Mir server populations


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 12, 2010
the fact is scorp no1 has suggested your server apart from you.... the owner and creator. chronicles has been suggested by many and tbh i think it is what the hopes of mir are waiting on.

although the C# mir files look and feel awesome, never played files that play like them. the only problem is they are not finished and seem to have a lot of stuff need adding to them.

Arcadia = stupid levels, stupid stats and as far as im aware no gold from group hunting (ill let that one be discussed, stopped playing when i read this on the forums).
Chronicles = more reasonable levels, reasonable stats and everything else you would expect form a server that wants to last. fun feature - sockets on items just like added stats that need to be filled with a stat rune. plus new class - Archer
C# Mir = awesome feel (something to do with graphic lag i have been told), seems to be reasonable levels and stats. fun feature - lots of added stats on dropped items.

id play chronicles if i was watching these forums (which i am lol).



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
Lol its pointless arguing with someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. You relentlessly contradict yourself to cover up your ignorance. I get that you don't like my servers but it is unbelievably pathetic how you insist on following me around trolling. Fact is a good proportion of the community have enjoyed my servers and still do. Ill continue to support my supporters and leave you to troll on LOMCN about every server that comes online and how nobody should play it because you the almighty didn't like it

Thank you, in future don't bite.

It takes alot of effort being me.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
Mir3 USA was very active but after a year of no updates (because update had to be paid for) people lost interest, when people lost interest the staff slowly lost interest and thats where it started dying.

I dont know what you mean by Mir2 having more players then Mir3, Did you play Mir3? The difference in players wouldn't have been that noticeable unless you was sitting in Bichon thinking thats where people congregate on mir3...

Most people who code, like me and yourselves do it as a hobby and sometimes a challenge, which is why I don't see why your basis around a waste of time is based off a 300 player base.

I do however understand that you could be using the time to dev a whole different game based around the same concept without any copyright infringement and still get more of a player base then any private mir2/3 server no matter how good it is or its features. After god knows how many years I'm surprised no one has attempted to do so with different libs and graphics.

I've got the idea and the GDD just not the skills to do it,

It would be like a Mir/Diablo Mix

There deffo is a market for it......


Mar 23, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
Gotta say anyone who thought Mir was dying should of played Chronicles yesterday. I've never seen Caves that busy since the Euro days. Was awesome to see


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
May 21, 2005
I just tried website didn't work but found a patch link on FB page


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 21, 2010
700? Very nice. Do you guys have the Team/Money/Time to keep up with that and still keep it free? I really do respect Chronicles for doing what they have and doing it as well as they have. Unfortunately I'm rather skeptical about its future. Its very new, like a shiny toy. People will enjoy it for a while then do exactly what they have always done ; Find new games, go play high rate and bitch and moan till you give up. I wish you luck, I just wish you released it with the C# files I'd probably give it a go if you did. Also I believe the key to getting Mir to be more appealing to new players would be to change some of the mechanics, add bits and bobs from more popular games, such as the skill/passive skill system from Path of Exile. Buying skins/effects (nothing that effects gameplay). You would also need to ban every old Mir player, as they would do nothing but scare people off xD.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
700? Very nice. Do you guys have the Team/Money/Time to keep up with that and still keep it free? I really do respect Chronicles for doing what they have and doing it as well as they have. Unfortunately I'm rather skeptical about its future. Its very new, like a shiny toy. People will enjoy it for a while then do exactly what they have always done ; Find new games, go play high rate and bitch and moan till you give up. I wish you luck, I just wish you released it with the C# files I'd probably give it a go if you did. Also I believe the key to getting Mir to be more appealing to new players would be to change some of the mechanics, add bits and bobs from more popular games, such as the skill/passive skill system from Path of Exile. Buying skins/effects (nothing that effects gameplay). You would also need to ban every old Mir player, as they would do nothing but scare people off xD.

Obviously the UC will drop

It will probarly halve over the next month or so, but still 350 players is a pretty active server, and one well worth playing


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Not sure I can believe a usercount of 700... even back in the peak days of Mir ud never see that amount of people playing. Most i think ive ever seen was around 200-250 on one of my servers and mir revenge had around 200 as well, then probably 50-100 floating about on other various ones...

I cant believe the usercount has suddenly increased from all them years ago when its quite clearly being dieing year by year.

Even the best korean servers were only like 1k users?


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
Not sure I can believe a usercount of 700... even back in the peak days of Mir ud never see that amount of people playing. Most i think ive ever seen was around 200-250 on one of my servers and mir revenge had around 200 as well, then probably 50-100 floating about on other various ones...

I cant believe the usercount has suddenly increased from all them years ago when its quite clearly being dieing year by year.

Even the best korean servers were only like 1k users?
Apex themselves have over 100 active players.


Apr 14, 2004
United Kingdom
Not sure I can believe a usercount of 700... even back in the peak days of Mir ud never see that amount of people playing. Most i think ive ever seen was around 200-250 on one of my servers and mir revenge had around 200 as well, then probably 50-100 floating about on other various ones...

I cant believe the usercount has suddenly increased from all them years ago when its quite clearly being dieing year by year.

Even the best korean servers were only like 1k users?


Taken an hour or so ago.


Staff member
May 19, 2003
400/638 users. does that mean a total of 638 chars made? or user accounts?


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Taken an hour or so ago.
Again I still find it hard to believe.

I dont see where all these users would have suddenly come from? its not like euro just suddenly shut down... that happened years ago. When it did shut down sure there was a lot more users about, but still no where near 600+

Unless uve managed to advertise well and actually attract brand new users it just makes no sense. Do you have brand new users that have never played mir before? how did they near about the server?

also doesnt ur server have something like shop stands or w/e where a character sets up shop then just goes afk? couldnt a lot of users be people running more than 1 client with characters doing shops / mining etc?

To truely believe it id like to see a list of all players ingame with what map their on etc, or a list of unique connections from 1 IP or something

Btw dont get me wrong, im not saying it has like 10 users, id imagine theres more like 150-200 users actually active and moving ingame.

either way it must be an impressive server to get that kinda user count, even if it has no competition, from that kinda usercount its either attracted a lot of new users, or its a lot of afk characters.

btw is this ur server haz? i rarely visit mir any more so no idea who even runs the server, wot files it uses, who the team is etc lol... what happened to the server u was gonna run? that sounded cool.
Are they run on these AceM2 files that Milo etc worked on... then this server was meant to be "file testing" to prepare for release... then shock suprise were never released?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 18, 2006
Stalls have been removed, and mining system changed to prevent afk mining so that rules those out.

There is an awful lot of players it is believable when u r in game.

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