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  1. Xplot

    Hello again

    Hi guys, I am an old Mir 3 fan, was registered here as Yolom, but cant recover my account because "" adress has been disabled from Microsoft. Now I have free time and wanted to make my own server, as I did before. But I have some question and I hope you guys can help me. Can someone...
  2. Xplot

    [CD3.55] About dedi server

    I would like to open a LOM3 server with 3.55 files and want to do it on a dedicated server. With that parameters you have to be the dedicated server? Windows 2003? SQL 2000? Someone has done? With that company?
  3. Xplot

    [CD3.55] Skill leveling

    For now let me leveling up to level 5, but I want to be level 3 the maximum that may be leveling. anyone know how to fix it?
  4. Xplot

    Release Labyrinth Map Release

    Today I come to share these 4 maps, hope you like. Mapss Explain: The blue squares, in theory are areas of teleport, to move from one labytinth to another. To exit it should use TownTeleport, no spellmove would allow and no allow to carry RandomTeleports. Maps Prewiev: ***(!)The...
  5. Xplot

    Your favorite champion

    As the title says, what are the favorites 3 champions? Mine are: Malphite Poppy Twisted Fate
  6. Xplot

    Release Skill Points System

    Hi, I'm new to the community and would like to share some scripts and systems. About skill points system: When you kill mobs, depending on your level and difficulty of mob, you will gain Ability points, which could serve to raise your spell level or having some other service that you see...