comp seems to b restarting


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 4, 2004
everytime i try to play WoW my comp restarts after about 10 mins , im sure it could'nt be the heat as i put a fan running next to my comp with the side of my comp off,also ive just installed a new motherboard and g card and they've been working fine for playing ut2004 , guildwars ect... really well up untill WoW started restarting . im just updating windows xp service pack 1 (so its service pack 2 now).
i dunno if that could be the prob?
pic of speed fan


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Version 1.3

LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Sep 10, 2005
Do you not get any errors coming up before it restarts?....
Not sure if this will help..
Goto . Controll panel> Admin tools> Services> scroll down untill you find "Remote procedure call" right click and goto properties then click the recovery tab and set all 3 drop down menus to "take no action" if not already done... then do the same for the other remote procedure call in the list..

tis a long shot .....


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 4, 2004
cmon sum1 plz help i cant play eny games cus of this
my dad seems to think my g card is over heating so he took the fan off my old motherboard and stuck onto my g cards heat sink,yet nothing has changed , my comp still resets
its really annoying
please help
i cannot think of enything to fix it
about 5 days ago it nvr used to do this , now it restarts on like every game i really like (ut2004 WoW GW)


LOMCN Veteran
Oct 31, 2005
Hollies house :)
Dark12345 said:
cmon sum1 plz help i cant play eny games cus of this
my dad seems to think my g card is over heating so he took the fan off my old motherboard and stuck onto my g cards heat sink,yet nothing has changed , my comp still resets
its really annoying
please help
i cannot think of enything to fix it
about 5 days ago it nvr used to do this , now it restarts on like every game i really like (ut2004 WoW GW)

seriously cant u see that pic of fire in speedfan. ur guna *** ur computer up if u continue to over heat it. try putting the voltage/power settings down so ur not pumping it in to ur comp. also ur harddrive is fukin hot. get a new fan since its not cooling ur comp gd enuf


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 4, 2004
ThaOne said:
seriously cant u see that pic of fire in speedfan. ur guna *** ur computer up if u continue to over heat it. try putting the voltage/power settings down so ur not pumping it in to ur comp. also ur harddrive is fukin hot. get a new fan since its not cooling ur comp gd enuf
well m8 i added a 400 watt power supply thing , ive added a fan right next to my g cards hit sink, ive took the side off my comp and put a big fan blowing down onto the comp itself
,ive updated my BIOS ive dun everything!! yet it restarts when it wants ,
and tht temp 3 thing on the fan is weird , it hasnt changed 1 degree at all


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 4, 2004
here fox did what u sed
i hope u can help
my dad and i spent bout 2 hours looking at the comp, changing things over ect.. just to try and get it not to over heat
also tht temp 3 which is 67C is un-dectable
we cant find it enyway, we where feeling about seeing where heat was hot , yet we could not find it


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No Brag, Just Fact
Post CPU-Z SS's and give me the brand and model of the power supply and whta CPU cooling you are using.

On the power supply there should also say 3.3V+, 5V+, and 12V+. After that it should say xxA, post that too.

Don't worry about speedfan, sometimes it detects an anomoly and shows stuff like that.

See how long Prime95 can run without restarting.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 4, 2004
ok urban the new power supply i put in their didnt have the sticker on it saying the watts ect..
but....i think i might no the prob :)
i was running my virus scanner (Avast) and it restarted , so... i ran it agen after about 30 mins , but this time loaded my speed fan and it said my hard drive was 43 or sumthing with a red arrow pointing up, i told my dad and he said his got a better hard drive at his work so that should work


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 4, 2004
i bought the new motherboard at novatech and power supply
,still where is the temp 3? (which is 64c) as i cud find a way to cool it down...
i and my dad cant find the 63c (temp3) enywhere,
also my old powersupply was 300 watt
and it had all tht info u were on about on the side
but me and my dad thought that was the problem , and replaced it.


No Brag, Just Fact
The 63c temp is just a bad read, like on mine I have something read as 0c. Turn on Prime95 and see how long it can run before the computer restarts (max 8 hours) and after 10 minutes touch the side of the heatsink. It should be warm or hot, but but too hot where you have to take your hand off it (assuming it's mounted correctly you can tell the safe temps by this).


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 4, 2004
ok ill try this and time it ...also my im using my dads old g card a radeon FX 5500 and he sed it use to do the same thing
so his lending me his new g card (radeon pro atlantis 9600) untill christmas
hopefully this is the real problem (G card overheating) cus if its not then i have no idea whats going on.
also i got a new hard drive, just in case thats the real reason (i highly doubt)