
  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Dedicated Member
Jun 18, 2006
To all my players......

Hey ppl i have some bad news for you all.

Apocolypse is no longer in action we have suffered some problems with server ie some 1 has connected to my pc and completely wiped database there is no way of restoring the files as there now all gone all im left with is a basic server....

Serves my right tbh for putting trust into ppl i do deserve this but at the end of the day i will not make the same mistake again i will yet again wipe my pc reinstall everything needed to make a server..

To the people that have done this damage to server you may think you a won the battle but ull never win the war ill just keep rolling back and giving you all i got so keep it comming....
you have just really spoilt it for others as its now going to be a private server...

I am sorry about this but as u all no me an my friend Clipper had worked so hard on this really wanted to give it our very best just a shame there are complete ***kers out there that want to spoil it for every one....

after this post i will continue to format my computer and reinstall files needed but dont expect server to be up as it will now def and without any more thaught be a private server...

Again sorry...........

Apocolypse Server ADMIN
Skully :fwave:
Cop out, you must have given someone your password for your account ether in vnc/team viewer/rdp.

You can't just hack a windows account and gain access.


Dedicated Member
Aug 7, 2006
look you little fraggle why would i have gone trough this just to make up silly little storys? ive been up days and nights sorting this server at the end of the day yea it was done via vnc as its allways running on my pc yes i did give pass out to 2 people but at the end of the day 1 of the people i give it out to is my true m8 would not **** me off.....

the other in the other hand is some 1 that messages me on my msn saying he knows alot about servers and could fix my buggs in 5 mins flat out i watched him as he done what he did and made no attempt to damagae server but as i said i leave vnc running so pass could have easy have been passed out.....

my computer is now runnning bk to the way i like it and server has been sucessfully restored but yet again accounts are lost but hey thats not a biggy as server is beta.....

i will be working on our loss of server most of today so ill more then likely have everything near enuff bk to the way it was but this time im doing things in steps 1 completion at a time this way i make no mistakes *hopefully* ill keep you all informed about server thanks for your patience...

Apocolypse Server ADMIN
Skully :fwave:


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 2, 2008
look you little fraggle why would i have gone trough this just to make up silly little storys? ive been up days and nights sorting this server at the end of the day yea it was done via vnc as its allways running on my pc yes i did give pass out to 2 people but at the end of the day 1 of the people i give it out to is my true m8 would not **** me off.....

the other in the other hand is some 1 that messages me on my msn saying he knows alot about servers and could fix my buggs in 5 mins flat out i watched him as he done what he did and made no attempt to damagae server but as i said i leave vnc running so pass could have easy have been passed out.....

my computer is now runnning bk to the way i like it and server has been sucessfully restored but yet again accounts are lost but hey thats not a biggy as server is beta.....

i will be working on our loss of server most of today so ill more then likely have everything near enuff bk to the way it was but this time im doing things in steps 1 completion at a time this way i make no mistakes *hopefully* ill keep you all informed about server thanks for your patience...

Apocolypse Server ADMIN
Skully :fwave:
lucky i formatted my pc after you had access to it eh?

but back on topic...no matter how good they are at something if you dont trust them dont give them any form of access to any private data..and this wouldnt of happened...


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jun 18, 2007
Stoke, UK
Last i heard off him he was looking to play 'Supreme' but if he tries again well done to him :)

Hope it doesn't end up like it did before though, and hope he has a little more sense to not put it at a stupidly high experience rate.



Jan 10, 2009
Skully is gm on ******, they have the server in BETA, i think he won't work on apocolypse


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 11, 2006
Stone, UK
This Server is very very good ;) I want up this server :P

havent you already been banned once =X, you sound so similar to sexywiz or wtever that name was

back on topic, i think a post from moody would be an idea let us know whats happening, preferably before i download mir2 again :cray:

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