[Custom C# Files] Apocalypse Mir 2

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LOMCN Veteran
Mar 29, 2011
I'd love to know how classes will be balanced and if you did something to support more team play than solo play or something like that and if i have to grind out quests to lvl faster or i can simply grind mobs and level at the same rate ?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
can these things be acquired without donating? or is it a case of donators only?

Most wont, but bosses/subs etc will drop game gold for those who have no interest in donating.

Of course u will need donate for them... it will be a P2W

There will be no P2W. 'haters gunna hate' :P

Tbh some people are For and some are Against HardTorches... you can put them in GameShop but make sure that you will have them in Sub and Boss drops aswel: - Sub = let's say HardTorch dura 5/5 ( low chance of droping )
- Boss = let's say HardTorch dura 10/10 ( medium chance of droping )

Also make them to lose dura on your items at 50% slower rate then normal, rather then making them 100% for no loss. This way items will not last forever, you need items to break or lose all the dura to maintain a healthy server. For example let's say you get a HeavenArmour droped, as much as i want to keep it forever i would like to see the dura droping on it and at some point the need to replace it.( this is just my opinion )
Not sure how many remember the days where you used to use a Armour or Sword, only at bosses, or pk because they were low low dura and you could not aford to lvl with them because you would eventualy lose them. Used to keep them in bags untill bosses or if there was some pk you would change them for the fight, with the risk of dying and losing your other ones that you had in bag replace . ( hope i made sense and my spelling was good )

Pots and SunPots, for Pots i would like to see them in bundle rather then stack 20 ... They used to be bundeled in stacks of 8 right? Also it need to be made in a way that people would have to TT at a certian point and buy more pots, this way you will prevent people from staying in the same place 24/7 ... For sunPots, i'm with Koriban on this one, like he said, don't put a cool down on them because you will spoil the fun in terms of pvp . Having SunPots will make people more confident when they fight and might actualy lose a fight because of their mistake. If you don't put a delay on them make them so people can only carry a amount like 10-15-20-25 you pick a number that you think it suits the best.

I hope there will not be AutoPot in game, that is a massive turn off ... Also are you guys prepared for the chinese gold farmers? Like on Zircon for example there were bots that farmed gold 24/7 and gave away all the gold to the top chinese players. When bots got banned they started to complain and said that they see nothing wrong with what they did, because it's in their chinese culture to help, so them farming 24/7 to keep their friends in top 10 made them happy because their friends were happy . There is a post i think ( if it didnt get deleted ) in the zircon section that says the exact same words i say . So we need to avoid this....

Also will you guys name and shame people that will get banned and the reason behind it? Not sure how many want to see this but i personaly think this should be a thing so everyone is aware of the situation. Because if you ban someone, people will find out, and not hearing the voice of the server Owners on the reason that the person got banned will start rumors and alot of talks, and if at some point he get's unbanned for whatever reason ( like on most servers happened, but everybody knows GM's got paid to unban their chars ( wich is fine with me idc) ) Then people will say GM's are corupt and stuff like that . So imo i think a name and shame should exist so people know what's happening.

Like anyother mir server, at certian points there will be Bugs... Some might be game breaking, some might be minor. Let's say someone will exploit a game breaking bug, will you guys do a rewind and ban the person for exploiting? I'm asking this, because back in the days on Chronicles there was a scandal the " Evil Mir scandal " regarding a bug that some guild abused where EM droped more then it should, and from what i remember people got away with drops, they didnt ban the people, didnt rewind and didnt take the items/ gold off them. ( not 100% sure on how the situation was because i alredy quit the game at that time, but i remember i read about it on here on lomcn ) . Also there was a bug on Zircon aswel, There was a Sword from a set that was giving out Wrong stats on SC, a chinese guy a Taoist was using that sword to kill the hardest boss in-game. He was keeping this sword on a different char not on his, when he was going to hunt the boss he was turning observer off, taking the sword from the other char and keeping it in his bag untill he was in the Boss room fighting the boss, so on the boss fight he was swaping weapons to kill the boss with the bugged weapon. He farmed that boss for a while untill he got cought , after that jamie removed the weapon but didnt want to ban him at first, the guy got Banned afer he raged on discord and started to abuse and insult Jamie, after some time when i returned to the server because i quit for a week or 2 i can't remember, the guy was back in the game, for whatever reason he got un-banned.

So what kind of aproaches will you do in similar cases?

Ban people for exploiting and do a rewind even if it has to be a day or 2 rewind and might make people angry / mad ?
Or just Ban people for exploiting without rewind ?
Will you unban people that got banned for serious reasons, like Boting / cheating ( we all know there are cheats and will always be and some will always use them because they used them on 60-70% of the servers ) / exploiting etc ?
Will you ban chinese gold botters?!

A question regarding Archer class, will it have same animation as on Chronicles or the other animation ? Not sure how to explain the other animation, i think there was on a server where the archer felt more like a robot, his animation was the same as the Archer Guards that you have in safe zones. If it will have the same as on chronicles it will be good ( at least for me, i liked it that way ) .

Will people be able to buy mounts and the accesories for the mounts from game shop with Gold aswel or will they be only for GameGold?
Will the other items that will be found in the game shop be available for gold purchase aswel or only for GameGold ?
All items from Shop, will we be able to trade them or put them in TM and sell for Gold or ar they soul bound?

Edit: i hope everything makes sense and sorry for any typos

I really like the idea of Hard torches only slowing down the durability drop by 50% this is something we could consider if we decide to add durability slowing items in the future, but for now, in the early part of the server, we have decided against these items and will allow items to loose dura naturally.

We are looking at sunpots today and going to make some decisions and let you guys know.

Auto pot feature is ingame.

Obviously with Botters/Cheats there will be strong consequences for all accounts/ip addresses involved.

Naming and shaming is a hard one. We havent spoke about this yet and i dont want to speak for all of us, however those attempting to destroy the community/server will no longer have access to the server and it will not be a secret. We will let you know more when we have made decisions on this.

There will be rules posted on the forums for consequences for those who breech the TOS of Apocalypse. Exploitation will not be tolerated, but i do believe there will be cases that need looking into rather than the ban hammer approach on everything.

With regards to rewinds. We will avoid this in all cases possible. If that means temporarily banning exploiters to retract anything gained, then this is the approach we will take. We will not punish everyone by rewinding, down to 1-2 people exploiting. We will always take strong action on people trying to abuse systems.

Items from the gameshop (for now) are only purchasable for GameGold. However Gamegold drops ingame for those who are patient enough to collect this. As i have said multiple times, the gameshop will not be Pay 2 Win, there will be doubters, and i am happy about that, i enjoy being right in the long run ;).

At the same time most people accept that we have already paid alot of money and will continue to pay money throughout the life of the server, which is why a gameshop is in game.

Hunters have been given the most spells/changes on our server of all the classes because as you say, previous C# Hunters are boring, they still do have their normal auto attack however, they have 8-10 extra damaging spells which means you will very rarely use your auto attack. I hated the Hunters on C# files at first, but now i really like them (on Apocalypse anyway). Like you say, i think Chronicles did fantastically with the Archer on their server, and we have aspired to do something similar with our own twist.

Your post asked some great questions and i hope i answered them well for you. if i missed anything, please asked again, i read through and tried to respond to everything i saw.

I'd love to know how classes will be balanced and if you did something to support more team play than solo play or something like that and if i have to grind out quests to lvl faster or i can simply grind mobs and level at the same rate ?

Right now we believe classes are quite balanced, but we will continue to make changes where necessary. With that being said, i think its very important the community accepts that mir will never be completely balanced with classes as each role has its own part to play on the server and will therefore mean some classes are stronger at in certain areas whilst weaker in other areas.

-Apocalypse Team


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Jan 22, 2017
Is there any information on luck and how it works on Apoc? What is the max you're able to gain and will it be anything like chronicles where it's relatively easy to obtain?

Of course u will need donate for them... it will be a P2W

Please stop trying to drain the life out of everything you come across.


Dedicated Member
Apr 13, 2011
Most wont, but bosses/subs etc will drop game gold for those who have no interest in donating.

There will be no P2W. 'haters gunna hate' :P

I really like the idea of Hard torches only slowing down the durability drop by 50% this is something we could consider if we decide to add durability slowing items in the future, but for now, in the early part of the server, we have decided against these items and will allow items to loose dura naturally.

We are looking at sunpots today and going to make some decisions and let you guys know.

Auto pot feature is ingame.

Obviously with Botters/Cheats there will be strong consequences for all accounts/ip addresses involved.

Naming and shaming is a hard one. We havent spoke about this yet and i dont want to speak for all of us, however those attempting to destroy the community/server will no longer have access to the server and it will not be a secret. We will let you know more when we have made decisions on this.

There will be rules posted on the forums for consequences for those who breech the TOS of Apocalypse. Exploitation will not be tolerated, but i do believe there will be cases that need looking into rather than the ban hammer approach on everything.

With regards to rewinds. We will avoid this in all cases possible. If that means temporarily banning exploiters to retract anything gained, then this is the approach we will take. We will not punish everyone by rewinding, down to 1-2 people exploiting. We will always take strong action on people trying to abuse systems.

Items from the gameshop (for now) are only purchasable for GameGold. However Gamegold drops ingame for those who are patient enough to collect this. As i have said multiple times, the gameshop will not be Pay 2 Win, there will be doubters, and i am happy about that, i enjoy being right in the long run ;).

At the same time most people accept that we have already paid alot of money and will continue to pay money throughout the life of the server, which is why a gameshop is in game.

Hunters have been given the most spells/changes on our server of all the classes because as you say, previous C# Hunters are boring, they still do have their normal auto attack however, they have 8-10 extra damaging spells which means you will very rarely use your auto attack. I hated the Hunters on C# files at first, but now i really like them (on Apocalypse anyway). Like you say, i think Chronicles did fantastically with the Archer on their server, and we have aspired to do something similar with our own twist.

Your post asked some great questions and i hope i answered them well for you. if i missed anything, please asked again, i read through and tried to respond to everything i saw.

Right now we believe classes are quite balanced, but we will continue to make changes where necessary. With that being said, i think its very important the community accepts that mir will never be completely balanced with classes as each role has its own part to play on the server and will therefore mean some classes are stronger at in certain areas whilst weaker in other areas.

-Apocalypse Team

Amazing reply, thank you :encouragement:


LOMCN Member
Sep 10, 2018
I read it all. Many good points. This team seems promising. Most anticipated server in a long time. Best of luck. See u all ingame

---------- Post Merged at 04:09 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 04:06 PM ----------

I hope you take the same approach as chronicles when it comes to out of game trading between players and don’t punish.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
I read it all. Many good points. This team seems promising. Most anticipated server in a long time. Best of luck. See u all ingame

---------- Post Merged at 04:09 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 04:06 PM ----------

I hope you take the same approach as chronicles when it comes to out of game trading between players and don’t punish.

Thank you.

We have discussed the out of game trading. If you acquire anything fairly and wish to give this to anyone different, thats a choice you make and we will not get involved in anyway.

There will be a standard TOS on the forum when released which will explain more.

-Apocalypse Team


Staff member
May 19, 2003
Can we expect any underhanded dealing from you guys? Not sure if it's already been asked - but will you be providing items outside of the gameshop if people give you money?

Just asking so 6 months down the line we find a team member has been giving out items for cash, we can come back to your comments on it. Seems to happen a lot with server owners who have no morals on this forum.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 18, 2014
It is 100% worth you starting.... Rested Exp is something we are keen to incorporate, to help players like yourself. Yes there is hardcore players but no matter where you go, you will never out level them. But our server is dynamic enough that just because you are the highest level does not necessarily mean you are the best at pvp / pve. Kit is gain-able at all levels from mobs to subs to boss.

I can see you've took many things from world of warcraft and are trying to implement them here. Hope it works well..


May 17, 2017
R the stuffs from cashshop tradeble? Also do we have a auction house in this server? What auction house fee will be?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
Can we expect any underhanded dealing from you guys? Not sure if it's already been asked - but will you be providing items outside of the gameshop if people give you money?

Just asking so 6 months down the line we find a team member has been giving out items for cash, we can come back to your comments on it. Seems to happen a lot with server owners who have no morals on this forum.

I agree this does happen very often with server owners (often immature short sighted owners).

We will not be selling items, please remember this post, and recall it if you ever feel this has changed. I will make this clear too, If any of us are caught doing so by another member of the team (or the community), they will be removed immediately, as the items they sold will be too. BUT i am confident, extremely, that this will never happen, we all have the same goal.

As for the poor moral lomcn users, i am confident that myself, Diablo and Hany are not in this category.

-Apocalypse Team


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
Do we have to kill Hens and Deers? Like seriously. :(

Leveling at the beginning would be nothing without the good old deer and hen, however we have adapted the first few levels to make them considerably quicker, to get out of the starter areas and into the classic leveling asap ;)

-Apocalypse Team


Feb 21, 2013
don't like exp potions in gstore, that basically means permanent exp buff for most higher level players, expect that to be staple income for server owners, so take it as if I didn't mention it, necessary evil I suppose

I see no mention of 'level caves', hope at least those won't be in, it is a plague of mir

I feel sorry for those nostalgic for meaningful dura loss, needing to leave cave to repot, carry & body weight limits etc., all that happens on any server maybe up to level 20 or thereabouts, after that we know how it goes, also gold expenditure for staple supplies has no meaning past noob levels - and I wouldn't blame those who put up server because that would take serious balancing, like having beta for a year and then restarting server, no way you can do such balancing from the 'design table', only once the server is put through a real run and pple reach level cap on it could it be considered balanced in all respects.

But reality is that after such 'first run' or first season, servers are scraped for good or if they are made ready for another run, the changes made are so deep that it would require full lifespan beta run again - that's basically what Koreans did for us prior to euro official coming to us in 2001 and they really did it only for levels up to 40-45 max, after that it was a haphazard piling on content that sent our official servers to dogs, only Korean servers survived it, probably because of the extreme frugality of their mir

I have a tip for any server - how about rare class of weapons/armours (and why not include some special/rare jewelry) having such body/arm weight that if you wanted to equip something like heaven sword or armour (as an example), you would need to un-equip helmet or something, unless you got some rare boots enhancing your stats or get some higher char level, same as it we know it from levels up to ~20
the idea is to bring the fun we have at low levels to high levels too


Feb 20, 2009
Thread Update:

Little teaser about our Advance AI:

Show your support with our signature, choose from the following:


To use this Signature, use the link : www.ApocalypseMir.com/Signature1.png


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To use this Signature, use the link : www.ApocalypseMir.com/Signature3.png


To use this Signature, use the link : www.ApocalypseMir.com/Signature4.png

Sneak Preview of
the Autopatcher(To be released before launch)
Last edited:


May 17, 2017
Do we have an auction house in this server, also the fees for each trade? Also wanna know how many pets can wiz tame and is there a list of mobs that can be tamed? Also How long will the taming pets last? Thank you


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 26, 2015
Saudi Arabia
I still want to see a solid answer about how hard this server gonna be in terms of exp and items drop rate
Like i wish the drop chance of some items is rare for example GreatPowerAxe or JugdmentMace not being equipped by any warrior who hits their leves to give the player more content to do, so the farm increases and a longevity for the items they obtained and to not just replace them once they hit the level for a specific item since the items all over the ground (in some low rate servers this did happen)
Wish you get my question and point
Sorry if theres is any grammer mistakes. English is my second language
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