Need help with making a php site! Willing to pay for it


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 20, 2003
Need some1 to code a php site! Will pay for it

Basicly its goin to be a site where ppl post events so it will need sql and php

i want it to be very simple and i try my best to explain what i want here

Main Page (index)

upcoming events sorted after dates. closest event on top
posibilites to sort after provinces/region/eventmaker and off course date
Event might go over several days and should then only be shown as one. example if event goes from 10.10.09 to 14.10.09 it should not show 4 times but one but will stay at top til it ends

Add Event
Should be a form something similar to this

Region/Province:should be a drop down box with costumable names
Startdate:Should show a calender they can click to get date
enddate:Same as above
StartTime: (must be 24 h clock)
Endtime:same as above
Description: (if possible with a small editor like the one used on this forum)

Event might go over several days and should then only be shown as one
posibility to upload photo
Something to stop spammin bots, thinking about this picture with numbers/letters that need to be retyped

It has to have a language file or a easy way to translate it as i will use it in my language

It should have a admin login to delete/edit events

should use css to be easy to change layout for a web designer

should have some space on sides top and bottom for banners

I think thats about it, as i said im willing to pay tho i dont know how much something like this would have costed to code but contact me and we could proberly work something out

if you have any questions or want to give it a go add me on msn [email protected]
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 14, 2004
Do you need help or need someone to do it for you?

Doing that would take a fair amount of time. Say £10 an hour, you do the math.

Maybe somebody will be kind enough to help out in their spare time but it's quite a lot to ask for free.

However there must be some similar systems about on the net, maybe something that can be used, have you looked around?

If you are trying to do it yourself and just need help here or there then I don't mind helping you out but I'm also helping out a phd student with his project so I don't have much time.

Good luck, would be nice to see something like this for a server.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 20, 2003
im not good at php coding at all so maybe what i need is some1 todo it for me. money isent the problem as long as its not getting overpriced

how many hours would you reckon it would take about.. just trying to figure what a decent price would be

i found one that i tested but was way to advanced for me porpose it was called supercali
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Staff member
May 19, 2003
ill do it for £10 an hour. a program (including php coding, template, design, images etc) like that would probably take about 10 hours (at my skill level) to do.

its not a complex program, but you are asking alot. especially with the css and language files.

so like i said, if you're willing to go upto £100 ill gladly make it for you.

you would already need to have a webserver which allows php and mySQL, as i cant provide a host.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 20, 2003
ill do it for £10 an hour. a program (including php coding, template, design, images etc) like that would probably take about 10 hours (at my skill level) to do.

its not a complex program, but you are asking alot. especially with the css and language files.

so like i said, if you're willing to go upto £100 ill gladly make it for you.

you would already need to have a webserver which allows php and mySQL, as i cant provide a host.

the webhost and domain is alredy ordered (with mysql and php5) and i dont belive 100£ is to much, so feel free to add me to msn and we can discuss how to pay ect