif
@grprecal : Recalls the group (*)
@Bantrade : Stops everyone from entering up the trade window
@priv <Username> : Prevents <username> from PMing you

(*) The Recall is set to around the player whom has the whole recall
set - Helmet,Necklace,Bracelet,Ring - All must be on the Head of
group in order to recall. It will not work if:
* You are not head of group
* Recall is not allowed on the map
* Players hasn't allowed (@allowgrecall)
* You don't have the whole set

| Additional Player Commands |
@dear : Presents Cordiantes of your hubby/wife (**)
@quitAlle : Breaks alliance of guild you enter (***)

(**) Should @dear command not work it maybe due to the following:
* You are not married
* The servers m2server isn't updated and wont allow weddings

(***) Should @quitalle command not work it maybe due to the following:
* The guild you entered says: Not such guild which therefore is
case sensative and MUST be typed correctly in order to have
alliance broken between guilds.
* The m2server in which the server uses doesn't have command
@quitalle translated.

| GameMaster Commands |
/who : Only useable by GameMasters : Gives user count

@Gamemaster : GameMaster Mode : Mobs/Players cannot hit you
@Observer : Observer Mode : Players cannot see you {*}
@Superman : Invinsable Mode : Your Health/Mania Points dont decrease
@Info <username> : Givens information on Player {**}
@kick <username> : Removes player from the server {***}
@Recall <username> : Recalls player to you - Closest Cord possible
@Ting <username> : RT's the player from place {****}
@SuperTing <username> : RT's the player and players around them {****}
@Shutup <username> <Time Ammount> : Chatbans the <user> for <ammount> mins
@shutuplist : Shows what players are on a chat ban - and how long left
@releaseshutup <username> : Releases a chat ban on selected player
@Moblevel : Shows Mob/Players information around you
@Human <Map Number> : Shows how many players on <Map Numbers>
@Mobcount <Map Number> :shows how many mobs on <MapNumber>
@Map : Gives the MapNumber in which you are on
@Move <Map Number> : Teleport you to Map Number - Random Spots
@PositionMove <Map Number> <Cordx:Cordy> : Teleport to exact cords on Map Number
@Changejob <Wizard/Warr/Taos> : Changes GameMasters class
@ChangeGender <(M)ale/(F)emale> : Changes from Male > Female and visversa {*****}
@Level <Number> : -1 = Level 255 : Adjusts YOUR level to <Number>
@Level0 <Number> : -1 = Level 255 : Adjusts YOUR level to <Number>
@Transparency : Gives clear ring affect
@Backstep : Does a step back
@NameColor <Number> : Changes hair colour
@IncPKpoint : Adds 100 PK points each time done on Chara {******}
@Training <SpellName> <Level> (3) : Adjusts your spells level
@deleteskill <SpellName> : Deleted <SpellsName> spell
@Hair <Colour> : Changes Hair Colour : There isn't many! (4)
@Make <ItemName> <Ammount> : Creates <ItemName> of <Ammount> {*******}
@ChangeWeaponDura <Number/65Max> : Changes dura of weapon in hand
@Deleteitem <ItemName> <Ammount> : Deletes <ItemName> of <Ammount>
@Mob <MobName> <Ammount> : Spawns <Mobname> of <Ammount> (-)
@RecallMob <Mobname> <Ammount/Max 15/20> <Level> : Recalls <Mobname> of <Ammount> (--)
@Mission <CordX:CordY> : Makes mob hurry to CordsX:CordsY : @MobPlace (---)
@MobPlace <CordsX:CordsY> <MobName> <Ammount> Spawns mob at <CordsX:CordsY> (---)
@Test_GOLD_Change <Ammount> : Adds gold to YOUR charater command is used on.

{*} Should you hit a Mob on Observer, It can see you. and will attack.
{**} Gives: Map Number, Cordiantes, Players Level, DC, SC, MC, AC,
AMC, Speed of <username>
{***} This does not delete characters from the server whom you may
want banned - In order for them to be deleted, you must go
through DBServer > Record Tools.

{****} Should this command be used in a cave it will teleport the
player to the map in which was the last town they visited.
{*****} ChangeGender Works sometimes as Male/Female and sometimes as
M/F - I would recommend M/F
{******} This may only be done on the character the command is used on
it does not work on players.
{*******} Makes item which is typed in: @make <Itemname> : makes one
All items made are logged down in the m2server.
(-) Mobs spawn in front of you, inforce @GameMaster command.
to make sure all mobs do not spawn in the same spot stand
to a wall then type in the command - Spreads mob over map
Should it not work: the following maybe wrong:
* Wrong Mobname
* Wont allow to spawn in the wall (Works in BichonWall ContestRoom)
(--) Recalling mobs can be dangerous should you not be on @GameMaster
Mode, when a player hits you, they will ALL attack the player
Maximum level of: 7
(---) @Mission is used to make the mobs go to the cords presented.
Mobs will attack anything they see on the way there, they
will go out of their way to attack you if seen, after killing
players they will return to their set mission. should they be
killed, then the mission on that mob is broken. Other mobs if
not killed will carry on as normal, unless see a player.
* Guards will not attack mobs when @MobPlace command is used.
* @mission will do mission on the map you are on only! which is why
you dont give a MapNumber.
* @MobPlace used correctly will spawn the MobName at <CordsX:Cords>
with the <Ammount>
* @Mission must be used before @MobPlace.

| GameMaster Commands |
| That affect Players |

@AdjustLevel <Username> <Level> : Changes <Usernames> <Level>
@AdjustEXP <Username> <Ammount> : Changes <Usernames> <Ammount> entered. (/)

@ChangeSabukGold <Ammount> : Changes the <Ammount> income of the day.
@ChangeSabukLord <GuildName> : The guild names are case sensative.
@ForcedwallConquestWar: Forces a guild war for any guild (!~!)
@AddGold <Username> <Ammount> : Adds gold to <Username> additional of <Ammount>
@DelGold <Username> <Ammount> : Remove <Usernames> deductional of <Ammount>
@FreePenalty <Username> : Removed all PKpoints upon <Username>
@PKpoint <Username> : Shows the ammount of PKpoints the <Username> has. (//)
@OpDeleteSkill <Username> <SkillName> : Deletes the <Skillname> from <Username> (///)
@OpTraining <Username> <SkillName> <Number> : Adjust the level of the <Skillname> (///a)
@Luckypoint <Username> : Shows Luck on the players body and sword. (////)
@Reconnection :

(/) If punishment on a server, is de-leveling for cheating or for what
ever reason. You will need to apply this command in order for them
to stop their levels being regained. @AdjustEXP <0> - Disables their regain.
(//) The pkpoints show what colour they are:
* 99 and below = White
* 100 to 199 = Yellow
* 200 to 200+ = Red
* Each new PKpoint is added to your old PKpoint, should you PK again
(///) Skills cannot be re-added using a command
* Can be added back by giving the book to the player
(///a) the Skills level can be de-leveled.
(////) Shows points on death (-120, per time, Sometimes adds 122)
(!~!) This requires a GameMaster to Moderate it, due to it being unspacific as to which guild is challanging.
I have tried numerous ways however, i added the Guild next to it, and still didnt work.

| Head GameMaster |
| Commands Only |
@AddGuild <Username> <GuildName> : Claims a new guild cheif connected to <Guildname> (!)
@DelGuild <Guildname> : Case Sensative, will claim not found if typed incorrectly.
@ReloadNPC : Releads all NPCs in sight. (!!)
@ReloadAdmin : Reloads administrator.text : Requires a full GameMaster to do so (!!!)
@ReloadMonItems : Reload the monster drop lists
@ReloadDiary : Reload the quest diarys
@ReloadGuild <GuildName> : Reload <Guildname>.txt
@ReloadGuildAll : Reloads all guilds (!!!!)

(!) Requires no:
* Gold
* WoomaHorn
(!!) Does not load NPC_Def, only loads Market_Def
(!!!) Requires * on admin list
(!!!!) Not recommended! This command can cause problems which can
result of:
* <Guildnames> becomming kurrupt
* No guild chat being able to be used by players until log out
* SabukLords becomming messed up

| Additional GameMaster |
| Commands - New |
@Make <Weaponname> <Ammount> : Makes <weaponname> and <Ammount>
@MakeWeap <DC Ammount> <MC Ammount> <SC Ammount> <ACC Ammount> :
A Weapon needs to be in your hand and it will add:
<DC Ammount> <MC Ammount> <SC Ammount> <ACC Ammount>
<ACC Ammount> to your weapon.

==========| Admin list explained | ==========

*(Space)<Username> : Full GM
1(Space)<Username> : Semi GM

Semi GM's only have limited power, to make sure they
cannot do damage!​

Thats if its 1.4 Server...

GM Commands for a 1.9 emu server
These can be found in your Command.ini that comes with the server files
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