Back wanting to play a server.

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Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
Currently, Chronicles Mir has the most usercount as far as I'm aware.

A lot of people are hanging around for the "C#" servers, but they'll be waiting a long long time as they do not appreciate just how much work there is to be done.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
If you want a clunky, slow, euro copy then Chronicles. However like most low rates its impossible to catch up, and takes you about an hour to get to lvl 5 because when killin a hen you'll only hit maybe 10% of your attacks.

If your after something new and different, theres plenty of upcoming servers... DKs C# looks very interesting with a 1 class system where you choose different points as you level up.. everyones goin to be different which looks really cool.

FiveHeroes is another c# server due to be released in the upcoming months which is a med-high rate.

Personally c# are the future of mir because of the way they run well on all operating systems and everyone is the same speed, no windows XP ACPI crap required.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 8, 2003
Wow are we big boys still taking cheap digs at each other like we are still 15?

By the way you can't "windows XP ACPI crap" on Arcadia, but you can't be blamed for not knowing that


Devilsoul Owner
Feb 4, 2004
Dublin, Ireland
If you want a clunky, slow, euro copy then Chronicles. However like most low rates its impossible to catch up, and takes you about an hour to get to lvl 5 because when killin a hen you'll only hit maybe 10% of your attacks.

That was such a childish, immature dig that it makes you look really really bad. Sad really as I have never once attacked you or your server yet you post the above.

OP you are free to choose any server you wish to play, you can find a list of online servers here

Personally I work on Chronicles and would be happy if you decide to play
We are adding an exp boost system for new players so they can catch up (but Bon you can not be blamed for not knowing that)

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Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
That was such a childish, immature dig that it makes you look really really bad. Sad really as I have never once attacked you or your server yet you post the above.

OP you are free to choose any server you wish to play, you can find a list of online servers here

Personally I work on Chronicles and would be happy if you decide to play
We are adding an exp boost system for new players so they can catch up (but Bon you can not be blamed for not knowing that)

Dont see why its childish or immature, ive logged onto chronicles and played it for 2 hours, and thats the conclusion i came to. It felt very clunky and laggy at times... after 2 hours of constantly missing my attacks i had enough and logged off. Its not an attack, its an opinion from a player thats played your server... im not the only 1 that doesnt like chronicles, just because im going to be hosting a server dont see why your seeing it as an "attack".

The files certainly feel like they could be something special, but imo you've ruined it by doing a euro copy... seen it all before.. been there done that... it might not be so bad if i could actually hit mobs.

I saw you was adding an EXP boost, but like i say, EXP wasnt so much the issue, it was the fact that i couldnt hit any mobs (I was playing an archer) which seriously put me off.

Ive said many times that fiveheros and chronicles are to COMPLETELY different servers, and i dont know why people keep comparing them, theres a ton of people that love that euro copy and refuse to try anything else, but theres also a ton of players that dont.

@arcadia ive never played the server which is why i never commented, tbh i forgot it was even online. Looks impressive from the screenshots and videos ive seen but as ive never played it i have no comment on what its like ingame


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
However like most low rates its impossible to catch up, and takes you about an hour to get to lvl 5 because when killin a hen you'll only hit maybe 10% of your attacks.

Everything you just said is complete bullshit.


Devilsoul Owner
Feb 4, 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Dont see why its childish or immature, ive logged onto chronicles and played it for 2 hours, and thats the conclusion i came to. It felt very clunky and laggy at times... after 2 hours of constantly missing my attacks i had enough and logged off. Its not an attack, its an opinion from a player thats played your server... im not the only 1 that doesnt like chronicles, just because im going to be hosting a server dont see why your seeing it as an "attack".

The files certainly feel like they could be something special, but imo you've ruined it by doing a euro copy... seen it all before.. been there done that... it might not be so bad if i could actually hit mobs.

I saw you was adding an EXP boost, but like i say, EXP wasnt so much the issue, it was the fact that i couldnt hit any mobs (I was playing an archer) which seriously put me off.

Ive said many times that fiveheros and chronicles are to COMPLETELY different servers, and i dont know why people keep comparing them, theres a ton of people that love that euro copy and refuse to try anything else, but theres also a ton of players that dont.

@arcadia ive never played the server which is why i never commented, tbh i forgot it was even online. Looks impressive from the screenshots and videos ive seen but as ive never played it i have no comment on what its like ingame

Your comment had nothing to do with the OPs question
The OP asked what was the most popular server atm, the answer was given

I have no problem with you or your server but comments like the one you made above seem pointless and immature to me, the Op never asked for anyone's review of a server.
It also makes you look very immature, taking the chance to throw a dig at other servers that are online at the moment.

anyway this is getting off topic

OP as I said and the link I gave you has a list of online server that you are free to play



Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
If you want a clunky, slow, euro copy then Chronicles. However like most low rates its impossible to catch up, and takes you about an hour to get to lvl 5 because when killin a hen you'll only hit maybe 10% of your attacks.

If your after something new and different, theres plenty of upcoming servers... DKs C# looks very interesting with a 1 class system where you choose different points as you level up.. everyones goin to be different which looks really cool.

FiveHeroes is another c# server due to be released in the upcoming months which is a med-high rate.

Personally c# are the future of mir because of the way they run well on all operating systems and everyone is the same speed, no windows XP ACPI crap required.

I wouldn't say Chrons is clunky at all, it's smoother than 2.3 and Heroes imo. But obviously not as smooth as C# files.
In regards missing your attacks... That's part of the archer class and skills help you stop missing. Lets be honest, how many games have you played where you can get a bow and arrow and have a perfect hit rate from the off?

It does seem like a little childish attack from you, but why would we expect anything different?

In response to the original poster, Chronicles has (I think) the highest user count and using the "latest" files. Mainly based on Euro but with Assassin and Archer class. Plenty of scope to progress away from "Euro" with all new additions they have available to them.
Arcadia is custom heroes files, with also a high user count.
There are then a few others out there, such as HeroesEu which are advertised within LOM2 Advert section.

C# Servers are on the horizon, but no one knows exactly how long until these come out.
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Known Cheater
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Feb 5, 2014

or Arcadia

chronicles does have a decent user count but I'm pritty sure from playing that 30-40 percent of users online would be miners or bots as i dont know many people who dont use miners (people use more than one) and there's about 5-10 bots on at a time from what i saw usually (i wouldn't be surprised if more)
theres a reason a lot of people are taking breaks


Mir Chronicles Dev
Feb 8, 2011
For a euro feeling low rate, I would suggest Chronicles.

For a well made and professionally run med/high rate I would suggest Arcadia...

Unfortunately, the C# files are still no where near being ready for a live server (Ben's 5 heroes know this all to well when their server repeatedly crashed with less than 20 players... Oh sorry, "router issues" on your "dedicated server"? which also took out your website?).

There intermittent issues which means it keeps going down for some people, although this is what we were expecting, and what I was hoping for.

In the process of moving the server to new hardware.

Server is Offline and will remain offline while we move to a newer hardware,In the meanwhile I will be working on changing some stuff comin from beta feedback.

edit server is back up

Conveniently the post Ben made about "router issues" has disappeared, I wonder if an Admin is able to view the history of posts? :D

There is also a very long list of bugs that would have been fixed for years in the delphi sources:
BugList said:
- No minimize on windowed mode.
- Cannot view gold on consignments.
- Objects out of range yet on screen,
- No curse from pk.
- Relogging removes red pk status.
- All classes can use archer kit.
- no delay when logging in combat (griefers will love this one).
- Poison/Curse doesn't work.
- Cresent slash stops working after a period of time.
- Sins disappear ingame or on minimap whilst in a group.
- Flaming sword stops working after a period of time.
- Entrapment works on players
- Numerous animation bugs.
- Hitting some monsters causes the client to crash.
- Half the skills do nothing.
- Random client crashes.
- Walking into BW Book store causes the client to crash.
- Killing a player causes them to stand their flitching on everyones screen.
- Second tdb hit always misses.
- Can't scroll through chat bar.

These are just some I pulled out of a thread on Ben's forum... Some of these are major issues which have been fixed for 10+ years in the Delphi sources, as much as I agree with Ben that the C# sources are the way forward, I believe they are at least a year behind the security and reliability of even the worst set of Delphi sources.

My two cents.

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Feb 16, 2014
If you want a clunky, slow, euro copy then Chronicles. However like most low rates its impossible to catch up, and takes you about an hour to get to lvl 5 because when killin a hen you'll only hit maybe 10% of your attacks.

If your after something new and different, theres plenty of upcoming servers... DKs C# looks very interesting with a 1 class system where you choose different points as you level up.. everyones goin to be different which looks really cool.

FiveHeroes is another c# server due to be released in the upcoming months which is a med-high rate.

Personally c# are the future of mir because of the way they run well on all operating systems and everyone is the same speed, no windows XP ACPI crap required.

Ben you sir a absolute prat ( could of put alot worse), if you listen to this guy then your a fool hes ran 3 servers all pay to win pay £10 for full kit then when cash died up he put server down


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
Not really sure what set off Ben's comment tbh. Just seemed like a desperate attempt at a dig at the server, which is pretty sad really.

It's been mentioned above, but make the decision yourself. Try Chronicles, try Arcadia, Try a 2.3 server, see what you feel suits you best. They are all different.

C# servers are the way forward, yes. That much is fact. But I feel people vastly under appreciate how much work there is to be done still on them.


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
For a euro feeling low rate, I would suggest Chronicles.

For a well made and professionally run med/high rate I would suggest Arcadia...

Unfortunately, the C# files are still no where near being ready for a live server (Ben's 5 heroes know this all to well when their server repeatedly crashed with less than 20 players... Oh sorry, "router issues" on your "dedicated server"? which also took out your website?).

Conveniently the post Ben made about "router issues" has disappeared, I wonder if an Admin is able to view the history of posts? :D

There is also a very long list of bugs that would have been fixed for years in the delphi sources:

These are just some I pulled out of a thread on Ben's forum... Some of these are major issues which have been fixed for 10+ years in the Delphi sources, as much as I agree with Ben that the C# sources are the way forward, I believe they are at least a year behind the security and reliability of even the worst set of Delphi sources.

My two cents.


I agree there is still quite a bit left to do, although your assessment of the files is slightly flawed.

Initially the server kept crashing because we ran everything from the TH server, which was also running TH, the website, all the downloads and the stress test. It's old hardware which just couldn't cope, hence everything dropping out. Once we moved to new hardware, everything ran much smoother. Was still a few issues and crashes here and there, but was fully expected and everything has been fixed and made far more robust to prevent it happening in the future. Server could happily cope with 60+ characters online (quite a few were bots doing nothing).

The router issue, was Ben's router at home which took his internet out so don't really see how you are linking that to the server crashing.

As for Ben's post, very immature and pointless in my opinion.

As for servers, got to agree with most people here.

If you want euro go Chronicles.
If you want something higher rate and more custom then Arcadia.
If you want something completely different then you could try DKs server.
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