A Video To Change Your Life...


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 7, 2009
Oddly enough, no, I'm not joking, this won't be something to disgust your or some random bollocks, this really will change the way you look at the world. Warning! This is one of those videos that can lead to excessive paranoia, so view it at your own risk.

Some of the things included in the video, to broaded your knowledge include;
Why 'Jesus' and the stories surrounding him came to pass.
Why Christianity is, to put it simply, a farce (I suggest skipping this part if you're a believer).
Substantial evidence and undeniable proof that 911 and the attacks surrounding it were carried out by the USA's Government/FBI.
ID chips, the truth behind them.
How we're being 'controlled'.

zeitgeist - Google Videos third video on the list (it's the original one, top one is also fine, but I prefer the lesser editted one) - It's 1h 56 minutes long, I doubt many people will want to watch it from start to finish, but that just proves the point of the video, so for those people, I suggest watching the 3-4 minutes starting from 1h 48 minutes in to the video.

Some of it can be taken as paranoia, some of it you can choose to ignore, but bloody hell it's an interesting video to watch - If you don't want to believe it, it's up to you, end of the day (as the video shows) it's not easy to make someone believe something, if you're interested in these kind of things though, it's a really good watch. :p


Seen this shiz on controversal TV and I laughed at it then and laffed at it again just now, just watching a video or reading a news paper isn't going to change anyones life. After all we see violence and murder everyday on TV...........


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 25, 2009
Thanks for the link, I'll watch this soon.

I'm really interested in things like this, people who always say 'how do you believe that? you're an idiot can't you see that it's fake' piss me off :P


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 7, 2009
When does the life change start to happen cause I am still waiting


If it's changed nothing for you, then either you know it all already (which is great), or you refuse to believe it (which is fine) - The religion bit most people know already, the majority know about 911 but the banks controlling America? That one was surprising; There's tonnes more of this stuff around and funnily enough, youtube keeps removing the original video I linked.


Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
Why let something you have no control have change the way you live?

Im happy as I am thanks.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 7, 2009
You could argue that one person can make a world of difference, if that wasn't true, the world would be a very difference play than the one we live in today. :p

Would you happily accept an ID chip, knowing what they're really for? I know I wouldn't, considering the possibilities of what could be done with them.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 10, 2005
Is not believing what you just saw no different from believing in Christianity? You have just chosen to believe something different, no biggy Tal. Maybe I should put a convincing story together that aliens came and told me the one true word about religion, oh wait....


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 15, 2005
If you ask me its all aload of bollocks.

If god/jesus etc existed, and wanted the world to be a beautiful place to live in, then why would he allow violence?

Supposidely, God created adam and eve..
Even though adam and eve were the first two humans to walk the earth?

And god & jesus were born after adam and eve..
Dont really make sense if you ask me.

Its all just a fairytale what the writers from the past seemed to be interested in.

When does the life change start to happen cause I am still waiting

Im with you!

Is not believing what you just saw no different from believing in Christianity? You have just chosen to believe something different, no biggy Tal. Maybe I should put a convincing story together that aliens came and told me the one true word about religion, oh wait....
Funnily enough, Aliens interest me a S**T load more than this christianity bollocks.
I mean.. You see these fools in churches praying to a god damn statue (occasionally windows or roofs)
But at the end of the day, the objects aint exactly going to reply back :S

Although I must admit, I do beleive in the whole spiritualist kinda things, and speaking with the dead.
Ive had 2 occasions happen myself with 'The Dead' (as i make myself beleive)

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 20, 2005
Oddly enough, no, I'm not joking, this won't be something to disgust your or some random bollocks, this really will change the way you look at the world. Warning! This is one of those videos that can lead to excessive paranoia, so view it at your own risk.

Some of the things included in the video, to broaded your knowledge include;
Why 'Jesus' and the stories surrounding him came to pass.
Why Christianity is, to put it simply, a farce (I suggest skipping this part if you're a believer).
Substantial evidence and undeniable proof that 911 and the attacks surrounding it were carried out by the USA's Government/FBI.
ID chips, the truth behind them.
How we're being 'controlled'.

zeitgeist - Google Videos third video on the list (it's the original one, top one is also fine, but I prefer the lesser editted one) - It's 1h 56 minutes long, I doubt many people will want to watch it from start to finish, but that just proves the point of the video, so for those people, I suggest watching the 3-4 minutes starting from 1h 48 minutes in to the video.

Some of it can be taken as paranoia, some of it you can choose to ignore, but bloody hell it's an interesting video to watch - If you don't want to believe it, it's up to you, end of the day (as the video shows) it's not easy to make someone believe something, if you're interested in these kind of things though, it's a really good watch. :p
i can guarantee that will not change my life:thumbdown: