0 stats - question/help

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 12, 2004
0 stats and the serial contained in 3.56 - question/help


I get ingame and all the stats are 0. I think this is due to my previous post about netcheck not working. I have searched and tried the following solutions so far:

Using the 3.55 database that came with it.
Deleting the CruelDragon ini.
Replacing the big key inside the ini (even though the original came with it).
Replacing the CruelDragon ini with Tass' one as posted in the release thread.
Switched killrobot off (although this gives me black screen and wont let me ingame).
Using MythOnline english files with the new server execs/gates (same result).
Tried starting the netcheck before and after the loader3g (same result).
Changing the client version in the CruelDragon ini to 20050224.
Tried re-installing client/server and re-doing ODBC's, and restoring all SQL databases.

None of these solutions have worked for me. The setup was fine and very straight forward. I do not think there is a problem with the setup as everything ingame works perfectly except for my stats and using items due to my stats.

If you have any other solutions or ideas for this problem, i would appreciate it if you could let me know. I am using 3.55 files, tried 3.56 and its the exact same result.

The first screenie in the thread linked below shows my gates, and what my netcheck is showing (differently to others). Thanks in adavnce for any further help i receive on this :) (dont usually have a problem with any server files lol)


EDIT: Also to add, in the 3.56 files, there is a file containing the serial:
Registration Name: StrongBit

which I also tried entering but did not work. has this worked for anyone else?
Last edited:


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 9, 2004
for the 5.55 0 stats you open your CruelDragon3GBasrdata.ini and below:

服务器IP=(Your IP)
登陆密码=(Your SA Pass)

there should be this

key1=GZe1G0CCGZo2gsGdG0mZgJo1hBg0IRGBG0kYiRiYIReZI RozGBo5IJGcIkgYgRm3GcizgseZGJaZiRc3gJIbgJq3GRq5iRE cgke0gkkYhBgyhJObGJs5gJSAgRk1gckzgcg4IBQbi0EbiRo2G cgyhJEBgRMBg0GbgBmYhBgYiRGAgsmYg0gZGBc0IsEcGBq4IRo 4hJaYgkc1IJqZIBe5IsMbGZSbgsCdIkKAgBc3IJIbgBi4iZc5g Bs0GRq5gkg2GZozIBMdhJm3gcm0gcCchJs0iZq4GZmziZEAIJM CiZe3hce1g0EdgsEdg0e4IRq1Ick2GZe4iZo0IJmzGkkyhJg1G sk5hJmygsk4Iskyg0g1iZKcgkc3hkCCisc3gcc2IJaZisKbg0C AGBe4hJs1IBMbGRc2hBkZIck3gsiyiRmyGJk5hcEChkg0gRc3i RoyiRo2IBCCgRkzgBk4gsIBiZqZIskygJSbgBc2iRMBhBMdiZk zhJSAGkIdiki1Ice0i0k5IRm3gZAdiZaygBOcG0iyGRe2IBs4g Jg5ikEdIRiYg0mzgZGdiZe4gJoyikm0gkgYgJcZiZm3gRkYgRE ChJQBisIAgBg2gZk4GcKcGcCdIkCBiRk1IBkzIcIAiRQdGZm2i kEAgJk4hJg1g0g1gcECIkKBiRGcikgYiRcYgJeZIki2gZsZGRG ciZQchBqzgsi1i0EdhJEcIReZIcmyhkezGRq2IRmZgcg3g0ICi JoZGcGAgBcyiZsZIBm2IRIbgZGcgRe3i0GcIRiZIJk3gZm5Ick 4hJe5iRs4GJo4GRc3GZs0gJk0hBGdIJk5gRk0hBi3gkEBhJmYg ZiyGkcZGce4GskYGRCAhJKAIJIcgsKCgZKdIBKCg0k2IROdgZa 5GZa1gkKciJEciZmYgBGBGkCbIkCdi0mzgJiygke3GRq4gBm2I Bc4iJk4iZACGBOCgci5iZc5gkmYIBGbgkizgZMdi0k3GJGbgkg yiZQAGcg5IBKBisMAGsmzgJICikEdIBAdGsg5GRMAhkkzGJGBi RizgJOcIRoYgscygZkygBKAhJizhJk1hkIBgki3GJCBGki4hBm 3hkc5IRq3hBkZIJq2IBIcGJGbhBMbIRq1IcMBhce0IJkygcm4g RGcIJQCIJsygki4gBeZhBCcIJo2IcIBIck2g0g0gJgyIRQcGBk 0G0EBhkg0gkk5GsGdGJq5iRKbGZc0Gse1GBMdhJAbGRm0i0Kdh BGAiJmzgRqzgRCdIJc0hBScIRsygZKChJACgcg0hBi5GsKdgBq 4gkczhkkzikgzgceZGRs1GBACGRq3IseyIkKAIRiZhBc4g0kzG Bg0GZi0gJkYGsIciJq3GskziJm4GkiYhJq5g0MdGRgYGkKdhJm 5Gkg3iJc5hBMAG0Kcg0KcGccYIBgYikm4ikcZIJk3gJoYiJIcg Rg3GJoYiJozGkc1GJsYiRi4gJQAi0e3iREAikm5GJq3hBo0gkg yGcc1gJsyIRIAiREBGkeYGRCBi0GAiJQdiRcyGsEBIci1hJozG Zg4gRs3ikc4gBq0GckyIJs4gsKdgBSAg0e1isczGRABikEbGkG BGZaZhki4gZa3gsi5IRo2isc1Ici1GcgzG0KCGBEAgBi4gRqZI BaYGJgzhkCBIRg1gkKBgRc4ikKbGBe1i0IcgZMdIkc5iZKCgcI cgZq2iskzhkGAIBczgRe5IJs5GJSdIRSBgJq3G0GbgREcG0e4G si1iRo2IcmYiZKCi0KAgBACIcCbgRo1GsKdhBsYhkCcG0CdiZC Ag0MBgZICgRGcGRMBGBEAGJs5IRoygJiYGZs4Gsm0hBe0G0Ccg Jo4GJszhBKbhJGCGBeYikGcGJaYiJmyhJqZGJECIcGcgREbGsE Ai0c4hBMdGZkZGRqYGBcZIRe5g0k5gkeZiJo3iROAGJi2iRm1g Bq3iZc4isk1gkg1isGAGZoZgkcZG0e3g0myIBa5IBo3gZc2GRQ diJq2
key2=gJKChBmyisMCiRo5G0e5hJAbgRq5gZeygRi2GJk2Ikc0i Rc5GBAbg0k3GRSbIJCCgkICiZGcIRQdhkIdgJCbhJEbgBk5iRi 5isi3hkIbgcgyhJg4IJk1i0CAhJo5IJi5IsCAgJa0GkGChBe1h BMCgRKAi0GdIRIcG0IdIBCBIcIdIRc1Gcc5GZa0gcc3gJk1GJK bgZGCGkcYGRsyIBQbgZEBIJc4gJgzIRkZGsgZgskzgki4gZizi kMbgRcYIci2IRABgRe4gkEBgRq5GBg4gBi5IsezgZeZgcEbIJq 5IcMbGciYgZq1Gsm2gZkygsCBGRABGREcisGBIBQbgZMAhBm0g kcYgce3IJkyiRs1gRs0IRa4Ikm1gZc5GRMCgJaygcCCGRKAIJG BiJiZg0IbIBg2GBo2Ise5gJAbgsk4IJqYGRaYisk0IRg5isMAG BEBIkc2IJKdhBe5IkgzhJo2GkMBIkk1GZECGRo5GsiZIBo2gJe yGcg2Gki5IJm5iZo5GZk1g0IdGkIbiZc5gZOCIJAchkgyiRGbG Rc2ike4g0c4GZc1gciyiZk3Gcc3iRCbhJg1gRs5gRMBIkm4Gse ZgBAcgZm3hkg3hJGBiZEBg0i3IJgyGZmzgJk2iRg2ism0gBo1g Za2iRMBGJAAhBSdg0g0hBc0Gci3iREdiJc3hBGBIRe0i0ECGJA CgZq4GJm5i0MBhkGAgBOAIsgYIse3gZQAikmZGZe2gBc1gcMBG sc4hJIdIBIdIkm3IRKCg0e0GJg5iZk1gBCbGRKAIcg3hBiyiZo 2isk4gkMbGZsZGBICiZAbikKdiZe5GJa2hkk5gkm3IsgZhkCcI BcYGZQBiJk5i0CChBKbGRo1ikmZgJcYiZc1GBi4hJCbGRq0Isc ZGRi0hJozGZsyIJAChBo0IBkziRAbikKchBc5gZSCikCdGkgyg Ra4GRSAIBKcIskZGRCCIRs1iRg2IRk5iRk0G0iyikIcIcgZhki 4iJKbGck1gRo3hJAbGBMbgsk0iJKCgRo3Gsc5GRoziRo1hBa2g Jk2Gcc5IBoziZGcGse3i0k5g0m1gJo5IBs1gJqZg0i2GBIcgkg 1i0GCIskYgJk3GBEBGsi5gBe0IsKbgBe3gkMcIRmyiZa3iJOcg ke4hcECiZe2ikm1isg0ism5hBqyIkKbgBqziRa2ikkyGBm1IRS bGZmZisCcg0m3iZKCGkKdiRiziJm0gBcZGZAciJGdg0GbIRi5I JkZgZCdIRoYGJkyIRi3IRg1Gkc3gsgYGcezIRg5iJoYIkk0IRQ BGJo0GREbGkcYGsm3G0kyIsIdGRCCGJg0iRk2i0g0GkGciJCAG Bk4gkKCGkgzG0e5hJGbIcMbhJq3IRoYIBGBi0EBisg1GJQci0k 5iZeYhBo4gZGBhkKdGsc3IcICgBoziZg3i0i5IBOAIBAciRIbI km4iRcYiskziZqZGce3iJIbhkcziJe3Gsk4gZmYgBCCgBCChJK bGsGBgZm2g0ezikkzi0k4i0KBgJiYGJg1GROCgZa2IBCcIRe2h JOdgki3IRmYIJi3IRKBgkMbGscYiJg0IRqYIRKbIcIchBezIRM AgZMdhckygBQcgBs1iRcZGZQBIsg0gBozGRg0gRs1GBa0Isi2I ROBIBEbgBEBgsMAhBCciRkzIkk1gRm3IJMchBEdhJi1GRcYhBa yiJgZgBe5gJsYIRsYGBKAgZABGckYiJqzhki2gJs0GZkyhkm3h Bs2iZc0ikGciRe5gJmYGBCAGRSdGci5gskYGZICiZgyIRoYGcE Bisg0hBObGcKAIskzGcg3hBm2isiyhJc0GBg4gZcZIRs5gsMAG BMbgcm5hkcYhkMdgJgzGcg1hBEAiRozgcm2ikiyiZozGJSci0k 0IRCbgBACgBgYGscyIRGBGJSCIJQdhJOBG0gyGRsYG0KBIkm3g si5GsIdGRIciRMAhJg4gBi0GkczgBmzisc0GkCAIJEcgJQAiZs YgZGA
key3=gBk5GRi4GJoYgZcZGsm3gki1hBsYgcmziJm3gRCciRACG kKdgBizGq

yes it should be that long :P
if ya just copy and paste it will work fine :)

the username and key for the Holley 5.55 should be:

Name: Holley
Key: 000016-UM409Q-XQD9QN-AE9749-KXBWPC-ZH6DY5-Y35D1E-B7EKMW-T7WT0D-1ZNPB1

load up the Armadillopatch.exe to enter that key but i think you know that bit as your in game already :)
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 12, 2004
for the 5.55 0 stats you open your CruelDragon3GBasrdata.ini and below:

服务器IP=(Your IP)
登陆密码=(Your SA Pass)

there should be this

key1=GZe1G0CCGZo2gsGdG0mZgJo1hBg0IRGBG0kYiRiYIReZI RozGBo5IJGcIkgYgRm3GcizgseZGJaZiRc3gJIbgJq3GRq5iRE cgke0gkkYhBgyhJObGJs5gJSAgRk1gckzgcg4IBQbi0EbiRo2G cgyhJEBgRMBg0GbgBmYhBgYiRGAgsmYg0gZGBc0IsEcGBq4IRo 4hJaYgkc1IJqZIBe5IsMbGZSbgsCdIkKAgBc3IJIbgBi4iZc5g Bs0GRq5gkg2GZozIBMdhJm3gcm0gcCchJs0iZq4GZmziZEAIJM CiZe3hce1g0EdgsEdg0e4IRq1Ick2GZe4iZo0IJmzGkkyhJg1G sk5hJmygsk4Iskyg0g1iZKcgkc3hkCCisc3gcc2IJaZisKbg0C AGBe4hJs1IBMbGRc2hBkZIck3gsiyiRmyGJk5hcEChkg0gRc3i RoyiRo2IBCCgRkzgBk4gsIBiZqZIskygJSbgBc2iRMBhBMdiZk zhJSAGkIdiki1Ice0i0k5IRm3gZAdiZaygBOcG0iyGRe2IBs4g Jg5ikEdIRiYg0mzgZGdiZe4gJoyikm0gkgYgJcZiZm3gRkYgRE ChJQBisIAgBg2gZk4GcKcGcCdIkCBiRk1IBkzIcIAiRQdGZm2i kEAgJk4hJg1g0g1gcECIkKBiRGcikgYiRcYgJeZIki2gZsZGRG ciZQchBqzgsi1i0EdhJEcIReZIcmyhkezGRq2IRmZgcg3g0ICi JoZGcGAgBcyiZsZIBm2IRIbgZGcgRe3i0GcIRiZIJk3gZm5Ick 4hJe5iRs4GJo4GRc3GZs0gJk0hBGdIJk5gRk0hBi3gkEBhJmYg ZiyGkcZGce4GskYGRCAhJKAIJIcgsKCgZKdIBKCg0k2IROdgZa 5GZa1gkKciJEciZmYgBGBGkCbIkCdi0mzgJiygke3GRq4gBm2I Bc4iJk4iZACGBOCgci5iZc5gkmYIBGbgkizgZMdi0k3GJGbgkg yiZQAGcg5IBKBisMAGsmzgJICikEdIBAdGsg5GRMAhkkzGJGBi RizgJOcIRoYgscygZkygBKAhJizhJk1hkIBgki3GJCBGki4hBm 3hkc5IRq3hBkZIJq2IBIcGJGbhBMbIRq1IcMBhce0IJkygcm4g RGcIJQCIJsygki4gBeZhBCcIJo2IcIBIck2g0g0gJgyIRQcGBk 0G0EBhkg0gkk5GsGdGJq5iRKbGZc0Gse1GBMdhJAbGRm0i0Kdh BGAiJmzgRqzgRCdIJc0hBScIRsygZKChJACgcg0hBi5GsKdgBq 4gkczhkkzikgzgceZGRs1GBACGRq3IseyIkKAIRiZhBc4g0kzG Bg0GZi0gJkYGsIciJq3GskziJm4GkiYhJq5g0MdGRgYGkKdhJm 5Gkg3iJc5hBMAG0Kcg0KcGccYIBgYikm4ikcZIJk3gJoYiJIcg Rg3GJoYiJozGkc1GJsYiRi4gJQAi0e3iREAikm5GJq3hBo0gkg yGcc1gJsyIRIAiREBGkeYGRCBi0GAiJQdiRcyGsEBIci1hJozG Zg4gRs3ikc4gBq0GckyIJs4gsKdgBSAg0e1isczGRABikEbGkG BGZaZhki4gZa3gsi5IRo2isc1Ici1GcgzG0KCGBEAgBi4gRqZI BaYGJgzhkCBIRg1gkKBgRc4ikKbGBe1i0IcgZMdIkc5iZKCgcI cgZq2iskzhkGAIBczgRe5IJs5GJSdIRSBgJq3G0GbgREcG0e4G si1iRo2IcmYiZKCi0KAgBACIcCbgRo1GsKdhBsYhkCcG0CdiZC Ag0MBgZICgRGcGRMBGBEAGJs5IRoygJiYGZs4Gsm0hBe0G0Ccg Jo4GJszhBKbhJGCGBeYikGcGJaYiJmyhJqZGJECIcGcgREbGsE Ai0c4hBMdGZkZGRqYGBcZIRe5g0k5gkeZiJo3iROAGJi2iRm1g Bq3iZc4isk1gkg1isGAGZoZgkcZG0e3g0myIBa5IBo3gZc2GRQ diJq2
key2=gJKChBmyisMCiRo5G0e5hJAbgRq5gZeygRi2GJk2Ikc0i Rc5GBAbg0k3GRSbIJCCgkICiZGcIRQdhkIdgJCbhJEbgBk5iRi 5isi3hkIbgcgyhJg4IJk1i0CAhJo5IJi5IsCAgJa0GkGChBe1h BMCgRKAi0GdIRIcG0IdIBCBIcIdIRc1Gcc5GZa0gcc3gJk1GJK bgZGCGkcYGRsyIBQbgZEBIJc4gJgzIRkZGsgZgskzgki4gZizi kMbgRcYIci2IRABgRe4gkEBgRq5GBg4gBi5IsezgZeZgcEbIJq 5IcMbGciYgZq1Gsm2gZkygsCBGRABGREcisGBIBQbgZMAhBm0g kcYgce3IJkyiRs1gRs0IRa4Ikm1gZc5GRMCgJaygcCCGRKAIJG BiJiZg0IbIBg2GBo2Ise5gJAbgsk4IJqYGRaYisk0IRg5isMAG BEBIkc2IJKdhBe5IkgzhJo2GkMBIkk1GZECGRo5GsiZIBo2gJe yGcg2Gki5IJm5iZo5GZk1g0IdGkIbiZc5gZOCIJAchkgyiRGbG Rc2ike4g0c4GZc1gciyiZk3Gcc3iRCbhJg1gRs5gRMBIkm4Gse ZgBAcgZm3hkg3hJGBiZEBg0i3IJgyGZmzgJk2iRg2ism0gBo1g Za2iRMBGJAAhBSdg0g0hBc0Gci3iREdiJc3hBGBIRe0i0ECGJA CgZq4GJm5i0MBhkGAgBOAIsgYIse3gZQAikmZGZe2gBc1gcMBG sc4hJIdIBIdIkm3IRKCg0e0GJg5iZk1gBCbGRKAIcg3hBiyiZo 2isk4gkMbGZsZGBICiZAbikKdiZe5GJa2hkk5gkm3IsgZhkCcI BcYGZQBiJk5i0CChBKbGRo1ikmZgJcYiZc1GBi4hJCbGRq0Isc ZGRi0hJozGZsyIJAChBo0IBkziRAbikKchBc5gZSCikCdGkgyg Ra4GRSAIBKcIskZGRCCIRs1iRg2IRk5iRk0G0iyikIcIcgZhki 4iJKbGck1gRo3hJAbGBMbgsk0iJKCgRo3Gsc5GRoziRo1hBa2g Jk2Gcc5IBoziZGcGse3i0k5g0m1gJo5IBs1gJqZg0i2GBIcgkg 1i0GCIskYgJk3GBEBGsi5gBe0IsKbgBe3gkMcIRmyiZa3iJOcg ke4hcECiZe2ikm1isg0ism5hBqyIkKbgBqziRa2ikkyGBm1IRS bGZmZisCcg0m3iZKCGkKdiRiziJm0gBcZGZAciJGdg0GbIRi5I JkZgZCdIRoYGJkyIRi3IRg1Gkc3gsgYGcezIRg5iJoYIkk0IRQ BGJo0GREbGkcYGsm3G0kyIsIdGRCCGJg0iRk2i0g0GkGciJCAG Bk4gkKCGkgzG0e5hJGbIcMbhJq3IRoYIBGBi0EBisg1GJQci0k 5iZeYhBo4gZGBhkKdGsc3IcICgBoziZg3i0i5IBOAIBAciRIbI km4iRcYiskziZqZGce3iJIbhkcziJe3Gsk4gZmYgBCCgBCChJK bGsGBgZm2g0ezikkzi0k4i0KBgJiYGJg1GROCgZa2IBCcIRe2h JOdgki3IRmYIJi3IRKBgkMbGscYiJg0IRqYIRKbIcIchBezIRM AgZMdhckygBQcgBs1iRcZGZQBIsg0gBozGRg0gRs1GBa0Isi2I ROBIBEbgBEBgsMAhBCciRkzIkk1gRm3IJMchBEdhJi1GRcYhBa yiJgZgBe5gJsYIRsYGBKAgZABGckYiJqzhki2gJs0GZkyhkm3h Bs2iZc0ikGciRe5gJmYGBCAGRSdGci5gskYGZICiZgyIRoYGcE Bisg0hBObGcKAIskzGcg3hBm2isiyhJc0GBg4gZcZIRs5gsMAG BMbgcm5hkcYhkMdgJgzGcg1hBEAiRozgcm2ikiyiZozGJSci0k 0IRCbgBACgBgYGscyIRGBGJSCIJQdhJOBG0gyGRsYG0KBIkm3g si5GsIdGRIciRMAhJg4gBi0GkczgBmzisc0GkCAIJEcgJQAiZs YgZGA
key3=gBk5GRi4GJoYgZcZGsm3gki1hBsYgcmziJm3gRCciRACG kKdgBizGq

yes it should be that long :P
if ya just copy and paste it will work fine :)

the username and key for the Holley 5.55 should be:

Name: Holley
Key: 000016-UM409Q-XQD9QN-AE9749-KXBWPC-ZH6DY5-Y35D1E-B7EKMW-T7WT0D-1ZNPB1

load up the Armadillopatch.exe to enter that key but i think you know that bit as your in game already :)

thanks :) as i mentioned above i had added this big key in already which did not work, but i will try it again when i get home, just incase this 1 is different.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 12, 2004
still needing help with this if any1 has any ideas... im flat out of ideas tbh, even did a registry clean!
Upvote 0


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 12, 2004
it is usually the files are not 3.55 and just LS3G thats all the problem could be.

sorry could you elaborate on this a bit more please? im not a complete noob at any of this lol, just need some clarification thanks :)
Upvote 0


Dec 1, 2003
Lets be clear on what files your running:

3.38 - No RegKey/Armadillo hack needed
3.39/3.40 - Must use a different Armadillo method (posted) and generate a key to match your Server name/IP or it wont work

3.55 - Uses Armadillo Injection for key + Loader to get past Online check, uses key supplied as per the post.

Using wrong CLient with wrong version will give 0 Stats.
Upvote 0


LOMCN Veteran
Jan 27, 2007
United Kingdom
Lets be clear on what files your running:

3.38 - No RegKey/Armadillo hack needed
3.39/3.40 - Must use a different Armadillo method (posted) and generate a key to match your Server name/IP or it wont work

3.55 - Uses Armadillo Injection for key + Loader to get past Online check, uses key supplied as per the post.

Using wrong CLient with wrong version will give 0 Stats.

This is exactly what i was saying but i know you made clearer.
Upvote 0


Dec 1, 2003
Well he def Mentions at the start V3.55, I am guessing he has got past the Armadillo part and now has a problem with NetCheck / Loader. Without the loader/netcheck running, the server will always show 0 Stats no matter what client your trying to use.

A Notice a lot of people trying 3.55 and failing badly, the method to hack the keys is not Guaranteed to work on every PC / OS. I have tired V3.55 now on 4 machines, all different but all featuring Windows XP Pro inc SP2 and they work fine. It is important to start the one with the Piccy First (Colourfull thing - NetCheck maybe??) and then the One that Shows you the Key and loads the Server itself (loader??).

No-one said it will run on all, if you have followed the guide and its Failing, no amount of posts on here will help unless you failed to Follow the Guide of course !!!
Upvote 0


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 12, 2004
thanks for the replies... yes i am using the 3.55 released by Milo as is. I was initially using with myth's english files but have changed back to using the standard 3.55 chinese server files. The client i am using is from euro, and has the client stuff from the server files patched over it. As shown, i can do everything ingame just 0 stats (due netcheck not running properly). I am not using the LS3G. But may have to resort to going back to these as I think demonic maybe right with the hardware specifics.

i followed guide step by step, and its not my first time using server files for mir3... also am a software developer/engineer so not computer iliterate either lol. And LS guide has worked 1st time everytime for me in the past, as it was running for about a week. I am running only SP1 though... not sure if this would cause a problem. Getting a macbook tmrw with vista, so i will try my luck with that i think. 2gb ram and core 2 duo should be sufficient for local server running me thinks.

No more posts from me now as these seems currently an unsolvable prob. Thanks all for ur suggestions tho, greatly appreciated.
Upvote 0


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 26, 2008
Manchester, UK
Lets be clear on what files your running:

3.38 - No RegKey/Armadillo hack needed
3.39/3.40 - Must use a different Armadillo method (posted) and generate a key to match your Server name/IP or it wont work

3.55 - Uses Armadillo Injection for key + Loader to get past Online check, uses key supplied as per the post.

Using wrong CLient with wrong version will give 0 Stats.

I've got the same problem with 0 stats.

I was using the latest korean client, and that was working fine with the 3.55 client files supplied in the download overwritten over the top. Then I changed to the Euro client on kaori's site. Now I have 0 stats even though I've overwritten with the same client files as the korean client. I don't wanna use the korean client as all the wil's are completely wrong for the mobs etc.

Any idea's on what to try to sort this? Also, for some reason I'm getting the Magic Gate has been Generated message about 6 times each time I start the server atm, how do I fix this?
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I've got the same problem with 0 stats.

I was using the latest korean client, and that was working fine with the 3.55 client files supplied in the download overwritten over the top. Then I changed to the Euro client on kaori's site. Now I have 0 stats even though I've overwritten with the same client files as the korean client. I don't wanna use the korean client as all the wil's are completely wrong for the mobs etc.

Any idea's on what to try to sort this? Also, for some reason I'm getting the Magic Gate has been Generated message about 6 times each time I start the server atm, how do I fix this?
Your resercting a 2 year old thread, not usually a good idea.

0 stats is caused by a gate not running or your game3g.db
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 26, 2008
Manchester, UK
Your resercting a 2 year old thread, not usually a good idea.

0 stats is caused by a gate not running or your game3g.db

Well it shows I use the search feature at least :P LOL

anyway got it sorted, didnt have enable any client checked on cd.exe.

just got a problem where I can't attack anything after about 1 min of logging in. Also can't put anything in stores. any ideas any1?
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