[C# Files] Apocalypse Mir

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Feb 1, 2010
like i said his opinion is nothing no one even likes the guy let alone is opinion, i heard hes the black sheep of team.

ban him from this section?

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
like i said his opinion is nothing no one even likes the moron.

ban him from this section?

unwanted child.

Our section will be available soon. He will not be banned on there. His opinion is only helping. In all fairness anytime something negative is said, all I can do is look at it and find a way to improve what was said to make it a more fitting game for everyone who wants to try it out.

Despite the reasoning behind his posts/signatures its actually some feedback I can use. For example we have made sure to put this new feature in place as previously mentioned. Which is to ensure people who are negative, have a way of seeing things being done properly. So in all its not all doom and gloom from his posts

-Apocalypse Team


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 18, 2005
He's just not wearing rose-tinted glasses lapping at the teet of a potential new server like a rabid baby.
It's okay to have doubt and questions and voice them.
Even if they are counter to someone elses opinion, its called a debate/discussion... it's what forums were made for.

Only time will tell, but lets remember everyone's wasting their time on this game the same as everybody else. :)

Looks fancy. Hope the content isn't as generic as the server advertisement.


Feb 1, 2010
taking his opinion very well..

he just sit and slanders everything and everyone..

(on topic)

anyways glad to see how well its going looking forward to playing!


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
i think tai will have some vanish for that stain



LOMCN Veteran
Jan 25, 2014
whats the big fuss, even if it wasnt random selection the beta is getting wiped..


Dedicated Member
Jul 29, 2011
I think you will find that nobody has an advantage on beta testing. As stated by Ryan previously there has been an application designed to select at random.

Many thanks
-Apocalypse Team

Didn't really want to release these details yet but anyhow I will also be streaming the draw live on twitch as well as recording it for those who do not manage to get to see it live!
More details on this will be given closer to date.

P.S. I hope to get the community involved in some stream action during BETA / pre-live launch (if I or any of the team find time - hopefully not overrun with bugs & fixes) :)
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LOMCN Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
whats the big fuss, even if it wasnt random selection the beta is getting wiped..

i agree .

ideally i'd prefer an open to all beta, that way every type of player would be testing.

Server on safe mode for the first few days so that no1 could pk :culpability:


Feb 26, 2004
I don't believe I have misunderstood at all.
The one server owner is going to sit with his friends (the players) and give them early access... oooppps a drop file just opened..


Your posts are quite humerous to read. It's like a kid being difficult all Christmas day cause he didn't get an iPad for a present haha

Didn't really want to release these details yet but anyhow I will also be streaming the draw live on twitch as well as recording it for those who do not manage to get to see it live!
More details on this will be given closer to date.

P.S. I hope to get the community involved in some stream action during BETA / pre-live launch (if I or any of the team find time - hopefully not overrun with bugs & fixes) :)

I will be happily streaming, if i'm chosen, like I did for Chronicles BETA to ensure everyone gets to have at least a look.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 30, 2009

Your posts are quite humerous to read. It's like a kid being difficult all Christmas day cause he didn't get an iPad for a present haha

I will be happily streaming, if i'm chosen, like I did for Chronicles BETA to ensure everyone gets to have at least a look.

I myself also streamed chronicles beta and would do the same with this if accepted.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Feb 4, 2014
Regardless of what is being said in conversation between Kane and his brother, it has no effect on how the server will be run, similarly with how Beta will be drawn.

We will be keeping logs of EVERYTHING that happens on our server through the latest addition that Ryan has added, which indicates when anything is made/levelled/gold etc, this is for the players, and if/when requested we will release to keep players mind at ease. I know Kane may have a reputation with your "small group" of friends. Despite all of this He has worked extremely hard on these files and has added more than you can imagine, which only gives me the upmost confidence in how professional he also wants this server to be kept.

You are just attempting to ruin this before its even started, but as you can clearly see, every time you post, people just brush you off, so it's not working. We get it, you don't want to play, that's ok, its not going to be for everyone, but it will be for a lot of people :).

On a more positive note, the website is in its final stages now, and i'm sure people will be curious to know what additions have been added to the server, and the website will be a chance for you to take a glance at some of the new features.

-Apocalypse Team

I dont know raz and i genuinley wish you luck. Having first hand knowledge of what kane is capable of....the red text above would only ring alarm bells for me...good luck all ...long live mir on any server :distrust:


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
I don't really get what the fuss is all about. Kane made cash from Chronicles. Smart guy. Doesn't mean he's corrupt lol. Frankly he probably knows best out of a very select few people what makes a good server.

People like to tarnish and over exaggerate a fair amount. Best to just take their opinions with a grain of salt.

Looking forward to checking out the content you guys have created, it looks promising.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Feb 4, 2014
I don't really get what the fuss is all about. Kane made cash from Chronicles. Smart guy. Doesn't mean he's corrupt lol. Frankly he probably knows best out of a very select few people what makes a good server.

People like to tarnish and over exaggerate a fair amount. Best to just take their opinions with a grain of salt.

Looking forward to checking out the content you guys have created, it looks promising.

By stealing and ripping off...smart guy? not someone i could trust in control of a server and the only reason i wont be trying it...each to thier own.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 21, 2012
By stealing and ripping off...smart guy? not someone i could trust in control of a server and the only reason i wont be trying it...each to thier own.

Each to their own and that, but I can't really see why that in particular would put you off. What exactly is he going to steal and rip people off as a server owner? Is that not effectively what all server owners do anyway with their donations? Particularly as once dedi costs are covered, the majority put in little work whilst rolling around in their wads of cash. Or, claim to be working hard yet little is ever added to a server that actual impacts gameplay to a level at which people should be happy considering the money they put in.

Like I say, each to their own if you wish to not try it. But (Not aimed at you), it is no reason for other people to try and tarnish a server before it has even reached its beta stage.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
Each to their own and that, but I can't really see why that in particular would put you off. What exactly is he going to steal and rip people off as a server owner? Is that not effectively what all server owners do anyway with their donations? Particularly as once dedi costs are covered, the majority put in little work whilst rolling around in their wads of cash. Or, claim to be working hard yet little is ever added to a server that actual impacts gameplay to a level at which people should be happy considering the money they put in.

Like I say, each to their own if you wish to not try it. But (Not aimed at you), it is no reason for other people to try and tarnish a server before it has even reached its beta stage.

The advertisement of this server has had a great response from the community of LOMCN. Obviously there will always be players with doubts. But I'm confident the content of this server will attract and keep players. If you are a low rate fan, then i hope this will be for you.

-Apocalypse Team

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 5, 2013
Each to their own and that, but I can't really see why that in particular would put you off. What exactly is he going to steal and rip people off as a server owner? Is that not effectively what all server owners do anyway with their donations? Particularly as once dedi costs are covered, the majority put in little work whilst rolling around in their wads of cash. Or, claim to be working hard yet little is ever added to a server that actual impacts gameplay to a level at which people should be happy considering the money they put in.

Like I say, each to their own if you wish to not try it. But (Not aimed at you), it is no reason for other people to try and tarnish a server before it has even reached its beta stage.

I know nothing of anyone's history, but your view seems fairly ... naive. I don't mean that in any offensive way, and good for you if that is how you feel - more power to you :D

But if someone is proven as unscrupulous, and 'flaky' with his morales, then there is plenty of reason to be wary. As a server owner he could do many, many different things that would upset the balance or annoy/trivialise other players experience. There is a huge difference between earning money through profits from over-donations and actively 'scamming' people ingame or abusing a position of power to make money/'non-monetary profit'

I'm not saying he will, or even that he will have a chance to on this server - like I said I know nothing of his history, or server setup (infact this isn't entirely true, from what the other GM has said, it seems reassuring that he won't be abl to, at least openly without being caught)- but it doesn't mean the point isn't at least a valid concern. My opinion on him or the server isn't the point, nor do I even believe it's valid. I'm just saying about the "it doesn't matter if he was a scammer' attitude.


Known Cheater
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Feb 5, 2014
By stealing and ripping off...smart guy? not someone i could trust in control of a server and the only reason i wont be trying it...each to thier own.
You play a courrupt server atm so your making no sense, if they do keep a record of all things they do and willing to share it to public then all they can do is tell people where stuff drops which people find out eventually, but that would be stupid to do as everybody takes screen shots of corruption, to then reveal them once the GMs *** them over
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