Bring back FrOzEn?

If you would like FrOzEn back, which version would you want?

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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jul 12, 2003
LeoCrasher said:
I didn't play UF all that much, and only made sparse GM appearences. Guess I'll have to unload the files to remember what it was like heh :/

Fancy a consultancy position ^^? - Meanwhile I'd like to know your opinion on why AF is doing better in the poll than UF with regards to the things you mention.

Item images contribute little over peoples feelings in a server. However weapons width and size does. Strange I know. As for the M2 - I could do it but can you honestly see me doing coding and server management at the same time lol. Totally agree with you with regards to the sturdy pvp feeling though. Anyone that disagrees has never PvP'd properly heh.

As for spells - if you remember the early alphas they didn't have things as rudamentary as icestorm till at least three weeks after server launch - didn't seem to affect anything. I'm open to new spells but they'll be tested first. All stats have counterstats :). Not that I can talk of course - I'm pretty sure I gave warriors fireball.

Unfortunately the old skoolers probzo have moved on. Therefore to recruit the playercount nessacery your going to have to live with the younger... pk fodder.

I could make around 50 - but I could counter them with 70 more. What I think is the most important thing to do in the first stage is find what gave the community the feel it had.

As I've said already to Senture - FrOzEn doesn't need to have the latest and greatest with a full graphics and feature set. They didn't make it popular the first time around. So filling capacity shouldn't be a worry.

Leo does feel the same - but Id rather design a server people want to play than something I want to play. (Even tho FA was designed for that very reason in the dust of Missys Whippy and Charmed).


I played UF quite a lot actually. I got to...umm...level 43/44. WarShield, SuperAxe, man, lots of memories of that server. I think it was better than AF but I guess that's all down to opinion. Afaik it was AF with lots of things added ;o

About the position...I'm a tad slow and I just got confused :) Anyway, opinion on why AF is doing better...umm...I think it's because of a few things:

  • The release of the files and quite a few of the current members having the files and having good memories of them.
  • Possibly WeOwn starting out using those files, but I don't want to take credit for that lol
  • ash1234's versions of FrOzEnServer due to those servers being quite recent and a lot of the current members having played them, again, memories of those servers.

The weapon size thing is quite interesting. I guess it just makes the holder seem...powerful hehe. I never did seem quite as powerful with a weapon skinned as a BloodStealer. Too fragile looking ;o

And yes, the PvP feeling of 1.4 is so different to that of the Ledu client. I remember warriors had MagicShield on UF and...I'm not sure what else they had ;o Maybe firebang at a higher level.

I just feel that the current community is based. Private servers have been around a long time now, and, well, I feel that even I am quite bored of the same old item, weapon and armour skins. Things like this, and the latest mobs I think would draw people to a server. But, it's been a while since I've made a server and I'm probably very wrong in that statement.

WhIpLaSh, first private server I played properly...that was a good server. And yeah, I agree with you about that. Wanting the server to accommodate the potential player's wants and needs rather than the creators.

Will the creation of this server be an individual undertaking?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 14, 2003
1.4 all the way, wow u miss out afew feathers but frozen is a fight server and 1.9 as no skill in fighting, 1.4 owns for fighting


Peace Not War .
Mar 13, 2004
England (UK)
Yep, 1.4 for fighting :D

The only thing that turns players away from frozen servers when they have been up previously is there stability & reliability. Some only lasted a few weeks (couple i hosted by myself) and thats why frozen slowly got abit boring because they kept coming off & online alot.
But i am 100% sure this FrOzEn will be long term and last for a while yet, because leo is creating it and has full commitment to it :)

Just want to play frozen now... lol :P


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jul 12, 2003
Loved1 said:
both were great :) but yes, make them 1.9 :)

Why do you want the server to be created using the 1.9 emulator? It's a bit pointless just saying 'make them 1.9' without giving reasons as to your opinion ;o


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
because, imo. it would be less work for the creator to add to the server. and there would be more of a choice of things to add to the server. also, i think 1.9 has a bigger community?


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jul 12, 2003
Bigger community yes but only because there are no 1.4 servers out at the moment. The 1.4 community was much bigger than the 1.9 one until they all died out.

Adding to 1.9 is the same as adding to 1.4. Same layout of server file ;o If anything it's less work to add to 1.4 as the server files have many less features than 1.9.

More choice of things to add to the server, yes, I agree with that. But the main reason for me wanting the server to be kept 1.4 is the PvP system. 1.9 PvP system is rather lame in comparison to 1.4.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 14, 2003
1.4 files alot easier 2 work wiv then 1.9

1.9 client full of cheat/bugs

1.4 = nice clean no bugs, ect
and the fight system, owns

also, 1.4 servers like
whiplash/frozen/weown ive enjoyed them more then any 1.9 server


Peace Not War .
Mar 13, 2004
England (UK)
Still think 1.4 should do it. I would download and play then... But i don't really play mir2 now, i am into mir3 lol :P


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 11, 2004
Middlesbrough ! Smoggy!
Leo ignore all these people saying '1.9 because its a bigger community', please tell me How the **** will you know whether AF will have a Large or Small community? only the future will tell, thats even if she decide's to create it...

If made and built right, leo you will have the best server going by far.

Just take my advice on this one, the people who want to play 1.9 are just used to the fast leveling high gold rate...lets show them how Mir used to be and what has been lost for the past year or so...

Legend of Mir 1.4 FTW !



Crystal Dev
Jul 21, 2004
PorkChop said:
1.4 files alot easier 2 work wiv then 1.9

1.9 client full of cheat/bugs

1.4 = nice clean no bugs, ect
and the fight system, owns

also, 1.4 servers like
whiplash/frozen/weown ive enjoyed them more then any 1.9 server

Please tell me about all the 1.9 cheats and bugs..

If a server is set up correctly then bugs and cheats dont usualy occur, just most dont take the procedures to make sure their servers secure.

Only reason their buggy is because the server makers dont know anything and end up creating servers what arnt even really complete.



Former Administrator
Mar 23, 2003
Yay more replies...

No worries, I will be looking at UF to see what is suitable for being ported over.

Interesting reasons on why you think UF isn't doing as well. I simply think its because people didn't play it. Regardless though all things I agree with will be moved.

The wouldn't be surprised if I gave warriors half the wizzy skillset lol. I'll be doing it again but the lack of multistat items will effect how useful that is.

New gfx features have an obvious effect on initial reaction to a server. FrOzEn won't be about how much of the latest mobs I can stick in a patch. Basing a server on its patch is just silly and I don't care how many people do it. Tis one thing I won't be bent into doing.

The server won't be individual. I'll design it wholly myself and see how much I can actually create myself. If theres anything I'm going to struggle with I'll seek help. I imagine I'll be looking for someone who does patches (I find it mind numbing) and two GM's whose primary role will be the consultation in the design process.

You make a living stealing kids toys don't you :P

I'm not sure how capable the community is with regards to determining a servers reliability at launch. We'll see though :).

This FrOzEn's stability will depend on the usercount. I'll be completely honest and say I will not for a second keep a server online that doesn't sustain a usercount of at least 6 consistantly during peak. I'll also be completely honest when I say I'll go out of my way to ensure the usercount does meet its target.

Yep - tis very important that you tell me why you feel the way you do otherwise its harder for me to make a decision.

Mmmm cream. Strawberry though right?

If such a 1.4 map exists, which I doubt - then its possible certain areas could have it. I'm a programmer though - I'll make sure no cheats can play :)

Its less work with 1.4 if your not trying to get around restrictions by coding your own apps (which I'll no doubt do). As for the bigger community - maybe so. But the last few 1.4 servers faired pretty well with their usercounts. Understand of course that its all a matter of marketing. Trust me, I doubt I'll have a problem competeing with the 1.9 servers playerbase.

The PvP system is of primary importance. But I'm going to add a twist ;). I really shouldn't be planning it yet - still got exams ><

As for choice... I'm sure I can find a nice 1.4 m2server that allows plenty of options to play with.

You'll obviously know more than me but I've not had too much of a problem with properly configured 1.9 clients. They just feel iccky.

Why do you think u enjoyed AF based servers so much compared to 1.9's?

You will play. You won't have a choice. :P

They were talking presently. There are no 1.4 servers and the ones that did pop up very recently went down soon after and didn't have much of a usercount. It will be a challange to persuade immature 1.9ers that a 1.4 server can be more enjoyable I'll give them that.

IF! I built it right?! You dare doubt me :P. 'Best' server I'm not sure about... most enjoyable I am.

As for the judgemental remark about 1.9ers... AF was a fast lvling server with high gold rate lol. I had to design it like that in the beginning in order to get enough players. Playing on peoples desires is what I do best ;).

Even still, if a created server has a buggy client/server you have to wonder about the files maintainability. With 1.4 you could practically get up and go and not worry about bugs. Time spent on such menial tasks is a concern. I'm not willing to keep a sizable team for a fear of corruption. On that note though I am considering 'faking' corruption since the first three servers were so successful and there was a GM IS CUPPT post every week. Maybe its a factor?... lol. All LDS log files will be publically available for scrutiny.

Completion is a worry for me. No FrOzEn server I know about was ever complete on release, and updates was one of the things that kept dedicated players going. I'd like to be done with patching on release - but then how do I make it look like it doesn't go on forever?

Appreciate all the comments again :). keep em coming.



Peace Not War .
Mar 13, 2004
England (UK)
LeoCrasher said:
Yay more replies...

I'm not sure how capable the community is with regards to determining a servers reliability at launch. We'll see though :).

This FrOzEn's stability will depend on the usercount. I'll be completely honest and say I will not for a second keep a server online that doesn't sustain a usercount of at least 6 consistantly during peak. I'll also be completely honest when I say I'll go out of my way to ensure the usercount does meet its target.

You will play. You won't have a choice. :P

Good to hear :) I am sure you will make the server reach it's potential & get a user count of at least 15 users in peak times straight away. :)

Yep ill be playing for sure, my mind is made :D

If you need a hand with anything, just give me a buzz either through PM on here, or MSN & ill try my best to help out :)

EDIT: I still have that updated Avril NPC (latest) that you sent me when i hosted FrOzEnServer, just lettin you know, you have more than likely still got it anyway ^_^


Crystal Dev
Jul 21, 2004
@ Leo - If you come up with idea's on a finishing point of things, something like a top boss.

Then you build things towards it like, build a fox patch which you have to be that area of boss's to recieve a piece which pieces together clues towards the last ever patch which will bring the top boss.

Although i think if you want it to stay up for a hell of a long time i do believe patching on a regular time scale such as once every month or 2 then you will keep players intreeged to keep them playing..

Something around those lines anyway

-Sorry if im talking crap, i just cant keep my focus tonight for some reason...



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 14, 2003
leo, all 1.9 servers seem 2 lagg ( and its not my pc), 1.4 servers rarely lagg if a good host but even with a good host on 1.9 it laggs...

1.4 pvp is skill based - ya pc matters how good or how crap,

1.9 every 1 laggs more or less so its the same for every1 and instant run means wizzys get cained..

also with 1.9 i know alot of people who can still get past Ledu with the speed/a,speed hacks....

i enjoyed unfrozen rather then frozen imo, was alot better.. but if u look closely bet its most the pp who joined in 2006/2005 saying 1.9 cus thy never plyed it in 1.4, were most of the people saying 1.4 are the old skool


Crystal Dev
Jul 21, 2004
PorkChop said:
leo, all 1.9 servers seem 2 lagg ( and its not my pc), 1.4 servers rarely lagg if a good host but even with a good host on 1.9 it laggs...

1.4 pvp is skill based - ya pc matters how good or how crap,

1.9 every 1 laggs more or less so its the same for every1 and instant run means wizzys get cained..

also with 1.9 i know alot of people who can still get past Ledu with the speed/a,speed hacks....

i enjoyed unfrozen rather then frozen imo, was alot better.. but if u look closely bet its most the pp who joined in 2006/2005 saying 1.9 cus thy never plyed it in 1.4, were most of the people saying 1.4 are the old skool

Well i even had my own 1.4 server files online at one point so it shwos i have played a 1.4 server and actualy ran my own

The fact that 1.9 always lags is stupid, its down to host and players connection and comp. I never lag on my own 1.9 when i play it offline and you said you always lag which i never do.

The auto run is stopable as Damian said on a post (using his client that is)

Ledu wont be able to be used as soon as they link the m2 to the client.

You said 1.4 is skill based and the reason for that you said about the computer speed etc, how can having a really good computer change someones skill? 1.9 is skill based too in the pvping etc, just the pvping is a little differently felt, also said by damian that the pvp system is the same feel with the client he has released..



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 25, 2003
mir1.4 would be better for me..... its owned all MIR1.9 TBH