AceM2 is running LOMCN?

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Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
They will release their files, but in their own time at their own pace.

I'm not in any rush, there's still plenty of bugs to be fixed, plenty of things to be done. I'm sure they'd rather a full-release rather than a half-assed release, as do I.

Have patience. These files will change the Mir private scene as we know it for a long time. Fair play to them for getting their servers up first up and running, it is after all, their files and their work. They know if they don't release these files, Mir itself will die. I find it a bit absurd you'd think they won't release the files, considering all the work they've done for Mir so far to keep it alive.


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 3, 2007
Its a fact that you've gone from working on ACEM2 "the code" to working on ACEM2 "The Server".
there is a direct conflict of interest in regards to releasing a server with staff that find higher usercount to be rewarding when those same staff know that releasing the code will also drop their usercount.

Also I can find quotes on this forum (unless you deleted the original ACEM2 Thread) that state "the files will be released within a week or so" , this was 3 or 4 weeks ago but you get my general idea?

Also you should change the name of your server from ACEM2, because eventually all the servers will be "ACEM2" correct?

These things are like elephants in the room, we can pretend they are not there, but in a months time i bet we are still having this discussion while a large animal washes itself using its trunk. lol.


Apr 14, 2004
United Kingdom
David, I don't mean to sound rude. But how do you know what is being worked on?

The guys are doing a great job at working on all parts of the server. The svn is getting updated 2/3 times a day with "CODE" updates fixing various things. As Milo has stated the files we be released, just we feel they are ready to be released.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
Its a fact that you've gone from working on ACEM2 "the code" to working on ACEM2 "The Server".
there is a direct conflict of interest in regards to releasing a server with staff that find higher usercount to be rewarding when those same staff know that releasing the code will also drop their usercount.

Also I can find quotes on this forum (unless you deleted the original ACEM2 Thread) that state "the files will be released within a week or so" , this was 3 or 4 weeks ago but you get my general idea?

Also you should change the name of your server from ACEM2, because eventually all the servers will be "ACEM2" correct?

These things are like elephants in the room, we can pretend they are not there, but in a months time i bet we are still having this discussion while a large animal washes itself using its trunk. lol.
The server was started as a test server, just for people to mess about on and find bugs.

Players wanted the server to stay so they decided to make it an actual server. Bugs are still been found and fixed.

They will release the files, 100%. But in their own time. Surely we'd much rather see the files released with as little bugs as possible?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 27, 2004
i lol everytime i read this

Thanks for your awesome contribution as always.

The server was started as a test server, just for people to mess about on and find bugs.

Players wanted the server to stay so they decided to make it an actual server. Bugs are still been found and fixed.

They will release the files, 100%. But in their own time. Surely we'd much rather see the files released with as little bugs as possible?

It was started as a test server, I'm sure noone at all in the entire community has a problem with that. I know I sure don't.

It's just worrying that it looks like this is going to be a long term server from the way its been discussed by the team, placing a lot of doubt in the minds that they will release the files. As David said, why would you purposely do anything that could negatively impact your server? You wouldn't.

Releasing the files are only going to diminish the population of the AceM2 server. I'm worried that they won't, people will get bored of playing a Euro style clone, but due to lack of new servers coming up using these new files (no one wants to make a server on outdated files such as Ruby or Heroes now) they wont play anything else and just finish playing Mir. I don't want Mir to die. I'm sure you can see the worry in these files not being released.


Nov 28, 2004
The longer their server stays up, the more bugs get fixed. The more bugs get fixed, the better the file release will be.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 27, 2004
The longer their server stays up, the more bugs get fixed. The more bugs get fixed, the better the file release will be.

That maybe true. But look at it another way.

The longer their server stays up, the more people get bored of a euro clone. The more people getting bored of a euro clone, the more people leave. By the time they release, there might not be anyone left to play.


Nov 28, 2004
That maybe true. But look at it another way.

The longer their server stays up, the more people get bored of a euro clone. The more people getting bored of a euro clone, the more people leave. By the time they release, there might not be anyone left to play.

This is Mir we're talking about, there's always been times when people flock away for a while in between file/server hypes. Yet a new server can still get ample players whenever one pops up. People will still visit here and/or find out information from mates about new servers & files... it's just how it is.


Dedicated Member
Jul 29, 2011
Every time I come on LOMCN all I see each day in the latest posts are stuff to do with "AceM2".. It's like the whole community is over there. Don't get me wrong AceM2 is a nice set of files.. But I feel like LOMCN Is now ran in that section only.

Anyone know when the spam of AceM2 in the latest post will be over?. Hopefully they will fix most of there bugs meaning less spam.

Post back if you think the same.
I don't understand why all the haters are posting, if you read his post it says post back if you agree not spam this thread with pointless hate messages.

I also agree with this, i don't own a server nor do i play any server but just come on to browse the forum now and then.

The LOMCN community in the mir 3 section was dying / dead long ago and it was expected due to the lack of updates with close sourced clients but mir2 was growing with the strong community and teamwork on Heroes files. People then took and abused these files without giving credit to those whom done the most work meaning ACEm2 which was originally suppose to be released as a "draft" version for people to work on when it was stable but that never occurred. Now the community is dying due to ACEm2 and Arcadia running the most up to date files / least buggiest files/versions, now other servers have no way of competing.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Nov 18, 2008
It's cool man.. I like reading people's thoughts about AceM2 And I agree with some points.

But I'm still thinking Milo will release this and fix a few bugs then possibly find a new source to work on. (This hasn't been proved). Only reason I think this because.. Heroes is now left in the dirt. People banners won't say "Heroes Or Ruby Not 2.3" (Or w.e it said) It will most likely be "AceM2 Or Ruby Not Heroes/2.3".

Will Heroes be removed from LOMCN? As a replacement of AceM2? Will we see anymore progress with Heroes? Or is this the end of them.

If so then.. Will this be the same for AceM2?? Will they work on it for a while then eventually give up/find another source.

I get that Milo is doing a lot of work for LOMCN And I 100% Appreciate it. I just hope he doesn't hope from one source to the next and never actually getting a set of bug free files.

Anyways keep on posting I'm sure Milo and the Mod's are loving you're hates/feedback and what not.

LOMCN Till the end of times!.



LOMCN Veteran
Nov 3, 2007
These are not my words:

Test Server and Release Dates
So the most important bit. We'll be launching a Test Server on Saturday 27th April. The aim of this is to test the stability of the files and of course show off. Provided we don't discover any Show Stopping bugs we'll be releasing the files publicly 2 weeks after on or around May 11th. A thread for the test server will created in the next few days along with a Client download

Server will be up for a month or two at least (Which is longer than most servers nowadays), longer if the demand is still there I guess. We also don't plan on doing any mass levelling of players. Though I'll try do some events if I can.
Truthfully we don't expect massive player numbers. We're getting the information we need so that's great.

Nothing has been found that has created a need to wipe the testserver ... So where is this show stopping bug that causes the files not to be released? We are currently one month overdue.

Milo, your dates are Six weeks late already for no apparent reason, but Its not too late to do the right thing.
You have crossed the boundary between creating a standardised set of 2.3 files and creating your own idea of Mir in the form of a private server. Its not too late to go back and make good on your word.
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Apr 14, 2004
United Kingdom
Ace is not 2.3, and has never been 2.3. Dates have changed as running the server we realise the files are not ready for public release. As already stated, the files WILL BE released when they are stable.


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 3, 2007
They arent 2.3, yet they contain only the skill sets that 2.3 has?
We need to be realistic. If she looks 15, has 15 on her birth certificate and 15 her passport, shes 15 Hazuki. Dont do it.

So the files arent stable?
But the test server running the files IS stable???

Im confused?

The guy is claiming the apples are all rotten, yet hes sitting there sipping apple juice?

Come back to the real world guys... Please.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
They arent 2.3, yet they contain only the skill sets that 2.3 has?
We need to be realistic. If she looks 15, has 15 on her birth certificate and 15 her passport, shes 15 Hazuki. Dont do it.

So the files arent stable?
But the test server running the files IS stable???

Im confused?

The guy is claiming the apples are all rotten, yet hes sitting there sipping apple juice?

Come back to the real world guys... Please.
They are working fine on the server, yes. But that doesn't mean they are complete and stable for release.

By the way, this is NOT a test server anymore. It was a test server originally, but it's now an official server.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 18, 2006
The more people whine and demand the coders/gms attention the less will get done on the files. Leave em to it if they say theyre gunna release theyre gunna release.

Even if they dont release them no1 has any right to be mad/disapointed, its there hard work that they are giving to YOU for FREE. Show some gratitude that theres people here with the know-how and commitment to keep this awesome game alive.
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LOMCN Veteran
Sep 4, 2007
They arent 2.3, yet they contain only the skill sets that 2.3 has?
We need to be realistic. If she looks 15, has 15 on her birth certificate and 15 her passport, shes 15 Hazuki. Dont do it.

So the files arent stable?
But the test server running the files IS stable???

Im confused?

The guy is claiming the apples are all rotten, yet hes sitting there sipping apple juice?

Come back to the real world guys... Please.

You need to be patient and just wait for a release. Why are you so worried about the release? You gonna make a top server to end all other servers? Calm down, nothing but bitch and moan posts from you.
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