Any real demand for Mir 2 anymore? What we had vs What we have


Feb 21, 2013
A lot of people want a P2W server. A lot.

Most mir players are not 15 anymore. They have jobs and limited free time. They want to enjoy the game without spending a **** ton of hours in it so they gladly pay. Some people literally refuse to play servers without a game shop.

Problem is that such 'features' enabled for those on limited play time are sure as hell exploited to full by many who seem to play 24/7 and have cash as well, there is no way to make those features available only to those with jobs, limited play time.

And then those who don't like to pay to get ahead are left behind in dust even if they have lots of time to put in.


Aug 13, 2020
I personally believe the only fair way on preventing P2W (on Mir) is limiting the server with an optional subscription model at a relatively LOW cost.

It's something we are going to be doing on our new server coming soon. Primarily just to ensure overhead is covered, as if you enjoy the game and community then it shouldn't be focused on money.

I can't wait to see the back of the GameShop, there's no need for it.

Hoping to strip the game back to a time without corrupt and greed and just be filled with fun & enjoyment. It's the only way to create a long-lasting server that the community can enjoy and respect.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 24, 2011
Mir will always be tainted with greed now. Taking the server out the mix is great but players will still sell levellers/gold/items. It’s always the way now.


Aug 13, 2020
Mir will always be tainted with greed now. Taking the server out the mix is great but players will still sell levellers/gold/items. It’s always the way now.
Paying a leveller isn't greed.. if a server is capped, then it's useless and is controlled by the server. If a casual person works too much and wants help, that's not greed.

Buying/Selling items.. Nearly EVERY MMO in the world, even going back to Mir when it was first released would have it's own external buying/selling of items for real cash.

Somethings you can control, some you can moderate and limit and then somethings are just there and have always been that way. Games/Servers just 'don't allow it' so that when people get scammed it doesn't officially fall back on them when it goes wrong and are not obliged to get involved.

Greed = when the servers manipulate everything above to allow them to benefit from it.


Mar 23, 2009
Most players don't want a good, solid long term server now. It's a shame but true.

From what I can see there are a few core fundamentals for player retention on mir servers. Given the game client itself will never be able to compete with modern titles, you have to focus on what can be done well..

- The community. When it comes to mir, player numbers are so important as they are a finite resource. The community doesn't necessarily need to be "good" in the sense of people helping each other etc, but some good rivalries and healthy conflict is great for a server. This is often ruined by poorly managed discord servers.

- Individuals progression. This is really hard to get right for everyone. Given the above (limited player pool) you really need to cater for as many people as possible. You can't please all of the people all of the time, but there really needs to be a carrot on a stick for as many players as possible. The next part of everyone's characters progress needs to feel within reach and achievable. You need people to stay logged in pushing for their next bit of progress as long as possible, and need people to wake up the next day thinking they 'need' to logon as the next objective is just in reach. Many ways to do this but rarely do I see a wide enough range of players catered for.

- PVP. Mir is essentially a pvp game. Some people might find some fun from purely pve and they need to be catered for, but getting pvp right is so important. There will always be balance and class complaints, but the biggest issue I see on most servers with pvp is how quick the fights end. Overpowered something, maybe stats, gear, class, spells - whatever.. It caters for the few that achieve such an advantage. To limit the pvp advantages and allow lesser players to realistically compete although still at a disadvantage would increase the playability of a server for the majority rather than the few.. The few need to realise they need the majority to enjoy their advantages too.

- Limit the leaders. We have seen enough times now that people will pay levellers, buy their gear, no life level, camp to the point of borderline exploit bosses etc. This ought to be rewarded, but perhaps to a lesser degree. Be it hard exp curves at higher levels, more rested exp bonuses, dynamic rare drop rates for individuals - lots of things can be done here if people want to implement them. Reality is most server owners are catering for the ones lining their pockets most frequently. Understandable, but not sustainable.

- RMT. By now we must have all accepted how rmt affects not just Mir but all games. Personally I would now accept it and probably just allow it. Let everyone benefit from either buying or selling rather than just the shady ones. Huge problem here is of course GM corruption. If a server owner can earn £1500~ by typing 1 line - lets be real, within the mir community it's likely going to happen. And here is the death of private Mir servers unfortunately.
There's not really an answer because a GM can give an illusion of transparency but will also be in a position to cover things up too. Mir doesn't work with bind on equip items or attempting to de value gold in any way. As sad as it is I can't see this one ever being addressed like other points can be - so although I might have the odd dabble on good looking servers that pop up, the community ruin them for themselves. The ones that insist on having the biggest advantages through RMT will almost inevitably corrupt the server owner(s) at some point. It's a weird one because they invest heavily in a way that actually cripples + de values what they are investing in. But there are a lot of people in this world with more money than sense.

Good luck to the next upcoming servers. I will probably have a dabble, and it will almost certainly be short lived as a result of one of the points above.
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LOMCN Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
- The community. When it comes to mir, player numbers are so important as they are a finite resource. The community doesn't necessarily need to be "good" in the sense of people helping each other etc, but some good rivalries and healthy conflict is great for a server. This is often ruined by poorly managed discord servers.
its not discord thats killing servers lol. Its the egos and the social clicks that kill off servers. Once one of the 3 core groups of players gets ahead its over there egos wont allow anyone else to play and its only down hill from there.
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Feb 26, 2004
I personally believe the only fair way on preventing P2W (on Mir) is limiting the server with an optional subscription model at a relatively LOW cost.

It's something we are going to be doing on our new server coming soon. Primarily just to ensure overhead is covered, as if you enjoy the game and community then it shouldn't be focused on money.

I can't wait to see the back of the GameShop, there's no need for it.

Hoping to strip the game back to a time without corrupt and greed and just be filled with fun & enjoyment. It's the only way to create a long-lasting server that the community can enjoy and respect.

I can already tell you now, your minimum server costs will not be covered if you go on peoples good will alone with basic server files. If you think you will get subs for supporting purposes without some decent sort of reward for doing so, you're delusional. If you make the rewards too good, you'll be doing exactly what others do under the table...just out in the open, which turns away the player base that prefers to fight fair.

Those "fair" players only come out of the wood work now for specific people...Jamie because of his usual take on being able to customise servers, Sanj because of similar reasons and his HD content and potentially Zed as he's the only real Mir3 holder at the moment.

When you let the corrupt/P2W/Cashcow/Repeat garbage go on this long...this is the end result.

Your only chance is if you took a similar approach that Sanjian is taking. Something different, or that looks better, something unique...if all you're doing is changing a few stats, adding some mobs with repeat skins...Database entries basically, then you may as well not bother without the gameshop that gives exp potions and **** to make some money. I don't see your ad anywhere, so i'm assuming you haven't posted yet. But I would imagine if you had something unique you would have posted already to gauge some feedback.


Aug 13, 2020
:) I won't give away too much but it's definitely not copy paste defaults.

I'll happily fund the server myself if needs be, not arsed on gaining from this.. mainly something to contribute back to the community.
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Actual Jesus
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jan 1, 1970
I think one of the major issues is QOL as in gameplay vs longevity. Personally I miss the feel and community of EuroMir, the excitement of logging in and chatting to mates and every now and then something amazing dropped that was hard to obtain. I remember most of the big milestones I hit even now and I wasn’t ever that successful.

For me I want that Euro feel without the grind but equally I don’t want everything on a plate either. Too much grinding I have no time for, too easy and end game is reached to quickly, people get bored, user count drops and server dies.

Gameshops are an issue with this balance as despite eBay and some questionable other alternatives it wasn’t possible to advance yourself on Euro. The game wasn’t designed to have those features. However as casual gaming is now largely on devices with in app or in game purchases this has become common place and people expect to be able to spend money to advance. Personally I wouldn’t have a game shop unless it is absolutely impossible to avoid (cover hosting costs) and then even then it needs to be more balanced then we have seen in some recent examples.

I think there is a demand for MIR 2 still however the pool is now more finite than ever and of that small pool there is such diversity in what people want from their casual dip in and out game time.

I don’t envy sever owners!


Feb 21, 2013
its not discord thats killing servers lol. Its the egos and the social clicks that kill off servers. Once one of the 3 core groups of players gets ahead its over there egos wont allow anyone else to play and its only down hill from there.

Discord make you feel like quitting when you come in to ask something or see some newcomers joining the server post something and their posts are buried in screen after screen full of inane one line exchanges, maybe also revolting pics inserted (who said that mir player base is grown up these days?? DOH) and over here on lomcn, server threads are dead.


LOMCN Veteran
Apr 17, 2013
Loughborough, UK
What do you think to season lvling? Could have it set to med/high so everyone will feel the progression and get to end game content but then a reset after 2/3 months or something? U could give a bonus to players who have completed a full season by a +1 ac stat boost on season reset or something like that?


Aug 13, 2020
What do you think to season lvling? Could have it set to med/high so everyone will feel the progression and get to end game content but then a reset after 2/3 months or something? U could give a bonus to players who have completed a full season by a +1 ac stat boost on season reset or something like that?
Not great for newcomers when compared to people who have 2-4 seasons worth of boosters, +1 AC or something little is just a pointless feature to implement and waste of everyone's time.

I think it just needs to be capped and content phased out in expansions to allow casuals to feel like the milestone of reaching the cap can be achieved, not a 'season wipe'. If a casual is always going to be 10 levels below the top, they know it's pointless attempting to PvP/Contest and just give up on elements of the game as it can never be appreciated properly unless they are carried by a guild or smash the game.

An example is Lost Ark.. imagine if everyone is level 50 and tiers are the content being pushed out in a phased approach so that people cap and spend more time on gear/spells/rares/bossing/pvp/crafting/refining.. etc etc..


LOMCN Veteran
Apr 17, 2013
Loughborough, UK
Not great for newcomers when compared to people who have 2-4 seasons worth of boosters, +1 AC or something little is just a pointless feature to implement and waste of everyone's time.

I think it just needs to be capped and content phased out in expansions to allow casuals to feel like the milestone of reaching the cap can be achieved, not a 'season wipe'. If a casual is always going to be 10 levels below the top, they know it's pointless attempting to PvP/Contest and just give up on elements of the game as it can never be appreciated properly unless they are carried by a guild or smash the game.

An example is Lost Ark.. imagine if everyone is level 50 and tiers are the content being pushed out in a phased approach so that people cap and spend more time on gear/spells/rares/bossing/pvp/crafting/refining.. etc etc..
Yeah I see your point. The +ac was just an idea but could be anything really. Just trying to think of ways where everyone sees progress and gives ppl a chance to get end game and a reason to go through the seasons. May not work with mir culture tho


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Oct 14, 2017
For me I want that Euro feel without the grind but equally I don’t want everything on a plate either. Too much grinding I have no time for, too easy and end game is reached to quickly, people get bored, user count drops and server dies.

This is how me and a lot of the people I know feel about Mir, I think having a very steep curve after level 40 (or whatever the servers main item levels are) would be very helpful.

I remember hitting 40 and then it was a case of just kitting up and hunting bosses, from there I didn't even look at my exp bar and would just gain exp from boss/guild hunts.

The only other thing that would make things become unbalanced would be stupid items stats that give people a huge advantage over others, I remember seeing someone with a dc 10 slow+2 speed +2 boundless ring and being amazed by it.

Moderation is KEY :D


Feb 21, 2013
Seasons are crap for all that haven't played the server out to full, you still have a ways to go when the rug is pulled from under you. And if you don't remake the server in basic ways, like new maps, new mob & items mix, it just becomes a 'rinse and repeat' experience that makes you feel like a plaything in the hands of server owner(s).

Also a cash cow servers dream.
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Dec 9, 2021
Mir will always be tainted with greed now. Taking the server out the mix is great but players will still sell levellers/gold/items. It’s always the way now.
Nobody, not even GMs could stop the greed and selfishness of those on Euro Mir.

Players will always be competing with other players.


Jan 18, 2017
Only server worth waiting for is Valk V2 everyone knows it was the best server in years.
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