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  1. BrahmaBull


    Does this work? Got it on my npc atm and it doesnt seem to spawn the mob. [@outcome2] #SAY Goodluck, foolish human.\ \ #ACT TAKE DragonHeart 1 MAPMOVE Q001 5 11 MONGENEX Q001 10 10 TrappedDemiGod 1 0 basically trying to make it spawn a mob in the room the player is getting teled to. Could do...
  2. BrahmaBull

    Error in M2.

    Loading MapQuest.txt... MapQuest.txt : Failure was occurred while reading this file.Code= -48 Error, ive checked Mapquest.txt and nothing out of line really. This has happend after adding new mobs to it for quests so i deleted the new mobs added (basically restored it to previous version which...
  3. BrahmaBull


    Any1 please point me in the direction of fixing this please... The boots and ring ive made act as a pro and rev ring (each has both effects..) 257 PensadorRing 23 2974 2 0 0 32 2974 8000 2 3 2 3 2 10 3 8 3 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 False 0 0 True True True True True True True True 0 258...
  4. BrahmaBull

    Possible without coding?

    Basically my files are going alright, just need to add some more custom features. Looking to add something like a relegion system. Relegion less to do with god and jesus but to do with caves and items, this is what im looking to do.... Relegion1 Relegion2 relegion3 at level 30 you pick your...
  5. BrahmaBull

    New to your community.

    First of all, hi people =]. Basically im new to LOM development and server building. Played this game for god knows how long and love for it has driven me to make an attempt at making a server. Ive had a look around already and it seems to point in the direction of using TD 2.3Mir files? But if...