Bit of help


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 7, 2004
Can someone help me with this step please? Im lost . I do the 1st step by uploading the cgi files to 1000web host it allows cgi. But when i install cute ftp it asks me for "Host email adress" host = me no ? Really dont know if this makes any sence but worth a try.

Because your server may have several versions of PERL, you are required to
put the correct path to PERL version 4 or 5 on the first line of every cgi
file. that would be every file that ends in ".cgi". The location of PERL
can usually be found by ether looking in your hosts FAQ for "CGI" or contacting
your host and asking "Where is PERL located on your servers?".

However most of the time the location of PERL is very similar to all servers.
So try using the scripts on your server without editing them. if you get a
500 error or you see the source of the file, you need to change the location
of PERL.

most servers use these paths to perl:

I will accept requests to install this script on your server for you. so if you
have trouble, just ask. however I will require your FTP server address and your
username and password (I can be trusted).

CHMOD is a permission setting of a file. What this will do is make all the setting
files private to you alone. If you fail to CHMOD correctly, ether the program will
not work or your passwords will be easy to recover by anyone on the net.

The first thing you need to set the CHMOD of a file on your server, is to get an FTP
program. An FTP (file transfer protocol) program will allow you to upload, edit,
delete, CHMOD, move, and other file manipulations. A good and free FTP program is
cuteFTP (made by global scape). Because most user friendly FTP programs are very
similar to cuteFTP, that is what I will concentrate on.

Read all steps before you perform them
1) upload all files to a new folder in your CGI-BIN
3) in the window that shows the files you just uploaded (the server side) right click
on the files. A little menu will popup, asking you what you want to do to the
file. one of the selections should be CHMOD. select that option.
4) CHMOD the ".cgi" files to 755
5) CHMOD the rest of the files to 600 and if it dosnt work, you can chmod them to 777

When you have finished uploading and CHMODing all the files, you can then install the
script with your visual and security preferences.

Read all steps before you perform them
1) open an internet browser
2) type in the path to the setup.cgi script you just uploaded.
3) fill in the requested information.
4) Click on the install button at the bottom of the program.
5) if you gave all the required information, the program will display security help.
6) read the help screen that opens.
7) do what the help screen asks (if you already have not)
8) read it then, as the script deletes its self after you run it.

if you ever need to reinstall anything, you must re uploaded the "setup.cgi".
and remember, you can change any of that information in the admin menu, after you
install the script.
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LOMCN Veteran
Feb 7, 2004
urbanfox said:
Host is the server you are connecting to, and I see no place where it asks for the host email.

See when i installed "cute ftp" i selected the folder that i wanted to host and its asking me for the host adress ...