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  1. Pred server

    exe plz? msg is to short might !?
  2. Pred server

    well nothing wrong with T.bolt but new stuff is always welcome
  3. Pred server

    what this guy said the server is/was gr8 when i played it highest player being lvl 180 or something which would get boring still with lvl 30-40 items and T.bolt, lvl 17 spell at lvl 517 would be not so gr8 dans doing gr8 only this is , wish he was awake so would could play nooooow ^^
  4. Pred server

    yeh the event went wrong dont mean he is a bad gm he put loads of work, probably with is m8s into the server then ppl come on and just complain how crap it is they want this or that added/taken away dan rocks along with anyone else who genuinly helped
  5. Pred server

    done any idear when it is expected bk?
  6. Pred server

    personaly i like the server few m8s played it too but found it corrupt so left too quickly *in hope of its return*
  7. map/mobs and general lazyness

    hi 1stly thanx to all the ppl who have helped me up till now iv started making a 1.9 server offline today and its working fine but im using the 1.9 server client to play and alot of my items Post 1.4 are invisible and the mobs look "odd" Kinghog is in the Ks skin iwt runs backwards and you...
  8. Server Help // magic stuff

    cheers man your a star havign trubble getting them to download atm "action cancled" but should be testing them any min ^^
  9. Pro-Server 1.9 (Online 24-7)

    bandwith exceded and no new if its up or down -when is server up, if ever plz? - were can we get the stuff we need to play cuz tbh sounds liek a nice server
  10. Server Help // magic stuff

    possibly the wrong place so i appolagys i have follwed a guide to making 1.9 just got it up but i only have 1.4 mir spells i have tryed searching but am still stuck is there anywere i can download the MagicDb or exe or sewomthing with paraball lion roar these mainly ty in advanced...
  11. Pred server

    Looking to play preditor server, need ini's and exe tho its the 1.5 mir server in the advertising section but thread had been looked any help would be great if FireWarrior Reads this plz pm me
  12. New set up!

    cheers guys for u hlpful replys im think of gettin rid of the blood n makein the white part of teh ying yang symbol pulse white n the blck part pluse blk. will post finished version /Blade

    ummm i was thinking of a 1.9 server and i need some one to host it and put new weapons mobs and that add me on msn n ill explain lol [email protected]

    hi there im lookin 4 a good team 2 make a private server if u wud like 2 join and kno alot bout them add me on [email protected] ty :)
  15. hlp plz

    nope still gettin the same error
  16. hlp plz

    lo all im tryin to get my server online but when i try to log in after making an account i get this error and when i click ok it closes mir down
  17. installed..

    i have installed microsoft loopback adapter and was just wondering how i would get the correct IP to put in my FTP clients so people can get on to my server ( i am using a N/R with loopback) thnks in advance
  18. npc scripts

    yea but tbh i dont know wat to put in there :P
  19. npc scripts

    back to when smeagol posted his npc scripts.. i have the latest m2server out for 1.4 but when i put the script file in i get a "failiure to open npc blablabla etc.. has a ny 1 got some npc's they could post or something pls (i have looked at search but only found smeagols)
  20. DB error

    yea they all do