Search results

  1. NPC Random.

    Need to know how the random command works, i want it so 1 in 3 refines would end up in you receiving a CopperBar. This is the script so far.
  2. Newst Item Patch

    Few items fixed, added. Placements should all be 100% on the new weapons now. All In order, (Random items are at the bottom) ** And few other items start around the 2000 number. enjoy.
  3. What a joke...

    You try to help the community by telling them cheats work on 2.6 files. You get called a liar, and get flamed. This forum has gone to pieces.. The cheats do fking work, ive seen it with my own 2 eyes. I didnt take a screeny cause i didnt think i would need to prove myself. THE CHEATS DO...
  4. Cheats on 2.6

    Just to let people know, I was on OS last night watching my m8 using 2 dif cheats that all worked fine. Bag Weight Hack, Speed Cheat (Very fast running,hitting). I dont agree with cheats, but if my m8 has managed to make some, im sure there are alot of people that will be able to also...
  5. 2.6 on sql

    Hi, How can i setup 2.6 files on sql ? access sucks big time. thanks in advance.
  6. 2.6 Hum Graphics

    Hi, Just wanted to know how the 2.6 Hum Graphic folder works, If Armour Is 65.wil And I put 65 In shape, It wont show up as anything for some reason >.< Would read the release thread, but Its like 30 pages. Thanks In adavnce :)
  7. Sql - mdb

    Hi, Just want to know how I can get my ItemDB from sql into ItemMDB. Using MDB Viewer Plus that comes with the 2.6 files. Any help apreciated, thanks.
  8. Need 3 Testers.

    Hi, Looking for 3 people, (War,Tao,Wiz) To come and test PvP, hunting, drops, quests and other things on MirLegends. If your intrested leave a reply here, or add my msn. p.s Must be quite active, as theres alot to test. thanks [email protected]
  9. Looking for a Armour

    Only server I have seen It on Is OS, well thats the only server Ive played In last year. Well It was called MistArmour on OS, Its like HeavenArmour but looks frosty. So If any one has It could you please upload, thanks will be given :P Edit: Screeny Thanks In Advance "_"
  10. Recolouring Items..

    What Is the best way to recolour Armours,Weapons please. Thanks.
  11. Gold Image ?

    Where can I change the look of gold please lol ? Atm It looks like Jmace lol any help apreciated, thanks. /Harry
  12. Weapon STDmode plz

    Hi, Could any1 post the STDmode for normal weapon please, deleted all weps and forgot to write It down. Thanks.
  13. Add the crap ?

    Hi, Finished my Item DB off last night, and now I have the fun :P task of giving them all images, this includes weapons and armour looks. Should I use the armours,weapons that fit In with mir, and use them more than once. Or use some of the other stuff that dont fit In with mir ? I...
  14. Mongen

    Hi, Would any1 be kind enough, to post the info for TBL Mongen please. Right click It (Design Table) All the Info In that please. Thanks
  15. Quest Scriper needed

    As title says. [email protected] ty
  16. Apr finder for mobs

    Would someone like to upload the apr finder for monsters, (Looks like a blue ink bottle) thanks in adv
  17. Subclass yes or no ?

    Well just want to know what people actually think of subclasses. As MirLegends over 70% complete now, and dont know If I should add subclass or not. Simple answer yes or no.ty
  18. Server Member Wanted

    Hi, Need a server team member for MirLegends 2.6 Must know a fair amount about servers, Scripting, Spawns, Stats, Mobs, Maps etc etc Add my msn if your intrested. [email protected] ty
  19. I hav a problem :(

    I have a problem, cant enter in mir i got this: Some1 can suggest me wot to do :cray:
  20. Outercore2.3

    outercore2.3 coming very soon will be thanks will be posting the ip and new patch on the new forums Thanks outercore2.3 team